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India won indo pak wrestling championship 7-1, 2 fights drawn.

Sire we did lose in cricket however our wins overall are more than India's. The same can be said about hockey as well. Am I missing your point here??

Oh no, your point is one that speaks to me, almost in a personal kind of way.

In Class XI, there were two English prizes awarded by the school, for Literature and for Language. I was in the running for both, as was the first boy of my class, far my superior on the whole, but giving me some room in the matter of English. The English Literature prize was decided first; I lost, since the other chap had more marks in the last (selection) tests than I (in all other tests that year, I was ahead). Ah, well, I had more marks in my selections in Language than did he. The result came out for him again, and this time, it was for whoever had the most accumulated marks in all exams that year! In other words, the most victories, not the last victory.

I get the point all right.

Ohhh boy.. The ones who gave their daughters families doesn't exist in Cureent day india.. Why do you think there are so many ranghar Raos and Ranas im Pakistan?
Ranghars are haryanvi... and there are several ranghars in haryana even today... Ranas are again muslim panjabis.

Yet the Maan Singhs,Jodhas, etc today live in india? ironic..

And afghan for all their bravado still couldn't realised who were the daalkhors who took away half if their pastun lands from them:police:
Which Afghans? Afghan is a term coined by Khushal Khan Khattak... a warrior poet buried on Pak soil... and whose kin you were quoting on previous posts!


There are more ETHNIC AFGHANs in Pak than entire population of afghanistan...

As for your daalkhor comment... ironic considering its used by afghanis who are the most malnurished people in south asia.. and live on onions,bread and qahwa smuggled from Panjab... :lol:
And dhimmis are the ones who were screwed so bad that they claim afghans, arabs, turks and persians as their ancestors all at the same time. :partay:

That is why you find so many quershis,pathans,persians in india... :lol:

In Pak we have Panjabi,Khowar,Pashtun/Afghan,Baluch,Sindhi,Hazara,Shina,Chugtai,Qazalbash,Sheen,Hunzai,Hindko,Potohari,Kashmiri,Shina etc...
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Ranghars are haryanvi... and there are several ranghars in haryana even today... Ranas are again muslim panjabis.

Yet the Maan Singhs,Jodhas, etc today live in india? ironic..

Which Afghans? Afghan is a term coined by Khushal Khan Khattak... a warrior poet buried on Pak soil... and whose kin you were quoting on previous posts!

There are more ETHNIC AFGHANs in Pak than entire population of afghanistan...

As for your daalkhor comment... ironic considering its used by afghanis who are the most malnurished people in south asia.. and live on onions,bread and qahwa smuggled from Panjab... :lol:

That us why you find so many quershis,pathans,persians in india... :lol:

In Pak we have Panjabi,Khowar,Pashtun/Afghan,Baluch,Sindhi,Hazara,Shina,Chugtai,Qazalbash,Sheen,Hunzai,Hindko,Potohari,Kashmiri,Shina etc...
All the jodha and all were from chauhan gotra of Rajputs.. Now asks any random ranghar of his gotra, most likely it will be Chauhan. All the weaklings have already left the fold.:angel::angel:

Afghans of Afghanistan, the real deal.
Isn't it the same poet who said kill anyone who says pashtuns and afghans are different? Well the poet himself explains it then.

From glorifying the afghans to calling them to most malnourished? That too in just one single post?

Couldn't blame the Qureshis and all currently living in india.. They were treated like crap when they were dalits.. They did the right thing for opting for a better life for themselves.:big_boss:
I am not a wrestling expert, although my grandfather was. I've wrestled and played kabaddi in village. Most Indians talking shit here, I can probably take down within 10 seconds. Unlike Indian athletes, I've never taken steroids, but unlike current Pakistani wrestling doctrine, I always focused more on technique than brute strength. Today, Indians have learned that technique can over power strength, but there is nobody to teach this to Pakistani pahlwaans. Pakistanis have more strength than Indian wrestlers, but they don't know how to utilize it.

They use simple physics to let weight and strength work against you, while most Pakistani wrestlers have not understood that concept yet.

Once they do, it's a rap for Indian pahlwaans.
Wake up from your dream :lol:
All the jodha and all were from chauhan gotra of Rajputs.. Now asks any random ranghar of his gotra, most likely it will be Chauhan. All the weaklings have already left the fold.:angel::angel:

Ranghars are not chauhans... u dumbass.... and your jodhas (almost every mughals mother was hindu)... were from rajhisthan.... and not haryana... and the families which gave their women ... aka rajhisthani hindus still live in india and are considered your "royals" ... while.. Ranghars and Mewats like Hassan Khan Mewati died in battle against mughal.
Afghans of Afghanistan, the real deal.
Isn't it the same poet who said kill anyone who says pashtuns and afghans are different? Well the poet himself explains it then.

Which afghans? which real deal? :lol: 55+% of afghanistans population is farsiwan,uzbek,hazara etc... and the 40% of which are pashtun... half of them speak a bastardised pashto variant influenced by farsi...:lol:

In KPK, they are hated... people dont even give them houses on rent... are considered criminals,prostitutes,pickpockets and druggies..lol:

From glorifying the afghans to calling them to most malnourished? That too in just one single post?

Your tiny brain cant comprehend sentences...

KPKs older name was afghania province too..:lol:

And afghani today is a nationality not an ethnicity like the old times..
Couldn't blame the Qureshis and all currently living in india.. They were treated like crap when they were dalits.. They did the right thing for opting for a better life for themselves.:big_boss:

Heard they still are treated like that... by a few real descendants of Pashtuns like Rohillas,Baluchs etc...

All the jodha and all were from chauhan gotra of Rajputs.. Now asks any random ranghar of his gotra, most likely it will be Chauhan. All the weaklings have already left the fold.:angel::angel:

Afghans of Afghanistan, the real deal.
Isn't it the same poet who said kill anyone who says pashtuns and afghans are different? Well the poet himself explains it then.

From glorifying the afghans to calling them to most malnourished? That too in just one single post?

Couldn't blame the Qureshis and all currently living in india.. They were treated like crap when they were dalits.. They did the right thing for opting for a better life for themselves.:big_boss:
There are hindu and sikh ranghars in india too.. infact entire muslim Ranghar villages are still found in Haryana today...:lol:

Ive met a few here in Pak too... they came to meet their relatives in Pakistan... and boasted about having prowess over others...:D

Or what about your hero prithvi raj chauhan? :lol:

He died an honorable death at the hands of Pashtuns... now you diss his entire generations..:lol:
Ranghars are not chauhans... u dumbass.... and your jodhas (almost every mughals mother was hindu)... were from rajhisthan.... and not haryana... and the families which gave their women ... aka rajhisthani hindus still live in india and are considered your "royals" ... while.. Ranghars and Mewats like Hassan Khan Mewati died in battle against mughal.

Which afghans? which real deal? :lol: 55+% of afghanistans population is farsiwan,uzbek,hazara etc... and the 40% of which are pashtun... half of them speak a bastardised pashto variant influenced by farsi...:lol:

In KPK, they are hated... people dont even give them houses on rent... are considered criminals,prostitutes,pickpockets and druggies..lol:

Your tiny brain cant comprehend sentences...

KPKs older name was afghania province too..:lol:

And afghani today is a nationality not an ethnicity like the old times..

Heard they still are treated like that... by a few real descendants of Pashtuns like Rohillas,Baluchs etc...

There are hindu and sikh ranghars in india too.. infact entire muslim Ranghar villages are still found in Haryana today...:lol:

Ive met a few here in Pak too... they came to meet their relatives in Pakistan... and boasted about having prowess over others...:D
Do you think ranghars originated from Haryana? No, all of them came from Rajasthan and you can ask them about their gotras. Ask 10 ranghar, then tell me how many of them were Chauhans.
And tell me which royal from from current day Rajasthan gave their women to mughals. Now don't say some of them fought for mughals.. Just say whom gave their daughters.

Lol i just quoted the same poet you were quoting, only certain quotes of him applies? o_Oo_O
It was not only kpk which was entire afghania, it includes current day Afghanistan too.. And the poet himself said kill anyone who says afghans and pashtuns are different :(:(:(

Nope, they form the majority of muslims so its the other way around.

And there are no hindu or sikh ranghar.. Ranghar is a Pakistani word for people speaking Haryanvi.. So yes, there are no hindu or Sikh ranghars.
And don't imagine some stories to counter me...i am not going to speak against those in your stories
Do you think ranghars originated from Haryana? No, all of them came from Rajasthan and you can ask them about their gotras. Ask 10 ranghar, then tell me how many of them were Chauhans.

Lmao... Ranghari is a haryanvi dialect... u ignorant fool...

And tell me which royal from from current day Rajasthan gave their women to mughals. Now don't say some of them fought for mughals.. Just say whom gave their daughters.

Wasnt Jodha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kachwaha .. :lol:
A Kachwaha family ruled at Amber, which later became known as the Jaipur State.They were chiefs at Amber and in 1561 sought support from Akbar, the Mughal emperor. The then chief, Bharamail Kachwaha, was formally recognised as a Raja and was invested into the Mughal nobility in return for him giving his daughter to Akbar's harem.
Lol i just quoted the same poet you were quoting, only certain quotes of him applies? o_Oo_O
It was not only kpk which was entire afghania, it includes current day Afghanistan too.. And the poet himself said kill anyone who says afghans and pashtuns are different :(:(:(
So we will have to kill 60% of afghanistans population..:lol:
Nope, they form the majority of muslims so its the other way around.

And there are no hindu or sikh ranghar.. Ranghar is a Pakistani word for people speaking Haryanvi.. So yes, there are no hindu or Sikh ranghars.
And don't imagine some stories to counter me...i am not going to speak against those in your stories
BULLSHYT... Here is a discussion on an indian forum... find ur ranghar sikh n hindu brothers:


And ranghari itself is a different lingo than haryanvi.. u fool..

Again insulting your own people... Prithvi raj chouhan must be rollin in his grave. :D
Came back after some hard and tedious spreadsheet jockeying and nearly died of laughter.

What an end to a cheerful little thread! It started so innocently, and with a little teasing, both ways, and it's now so heavy and elemental.
Lmao... Ranghari is a haryanvi dialect... u ignorant fool...

Wasnt Jodha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kachwaha .. :lol:
A Kachwaha family ruled at Amber, which later became known as the Jaipur State.They were chiefs at Amber and in 1561 sought support from Akbar, the Mughal emperor. The then chief, Bharamail Kachwaha, was formally recognised as a Raja and was invested into the Mughal nobility in return for him giving his daughter to Akbar's harem.

So we will have to kill 60% of afghanistans population..:lol:

BULLSHYT... Here is a discussion on an indian forum... find ur ranghar sikh n hindu brothers:


And ranghari itself is a different lingo than haryanvi.. u fool..

Again insulting your own people... Prithvi raj chouhan must be rollin in his grave. :D
Go read about jodha then, not just movie.
Was she a rajput princess? Or some daroga women? Or some foreigner in Kachwaha kingdoms asylum.

Fool is someone who can't counter with facts and comes back with one liner.. I have already said, ask 10 random ranghars.. Then tell me how many of them says Chouhan is their gotra.:toast_sign:

Ranghar hindu and sikh? Its rajput hindu and sikhs who didn't convert despite facing some very tough times.. And those are the ones who still have desi first names.. Not only surnames.:yahoo:

And just ask a ranghar himself how raghar language is different than Haryanvi..

And don't blame me in the end for diverting this thread.
No ones believes in your self imagined prowess.. No matter if you bring history, height or whatever.

Lmao... Ranghari is a haryanvi dialect... u ignorant fool...

Wasnt Jodha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kachwaha .. :lol:
A Kachwaha family ruled at Amber, which later became known as the Jaipur State.They were chiefs at Amber and in 1561 sought support from Akbar, the Mughal emperor. The then chief, Bharamail Kachwaha, was formally recognised as a Raja and was invested into the Mughal nobility in return for him giving his daughter to Akbar's harem.

So we will have to kill 60% of afghanistans population..:lol:

BULLSHYT... Here is a discussion on an indian forum... find ur ranghar sikh n hindu brothers:


And ranghari itself is a different lingo than haryanvi.. u fool..

Again insulting your own people... Prithvi raj chouhan must be rollin in his grave. :D
Better luck killing 60% Afghans... They are the real brothers of your pashtuns as the poet himself said.
Obviously not something from Pakistani wrestling association. They randomly invited Pakistani expat workers in Dubai to take part and they lost.
Go read about jodha then, not just movie.
Was she a rajput princess? Or some daroga women? Or some foreigner in Kachwaha kingdoms asylum.

Fool is someone who can't counter with facts and comes back with one liner.. I have already said, ask 10 random ranghars.. Then tell me how many of them says Chouhan is their gotra.:toast_sign:

Ranghar hindu and sikh? Its rajput hindu and sikhs who didn't convert despite facing some very tough times.. And those are the ones who still have desi first names.. Not only surnames.:yahoo:

And just ask a ranghar himself how raghar language is different than Haryanvi..

And don't blame me in the end for diverting this thread.
No ones believes in your self imagined prowess.. No matter if you bring history, height or whatever.

Better luck killing 60% Afghans... They are the real brothers of your pashtuns as the poet himself said.
Now lie and fake an orgasm like sunny leone as much as you want.. wont change reality.

Jodha was a hindu princess ... just like multiple hindu rajput princesses given to mughals by hindu rajput kings for their benefits.. :lol:
Now lie and fake an orgasm like sunny leone as much as you want.. wont change reality.

Jodha was a hindu princess ... just like multiple hindu rajput princesses given to mughals by hindu rajput kings for their benefits.. :lol:
Alternate reality cannot be built this easily.. Keep on trying.
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