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Indian ANI asks Imran Khan a question in Tashkent (July 2021)

Even without watching the video I can tell IK's reply. "Kashmir insurgency is a freedom struggle not terrorism and it's indigenous," said IK.

nope, I think that he said the RSS terror gang is a hurdle on the road to peace and friendship between the two countries

indian: can talks and terror go together?
Pakistan PM: no, talks and RSS terror cannot go together
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What a unprofessional douche bag of a reporter......
We should expect that from filthy pajeets. But, why and how was he allowed to get this close to the PM? A serious breach of his personal security. By answering the vermin, PM ended up encouraging that stinky animal to run after him. Don't want to see another repeat of this episode.
It was in retaliation to decades of Pakistani propaganda.

All said and done Kashmir is with India. So who is the idiot?

When all else fails you cretin repeat the old “we only did because you did otherwise we were washed with milk”

The concept of India in tatters with communal and caste violence , a freedom movement is still going on from being nearly finished in 2012… the idiot is only one who thinks “all izz well”
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