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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

Brother koi scheme nai, it is hard work combined with smart work. I am talking about iOS apps development and freelancing. below is my part time work.
View attachment 645447

I withdraw my offer.
Great MashaAllah, Allah aur barkat de.

I have been thinking to enter iOS dev since long even though I am not academically related to CS but mindset is still inclined...

Could you give me a summary of footsteps to learn iOS dev ?
Great MashaAllah, Allah aur barkat de.

I have been thinking to enter iOS dev since long even though I am not academically related to CS but mindset is still inclined...

Could you give me a summary of footsteps to learn iOS dev ?
It is easy (not very easy). There is a complete course about iOS developer on udemy. I have purchased it, you can take it from me (of course without any cost). https://www.udemy.com/course/ios-13-app-development-bootcamp/ This course is complete and you will be junior ios developer after completing this course. you need nothing else.
Brother koi scheme nai, it is hard work combined with smart work. I am talking about iOS apps development and freelancing. below is my part time work.
View attachment 645447

I withdraw my offer.
I am also on fiverr was lvl 1 but have to cancel 3 orders because of my mother passing away this month so my delivery time is in red 89%.
my fiverr account is completely destroyed because i am super lazy
yeah fiverr is a little crazy right now no order for 2 weeks and then 4 order at a same time next week also they have made so many sub categories that your gig might not show on first page.
Are u on upwork my account got disable think of starting thier too but its costly there.
yeah fiverr is a little crazy right now no order for 2 weeks and then 4 order at a same time next week also they have made so many sub categories that your gig might not show on first page.
Are u on upwork my account got disable think of starting thier too but its costly there.
Brother with full time job, fiverr is more that sufficient. i have account on upwork, but i don't have time for that.
Sound's like how my life/family going through. Today I was talking to my mate he also mentioned ruqiya. I would suggest also do wet cupping that helps a lot. It improved my health for some time but in my case, I have to do it monthly but I have not been going due to health and work issues. I would suggest buy a small tape and play surahs in the house. This is common among Azad Kashmir ppl - black magic. Yesterday my uncle told me that he is going to get someone to do sav/kitab on me to find what it is.

At least I got members here relating to me and we can chat and try to solve it.
1.marriage visa issues
2.job issues
3.health issues very bad
4.sibling fight
5. arguments with parents hardcore
6. bad energy - where you attract bad ppl to you.
7.timimng of your projects or things to do is against you something will happen and you will fail.
8.brain fog or I sometimes forget simple instructions given by someone.

I am from Azad Kashmir as well. Bro you need to start doing ruqyah,
start praying namaz and quran in the house, especially surah baqarah.
Do not go to any amils, they are either fake or magicians.

It looks like you are in a very hard situation.

1 - You can't leave that place.
2 - You can't sever your relations with your aunts.
3 - You have panic attacks when you pray.

It is a difficult situation.

You have to sit in the company of good knowldgeable people. Don't go to an aamil, he will not be able to help you. As I told you, the solution is long, but it starts from salaat, nothing less.

Since you have mentioned about really bad panic attacks, let me tell you that 20 years back I was in a similar situation. The panic attacks were so bad that I passed out a couple of times during those panic attacks.. I saw many doctors, many amils etc.. no one could help.. Doctors even had to conduct certain tests on my brain to check some kind of imbalance (I don't remember the details).

The only thing I remember was that I made Allah extremely angry due to my certain acts (people shouldn't jump after reading this.. it has nothing to do with zina etc).. I couldn't pray at home.. It was like Allah Himself was so angry that He wouldn't give me strength to pray. Imagine a situation when you know that you have made Allah angry and then you are not even able to pray.. It felt like I will die when I do Sajda.. Started seeing things.. But I didn't leave my tries.. I started going to masjid to pray.. wept, cried.. sometimes alone in the mosque after Isha prayers.. Things improved after that..

No doctor/ aalim could help me.. Only prayers and asking forgiveness helped.

Thanks for sharing these brother, yup I think @Starlord must keep trying to pray. Getting panic attack during praying is very serious problem. I hope Starlord fix this issue first by keep praying although he feels uncomfortable during praying. That 5 times praying needs to be done particularly when we are under God punishment in order to get His forgiveness.

And being able to pray to Him is a blessed thing because many people in this world are prevented to worship Him.

From what I have experienced during my life time I can say that Allah is really Ar-Rauf. He may give us Adzab but if we keep praying and ask for forgiveness, He will likely to accept our repent and forgive us.

Ar-Rauf is one of the attribute of ALLAH according to Quran.


The Most Kind, The Tenderly Merciful, The Clement and Compassionate
The One who bestows boundless clemency, tenderness and affection.

The One who shows the utmost compassion, pity and tender mercy.

The One whose gentleness, kindness and mercy are beyond understanding.

From the root r-a'-f which has the following classical Arabic connotations:

to be kind, gentle, clement
to be merciful, compassionate
to show pity
to show tenderness

This name is used in the Qur'ān. For example, see 22:65

The term Ra'ūf indicates tender affection and is regarded as the utmost mercy and compassion, the ultimate limit of ar-Rahīm. The meaning is similar to ar-Rahīm, but focuses attention on the utmost tenderness, kindness and affection which accompanies the outpouring of mercy and compassion.

This music with the translation, I hope, can improve our closeness with Allah.

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I'm a licensed therapist.

I've been taking Ufrim 20 if you know about the pill , it helps a lot but my doctor left for USA and no idea when she is going to return , few months back the panic attacks return and this time a new symptom appear like a burning sensation around the body followed up by cold shivers and vibration in my jaws kinda weird .. So i restarted taking Ufrim without the doc, Hope its not dangerous .

hey Also, can you please Thread ban few members as they are constantly going off topic ? much appreciated .
It looks like some one knows you very well, intentionally troubling you. It could be doubt in your mind keep on bothering you. My suggestion is engage continuously in some study or topic. Get a noice cancelling head phone, listen to music continuously till it is clear. After that you can start practicing some meditation.
It will improve your life significantly. Don't move out from your parents, If no one observing you continuously then you might take some drastic steps which has bigger problem.

رزق حلال کمائیں اور کھائیں ہمیشہ کوشش کریں کہ پاک صاف رہیں ناپاک کپڑے نہ پہنے جب بھی موقع ملے اللہ کی حمد و ثنا کریں اور یہ دل میں یقین پختہ کر لیں کہ اللہ کے سوا دنیا میں کوئی کچھ بھی نہیں کر سکتا جب دل میں کوئی وسوسہ آئے تو سورہ ناس پڑھ لیا کریں اسکے بعد اللہ تعالٰی سے وسسوں سے محفوظ رکھنے کی دل سے دُعا کریں اس نیت کے ساتھ کے اللہ تعالی کریں گے جو بھی ہوگا کسی بشر کی مرضی سے کُچھ بھی نہیں ہوگا دنیا کا کوئی بھی جادو آپ کا کام نہیں کرے گا جو ہے وہ سب اللہ کی مرضی سے ہوتا باقی سب آزمائش ہے کسی بھی با بے عالم پیر فقیر سے بچ کے رہیں، ،ماں باپ سے گھر کے بزرگوں سے اچھے رویہ اختیار کریں انکو اپنے لیئے دعا کا کہا کریں حسبِ توفق روز صدقۃ دیا کریں چاہے وہ دس روپے کیوں نا ہوں سوتے وقت اعوذ باللہ اور بسم اللہ پڑھ کر اس کے بعد آیت الکرسی پڑھ کے سویا کریں،قرآن شریف کی آیات مبارکہ یا سورہ مبارکہ پڑھنے کے بعد بھی دل میں دعا کیا کریں کیونکہ پھونکنے سے کچھ نہیں ہوگا دعا کیا کریں کیونکہ اللہ نے خود فرمایا اللہُ سمیع اُد عا اور درود شریف پڑھیں،

Aala naseehat. Jazak Allahu khair.
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