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How China Banned Ramadan

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You desperately want to believe fake news from CIA funded separatist group. Don't you? Are you a terrorist?

i was going to say that but then everybody says how can it be cia. i read this many times that cia are promoting this to bring disunity.
For once, PDF Wahabbis and Indians are fighting on the same side. :D
what do problems of poverty and other economic issues in India have to do with China banning ramzan ?
In China, when we think of germany. Will think of the rigorous attitude of Germany, as well as advanced manufacturing level. Whenever we think of the United States, we will think of the economic development and the Hollywood, as well as the NBA. Whenever we think of Japan, we will think of funny cartoon and polite people. When we think about England, we think of Shakespeare and Kate... Whenever we think of India, only... World 3/1 of the poor in India, 5/1 of children with malnutrition in India, minutes per 20 minutes of rape in India, 2010-2013 crashed 30 planes in India... PS, China didn't tell me that. I know these things I see from the India website. Chinese society does not pay attention to India. Even in China, Reality TV, India friends are also the most ridiculed, but the Chinese people have never laughed at the Indians, only the same to participate in China's Reality TV of the British and Americans often so.... China has not forgotten how good India, but the best place in India is not known to the world...
For once, PDF Wahabbis and Indians are fighting on the same side. :D
just a bit of harmless fun in hopes of opening our western neighbour's eyes to the goings on in sweeter than honeystan. :D

In China, when we think of germany. Will think of the rigorous attitude of Germany, as well as advanced manufacturing level. Whenever we think of the United States, we will think of the economic development and the Hollywood, as well as the NBA. Whenever we think of Japan, we will think of funny cartoon and polite people. When we think about England, we think of Shakespeare and Kate... Whenever we think of India, only... World 3/1 of the poor in India, 5/1 of children with malnutrition in India, minutes per 20 minutes of rape in India, 2010-2013 crashed 30 planes in India... PS, China didn't tell me that. I know these things I see from the India website. Chinese society does not pay attention to India. Even in China, Reality TV, India friends are also the most ridiculed, but the Chinese people have never laughed at the Indians, only the same to participate in China's Reality TV of the British and Americans often so.... China has not forgotten how good India, but the best place in India is not known to the world...
and what does any of that have to do with China banning ramzan ? :)
what do problems of poverty and other economic issues in India have to do with China banning ramzan ?
Insecure slave is trying to save Image of His Master.
Insecure slave is trying to save Image of His Master.
he's all over the place, 'rigorous' attitude of Germany, Shakespeare, Hollywood, funny Japanese cartoons :lol:

nothing about the subject at hand, that China banned ramzan, which tbh, I have 0 problem with, in fact I quite admire how they can crush dissent and ban religion if there are genuine security fears. I'm all for freedoms but it's ok in certain rare circumstances to be authoritarian for the greater good imo.
Extreme Muslim must go. Moderate and peaceful are welcome.
How do you differentiate Extremist from Moderate from general Population. It is not likely that he will come and say, Hey there i am extremist?

You can to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and practice of the freedom of religious belief, can also go to USA, Turkey and Israel to practice their faith freedom. China has not closed the door on you left. If you think China and some advice and suggestions, hinders your practice of the freedom of religious belief, please leave. Just go to any country. Thank you. Please leave. You make China's western poor and backward. We don't want to keep any of the Muslims.

You can to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and practice of the freedom of religious belief, can also go to USA, Turkey and Israel to practice their faith freedom. China has not closed the door on you left. If you think China and some advice and suggestions, hinders your practice of the freedom of religious belief, please leave. Just go to any country. Thank you. Please leave. You make China's western poor and backward. We don't want to keep any of the Muslims.

We really did not stop Muslims from leaving China. We welcome all Muslims to leave China. Please leave China all. If they want to Syria to participate in is, as you said, China to stop them to Syria to practice their faith, then as international obligations, China should shoot them, do not need to waste in the United States and Russia of the bomb. You are just going to Syria to practice the freedom of faith, why the United States bombing? Do you believe in freedom of practice, including the killing of innocent hostages and civilians? You don't understand, what caused the American planes to bomb you. Roll bar!! You are not fit to exist in human society.
By the way, President Obama's brother has been living in China for 12 years.
I am very curious, you are the biggest open air toilet, failed the country, unexpectedly still exist in this world.
Extremely Immature Reply
just a bit of harmless fun in hopes of opening our western neighbour's eyes to the goings on in sweeter than honeystan. :D

and what does any of that have to do with China banning ramzan ? :)
In China, it is forbidden to split the country. It is forbidden to violate the law. You must obey the law strictly. Whether you are the general's son, or you are the general, the governor, the mayor, the people's congress. Once you find your corruption, will be arrested immediately, only in 2014, Xi Jinping was elected president of the country, the Hu Jintao developed all the policies to overthrow, a large number of arrests of corruption officials. About 20000 corrupt officials have been arrested. Xi Jinping pursued Bismarck type policy, the huge warships open to the South China sea... The he won the support rate, because in the era of Hu Jintao, Vietnam and the Philippines warships brazenly into Chinese waters, aroused the Chinese people angry, but Hu Jintao still restraint, exacerbated social discontent, in China's microblogging, insulted the Chinese people more and more of the Communist Party, abusive Hu. Called him a coward and traitor. The Chinese government is forced to carry out military exercises in order to appease domestic sentiment... India friends, we China not only on the network to criticize the government, but also took to the streets to protest demonstrations. In Dongguan, Xiamen in Maoming, there were large demonstrations against the PX project, the government eventually backed down, suspend the construction of PX project. In Shenzhen, Kunming, a demonstration against the construction of large waste incineration plants. The government once again... Is that what you want to know? I think we still have a lot of freedom...

How do you differentiate Extremist from Moderate from general Population. It is not likely that he will come and say, Hey there i am extremist?

Extremely Immature Reply
I'm sorry, I'm a little irritated, because he's an insult to my country,
In China, it is forbidden to split the country. It is forbidden to violate the law. You must obey the law strictly. Whether you are the general's son, or you are the general, the governor, the mayor, the people's congress. Once you find your corruption, will be arrested immediately, only in 2014, Xi Jinping was elected president of the country, the Hu Jintao developed all the policies to overthrow, a large number of arrests of corruption officials. About 20000 corrupt officials have been arrested. Xi Jinping pursued Bismarck type policy, the huge warships open to the South China sea... The he won the support rate, because in the era of Hu Jintao, Vietnam and the Philippines warships brazenly into Chinese waters, aroused the Chinese people angry, but Hu Jintao still restraint, exacerbated social discontent, in China's microblogging, insulted the Chinese people more and more of the Communist Party, abusive Hu. Called him a coward and traitor. The Chinese government is forced to carry out military exercises in order to appease domestic sentiment... India friends, we China not only on the network to criticize the government, but also took to the streets to protest demonstrations. In Dongguan, Xiamen in Maoming, there were large demonstrations against the PX project, the government eventually backed down, suspend the construction of PX project. In Shenzhen, Kunming, a demonstration against the construction of large waste incineration plants. The government once again... Is that what you want to know? I think we still have a lot of freedom...
that's fine, I never said China are behind an iron curtain or crazy commies like DPRK but you did ban ramzan because of suspected security fears or whatever and that's ok, at least admit it.
he's all over the place, 'rigorous' attitude of Germany, Shakespeare, Hollywood, funny Japanese cartoons :lol:

nothing about the subject at hand, that China banned ramzan, which tbh, I have 0 problem with, in fact I quite admire how they can crush dissent and ban religion if there are genuine security fears. I'm all for freedoms but it's ok in certain rare circumstances to be authoritarian for the greater good imo.
I admire the younger brother of President Obama, who has lived in China for 12 years! OMG, doesn't he know that China is free? Doesn't he know that China is a violation of human rights??? Doesn't he know that the Indians in China Reality TV is like a clown?? Always be laughed at by the Americans and the british...:yahoo:

that's fine, I never said China are behind an iron curtain or crazy commies like DPRK but you did ban ramzan because of suspected security fears or whatever and that's ok, at least admit it.
Dear friends in India, Chinese, as long as you don't break the law, you are free. Vilifying the Communist Party would not have been arrested and abusive Xi Jinping is shit would not have been arrested, the famous Chinese dissidents is Mao Yushi, Zhi 茅于轼,Qiang Ren, 任志强,Bai Yansong, 白岩松,they are still living in China, there are still in the public eye, still in micro Bo to interact with others. However, it is best not to incite riots, secession, or try to kill innocent civilians. As Muslims, please leave China, we don't hurt you, please don't hurt us.
that's fine, I never said China are behind an iron curtain or crazy commies like DPRK but you did ban ramzan because of suspected security fears or whatever and that's ok, at least admit it.
I hear you Indians have a monthly income of only poor 9000 - 8000 rupees, is this true? OMG... Tibet's basic wage is 14000 rupees, the lowest level in china. This is the India friends said, in China TV Reality, which caused MC to be polite Chinese only set the whole room roaring with laughter... PS, which is the youth of 11 countries to participate in China's Reality TV.
I hear you Indians have a monthly income of only poor 9000 - 8000 rupees, is this true? OMG... Tibet's basic wage is 14000 rupees, the lowest level in china. This is the India friends said, in China TV Reality, which caused MC to be polite Chinese only set the whole room roaring with laughter... PS, which is the youth of 11 countries to participate in China's Reality TV.
hopefully one day things will improve, and we will ban ramzan in the trouble areas too.
finally !

good, I appreciate honesty.
Speaking of honesty, let's talk about 1962, I have a lot of interesting pictures here, it's about the happy life of India prisoners in the camp of China. They are very happy. So, who started the war??How to upload pictures?

hopefully one day things will improve, and we will ban ramzan in the trouble areas too.
Yes, you should protest demonstrations, force the government to raise the basic salary. India high caste should continue to riot, cut off the supply of water in new delhi. As taking the name of rape women...
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