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Pure Brahmin hotel

It points to the fact that certain sports require wealth to become expert at. And no one denies that Black people on an average are less wealthy than whites. There are enough blacks in athletics and basketball and boxing

Similarly no one denies that the average Brahmin is better off than the average dalit. The OP is trying to point to a systematic discrimination through the example of a Brahmin only restaurant, which actually in the context of eating is rather puerile, because it is not a "Only Brahmin will eat here" restaurant. OP is also deliberately trying to be oblivious to the fact that cuisine in India is often characterised through caste - Nati (Gowda / Reddy) cuisine, Maratha cuisine, Brahmin cuisine, Mudaliar cuisine and so on. These cuisines are more or less in the hands of their respective castes till today. They are not meant to depict exclusion, but expertise.
Ok bro. Cast discrimination does not exist in India. The Moslems & British created the caste system. Caste based discrimination is a figment of my imagination.
what are you then ?

pliz telling caste
no caste no religion no god
Ok bro. Cast discrimination does not exist in India. The Moslems & British created the caste system. Caste based discrimination is a figment of my imagination.
No. There are other things I wrote too, but you chose to read what you wanted to read.
I am not sure I follow. This is not a restaurant where only Brahmins are permitted to eat. It is a restaurant where all the cooks are Brahmin. Btw, in south India, Brahmin cuisine refers to a particular style of cooking. That is all. In modern times anyone might pick up that technique, but apparently in this restaurant the tradition continues.

There are plenty of videos on youtube where people are gushing over Muslim cuisine, Anglo Indian food and Parsi food cooked by parsis. They take it to be a mark of authenticity. That is all
Then the OP is misrepresenting it and I will retract what I said.

Because if it is a Brahmin only to ENSURE authentic cuisine ( although it goes to argue as well that any good chef can also do that sort of cuisine) then it isn’t discriminatory in the traditional sense. There are restaurants who will employ xyz nationality only because they are from the area and hence understand it regardless of whether an outsider is an excellent cook or not. That doesn’t make it right but it is a safer bet for the cuisine served in general.

Now, if the same Brahmins apply this sort of discrimination in hiring python developers from Brahmin castes then they are discriminating and there are no two ways about it.
If muslims can have pure halal hotel or hotel which does not serve pork why not brahmins have pure hotel where brahmins are not served impure food touched by meat eating people . Everyone is free to follow and preserve dharma .
Muslims don't bar other Muslims working in their Muslim halal restaurants.

Bramens don't want other Hindus to work in their restaurants.

When Hindu Rashtra is declared, Bramens will prohibit Shudras and Dalits from entering 'their' temples.

Samjha ki nahi bhaiyye bhopali.

FYI. Most Bramens eat meat and drink alcohol. Visit your nearest bar and find out for yourself.
The Brahmin restaurant is quite good. It is a certain style of cooking, certain types of dishes and there is certainly an association of purity in the ingredients and process. After seeing how many restaurants, even high-mid range ones (don't) monitor kitchen (in India, in US, in France, in UK), sure I will prefer and pay extra if such hygiene is guaranteed via a Brahmin brand.

In fact in Tamilnadu I have heard quite commonly people say "oh, the food is prepared so well like in a Iyer kitchen" (Iyer being type of Brahmin). Regardless of caste they say it.

Now some good for nothing losers may object to anything Brahmin such as is happening in this thread but I sincerely hope such so called "Brahmin kitchens" do keep up the hygiene, purity and deliciousness of the dishes. And not go smockblog heavy on ghee over ghee over ghee.

And sure, Brahmins are over represented in many spheres; so what ? They have slogged studied learnt and come up and earn their millions and crores. And there are also millions of Brahmins who are paid a measly Rs250 to Rs 2000 (per month!) for performing temple pujas.

I recall a conversation with one of the loudmouth VCK 2nd rung leaders some time ago. (VCK is one of the political parties that say they represent dalits and other lower caste people) - I asked him how long does he think it will take for the so called suppressed community people to feel unsuppressed. He said never.

It doesn't matter how poor most Brahmins are, how rich the lower & non-caste are. Some of their leaders have one issue - this anti-brahmin rhetroic; if they let go of that they lose their livelihood.

And the losers that take those leaders to heart use the same issue as the reason for their own inadequacies and failures.
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