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Part of Quaid-i-Azam House wall demolished in phases


May 12, 2009
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Part of Quaid-i-Azam House wall demolished in phases
Bhagwandas | Metropolitan > Karachi | From the Newspaper (8 hours ago) Today

KARACHI, Feb 3: The army has demolished the boundary wall of the Quaid-i-Azam House Museum — a national monument which is protected under the heritage conservation and protection of antiquities laws — despite the Sindh Culture Department requests to the contrary, it emerged on Friday.

Sources said the demolition of the beautiful stone structure had been carried out in phases by Corps V though the culture department had asked army officers, including a colonel, not to carry out such activities on the premises protected under the laws.

Located at the junction of Sharea Faisal and Fatima Jinnah Road, the beautiful ground-plus-one-storey structure was designed by M.
Somake and constructed with Gizri sandstone in the second half of the 19th century.

During a recent visit to the Quaid-i-Azam House, the boundary wall of the historical building was found partly replaced by an iron grill.

It emerged that after the demolition of a block of the wall and replacing it with the grill last week, the work had been stopped for a few days.

On Friday morning, the demolition team reappeared on the premises and started razing another block of the wall. However, they left after damaging part of it, said museum staffers.

The Quaid-i-Azam House is protected under the federal government’s Antiquities Act 1975 as well as the Sindh Cultural Heritage Act, which do not allow such activities in the protected sites and prescribe long prison terms and heavy fines for violators, according to reliable sources.

According to the laws, anybody, including the owner who destroys, removes, injures, alters, defaces a protected heritage maintained by the government under this act, or in respect of which agreement has been executed under Section 8, shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years or a fine which may extend to Rs100,000 or with both.

‘No permission granted’

Responding to Dawn queries, Sindh Culture Department Director Qasim Ali Qasim said: “The Quaid-i-Azam House Museum is a protected heritage site and the department cannot allow its destruction.”

He said the department had not given any permission to anybody, including Corps V of the Pakistan Army, to demolish the boundary wall of the protected site, which was a violation of the conservation acts.

The director said that the museum in charge had sent an incomplete report to him regarding the destruction. He had directed the official to submit the comprehensive report after which further action on this ‘very serious’ matter would be taken.

The sources said that official in charge of the museum Naheed Zehra, in her report on the subject “Damage caused to boundary wall by the headquarters Engineers 5 Corps”, had regretted that the boundary wall in front of the main gate of the Quaid-i-Azam Museum had been damaged.

It had been “will fully broken by the Headquarters Engineers 5-Corps” though they were instructed not to do that, the report stated.

It added that Col Atif was briefed about the procedure of initiating work on the protected site for which they had to take prior permission from the competent authority. But instead of obtaining the permission, “they have broken the wall” of the national monument, the report stated.

In her report, she urged the department to take necessary action against those responsible for the “will full destruction caused to the national monument by headquarters Engineers 5-Corps”.

Historical significance

Built in the second half of the 19th century, the bungalow front façade is embellished with finely chiselled and carved features and rest of the structure in hammer-dressed stone masonry.

In 1943, the Quaid-i-Azam visited the building with the intention of acquiring it. Though owned by Sorab Kavasji and Dina Katrak, the bungalow had been requisitioned as the residence of General Hind, GOC.

The purchase deed in the name of “Mr. Mohammadali Jinnah, Barrister at Law, Bombay,” was registered in March 1944 and after the partition of the subcontinent the Quaid’s belongings and furniture were brought here from his houses in Delhi and Bombay.

Following his death, his sister Fatima Jinnah lived here from 1948 to 1964. Afterwards the bungalow lay neglected until 1985 when it was finally acquired by the government, restored and declared as a national monument as the Quaid-i-Azam House Museum.

(Historical details of the Quaid-i-Azam House Museum (Flag Staff House) courtesy Yasmeen Lari’s book “The Dual City: Karachi During the Raj.”

Part of Quaid-i-Azam House wall demolished in phases | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM
Very Sad. Its shameful act, Someone must intervene and stop that practice before this hstorical building is demolished completely. Culprits ' army officers+others' must be punished.
truly brainless creatures who did it, brought more shame to Pakistan Army.... would suggest to put these guys in front of the shooting squad and send them to hell for good !!
A lot of these people have ideological differences to what Jinnah preached and wanted for Pakistan. Thus, they would not think twice before removing Jinnah's mark on this nation in any way possible.

Children and followers (yield most power in Pakistan now) of men who called Jinnah Kafir-e-Azam and Pakistan Napakistan follow in the footsteps of their leaders in not caring for this nation.

I recall that in the 60's Gohar and Tahir Ayub had a dog called Fatima to spite and malign Fatima Jinnah. If this was their hate for the Jinnah's, then you can imagine their thoughts on Pakistan.
I find this unbelievable and shocking. Has anybody raised this matter in court? Has ISPR been approached and asked to comment on the matter? Has the Sindh Assembly been informed. The reporter must belong to some constituency in Karachi or for that matter anyone else from Dawn who can bring it to any of the ministers.

Dawn has got quite a say in Pakistan, it is a major News paper with TV channel and what not.
So just report something, fill the paper space make Hoo Haa and forget about it... Dawn claims to be our Quid-e-Azam’s news paper our first English news daily since Pakistan was founded.

Why doesn’t this news report say that they have made sure that their voice goes to the right people to investigate the issue. Why haven’t they approached the court Police and any ministers... Hell go to Nawaz Sharif he wants to Seattle some scores... take the documentary and Photographic evidence to National assembly.... everything in Pakistan seems to be Money centric these days.. rating.. Getting into assembly in the next election... toppling Govt. Sales of news papers tabloids. TV littered with absolute crap.. short attention span ... it’s a joke.

Our media has even forgotten about those guys who were beaten up and then burnt alive in middle of a road in presence of Police infront of crowd of hundreds... people making video of the act laughing and scratching their behinds while watching all of tht... it was done during the time the current CJ was out of office... and this position hungry CJ just cashed on that incident saying, if I was around then people wouldn’t have dispensed their own crude form of justice.

I was disgusted to see that atrocity and the way Media just used it for ratings.

Shame on us.

P.S. dear OP you being part of Think Tank on this forum, do you know anyone from media or people who can check the validity of this report and take the matter into attention of Police , Court and local Minister of the constituency?
Comment From Dawn.com
Zohaib abbasi says:
February 4, 2012 (4 weeks ago) at 9:57 pm
Much ado about nothing. Just saw it today, it actually looks better. A lot of people previously had no idea what beautiful architecture was behind those big walls. Now they will be encouraged to go and visit it.
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