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Iran puts Afghan Refugees in Cages for public display [Shaming]

Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation. These were illegals thought to be connected to drug smugglers, that's what they're being shamed for.
Even if those people are drug dealers . Do you really think that these people deserve such type of public humiliation and shaming?
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iran hangs people from cranes in public view , so such like behaviour is not that unexpected

And those whom Iran hangs in plane views are not simple illegals but criminals such as drug smugglers. You obviously lack the capacity to understand such a simple concept. Iran only puts criminal on such display and these guys were thought to have connection to drug smugglers.

Even if those people are drug dealers . Do you really think that these people such type of public humiliation and shaming?

Yes, given how much suffering such drug smuggling scums have brought to Iran. They deserve alot more if you ask me.
Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation.
NAh Ah over here they have large business and what not> bUt finally the govt is repatriating them back to their country

Even if those people are drug dealers . Do you really think that these people such type of public humiliation and shaming?
Their heads should be chopped off for destroying an entire generation. Not everyone accepts local Afghanistan opium culture well
Few of afghans show their class wherever they go hence causing problems for innocents who really need help. I really wish there was another way to help afghans but they have to go as pakistan cant accommodate namak harams. Both Karzai and Ghani held Pakistani passports yet these scums bark like mad dogs now. Ghani was a fucckin interpreter for Pakistani colonel when he lived in Pakistan.
@Bezerk why did you give a negative rating to my comment? How did it violate forum rules in any way?

@Slav Defence Why are some of these guy allowed to misuse their rating powers here and use negative rating to anyone, even though my post was directly in line with forum rules and regulation?
You misunderstood Pakistani's intentions on the thread------Which pointed more towards highlighting "Afghanis as persona non grata in other states" rather than "portraying Iran in bad light".........And despite your poor apprehension, you attacked Pakistani's and accused them of churning out this news with a mal intet. The news isnt even from a Pakistani source, yet you choose to target Pakistani's out of your hate. That my friend is a rating well deserved.
Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation. These were illegals thought to be connected to drug smugglers, that's what they're being shamed for.

Ahem ... this is what the Afghans are saying not the Pakistanis ;-)

And even the Afghans say that Pakistanis have treated them better than Iranians ...

Patriotism is the mind killer !
I went to an Afghan wedding last month in Toronto, there were Afghan talking bad about Pakistan. I Said I am sure all of you have lived in Pakistan for a long time and everyone said Yes. I asked tell me one thing at any point you felt like you were denied any opportunity and were treated differently than Pakistanis before the problem started in Ghani`s govt...they all went quiet.
Pakistanis are spreading the source even after I told a member the true nature of this incidence they still tried to defend the false news. And I am sure it is a surprise that it is Pakistanis trying to spread this news :lol:
It is a PAKISTANI site too, NO? We are trying to tap into diverging perspectives when it comes to Afghans and as it turns out we are not the only ones wary of their illegal activities. However your obsession with Pakistani's has only one explanation which i have already pointed out.
Imagin chabahar when it goes thru iran to afg for india how they gonna treat each other.. chabahar is flop unless Pak give them safe way ... india have no way to go to centeral asia unless they solve outstanding issues such as Kashmir, water, siachi and their army terrorists like kalboshan Aka the monkey.
Afghan sud build their country instead of following blindly india and their puppet hamid karzai..
Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation. These were illegals thought to be connected to drug smugglers, that's what they're being shamed for.

Who says Afghans aren't drug smugglers inside Pakistan? We have an army of Afghan drug smugglers. This treatment from the Iranians is an eye opener for those naive Pakistanis who adore Afghans. Don't think that we Pakistanis don't know how the Iranians mistreat Afghans by expelling them in record numbers. The whole world knows it. So much for brotherhood. Pakistan should do the same. Cage Afghans and throw them out. Shame them infront of everyone and send them back to Afghanistan.
Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation. These were illegals thought to be connected to drug smugglers, that's what they're being shamed for.

My dear labelling anyone a drug dealer or smuggler is modus oprehendi in Iran...Baloch rebels are also hanged on same pre text...

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