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India won indo pak wrestling championship 7-1, 2 fights drawn.

Coz no one gives penny under horseshyt about it. Even Computer games championship have more following than squash.
and another problem is that you cant playi t in your slums so I agree with you its not sports
I am not a wrestling expert, although my grandfather was. I've wrestled and played kabaddi in village. Most Indians talking shit here, I can probably take down within 10 seconds. Unlike Indian athletes, I've never taken steroids, but unlike current Pakistani wrestling doctrine, I always focused more on technique than brute strength. Today, Indians have learned that technique can over power strength, but there is nobody to teach this to Pakistani pahlwaans. Pakistanis have more strength than Indian wrestlers, but they don't know how to utilize it.

They use simple physics to let weight and strength work against you, while most Pakistani wrestlers have not understood that concept yet.

Once they do, it's a rap for Indian pahlwaans.
I am not a wrestling expert, although my grandfather was. I've wrestled and played kabaddi in village. Most Indians talking shit here, I can probably take down within 10 seconds. Unlike Indian athletes, I've never taken steroids, but unlike current Pakistani wrestling doctrine, I always focused more on technique than brute strength. Today, Indians have learned that technique can over power strength, but there is nobody to teach this to Pakistani pahlwaans. Pakistanis have more strength than Indian wrestlers, but they don't know how to utilize it.

They use simple physics to let weight and strength work against you, while most Pakistani wrestlers have not understood that concept yet.

Once they do, it's a rap for Indian pahlwaans.
In all the videos it were the indian wrestlers who packed more muscles than Pakistanis.. So don't know how can you say we won only because of technique.
In all the videos it were the indian wrestlers who packed more muscles than Pakistanis.. So don't know how can you say we won only because of technique.

Only someone that has never wrestled before in their life will say that muscle is more important than technique.
Never saw an ad for this championship.
Congrats to Indian team.
The shortest indians are the North East guys and they are also the toughest.. Whats your point?

So tough there women protest naked infront of indian army camps...

Well it were rough but i think i still have indian first name with my desi surname.. Not some arab, turkish, afghan or persian first name with some soomro, Choudhury, gujjar, bajwa etc:p::p:
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ;)
Neither did your kind who married their women to mughals.... they still retain their "names".

And the point wasnt to make retarded babies like you... but to occupy your land and make you dhimmis ... which was a success..

And soomros etc ruled Sindh for hundreds of years... unlike your kind... which came to grips only after 47.

Bwtn the other guy you are replying to is Pashtun aka Afghan.... ask him if his elders were there for chicks or to build empires...
You lose in cricket, you lose in hockey, you lose in football, you wouldn't stand the chances of a man with one wooden leg in badminton, but you don't lose in wrestling because your match fees are too high.

Got it.
Sire we did lose in cricket however our wins overall are more than India's. The same can be said about hockey as well. Am I missing your point here??
Neither did your kind who married their women to mughals.... they still retain their "names".

And the point wasnt to make retarded babies like you... but to occupy your land and make you dhimmis ... which was a success..

And soomros etc ruled Sindh for hundreds of years... unlike your kind... which came to grips only after 47.

Bwtn the other guy you are replying to is Pashtun aka Afghan.... ask him if his elders were there for chicks or to build empires...
Ohhh boy.. The ones who gave their daughters families doesn't exist in Cureent day india.. Why do you think there are so many ranghar Raos and Ranas im Pakistan?
And afghan for all their bravado still couldn't realised who were the daalkhors who took away half if their pastun lands from them:police:
No ones denies we suffered but we were strong enough the stop the islamic march eastwards from sindh and punjab.. Right from the 7th century itself in battle of Rajasthan.
And dhimmis are the ones who were screwed so bad that they claim afghans, arabs, turks and persians as their ancestors all at the same time. :partay:
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