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Doctors Hospital killed my 3 Year Old Daughter


Feb 8, 2009
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Doctors Hospital (Johar Town Lahore,Punjab, Pakistan)
killed my 3 Year Old Daughter

Duniya and City 42 has blocked all our coverage, sad...

On 2nd day of Eid (29 Nov 09), Doctor's Hospital (Johar Town Lahore) killed my 3 Years old daughter "Imanae Malik". She had a minor burn on her hand because of hot water and i took her to Doctor's Hospital where the doctors gave her 3 doses of injections to sedate her which were NOT suitable for kids and as a consequence she died there within few minutes in my hands.

I've lost all I had she was my only daughter... please save your loved ones and don't go their... boycott them, request the Govt. to take over this hospital or shut it down... please help me in this noble cause and save your loved ones' lives by boycotting these butchers...


What you can do
At the moment, Please spread this news and tell your family and friends to stay away from Doctor's Hospital.

3 Dec 09: Chief Justice has taken Suo Motu action against Doctors Hospital

3 Dec 09: CM announced a committee consists of 3 members to investigate this case, head by Nazar Chohan

3 Dec 09: CM has called in an enquiry of the case

2 Dec 09: Doctors Hospital has given the reports to Police and as per our concern the report is tampered... more on this shortly

2 Dec 09: Press conference

2 Dec 09: Doctors Hospital failed to provide any records (discharge slip, medical records, list of on duty staff) to police to date.

Parents of girl killed by injections seek justice

Thursday, December 03, 2009
By Our Correspondent


PARENTS of three-year-old Imanae, who died due to the alleged negligence of doctors at a private hospital in Johar Town, have urged the chief justice of Pakistan and the Punjab chief minister to help bring the alleged murderers of their beloved daughter to justice.

Addressing a press conference at the Lahore Press Club on Wednesday, Aqeel Ahmed, father of deceased Imanae, said he took Imanae to Doctor’s Hospital on November 29, for treatment of a minor hot water burn on her hand. Aqeel, who had been living in London for the last six years and arrived in Pakistan along with his wife and daughter to celebrate Eid with his family, said doctors at the hospital administered three injections to Imanae in order to sedate her. He said Imanae died within minutes because the sedative administered to her was not suitable for children. He said doctors then realised that Imanae had died and asked him to go to Children’s Hospital. He said the hospital staff forced him to leave the hospital without any documentation. He said he knew that his daughter had died but he still went to the Children’s Hospital where doctors told him that his daughter had expired one hour ago.

He said he then went to Doctor’s Hospital but the doctor and staff who had treated his daughter was absent. He said the hospital management refused to give him the patient’s file and discharge slip. He said the management also did not ask him to pay hospital bills.

Aqeel said he knew that his daughter will never return but he still wanted to warn the people against getting treatment in ‘slaughter houses’. He said the Punjab government should take action against medical practitioners playing havoc with people’s lives for the sake of money. He appealed to Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to initiate a judicial inquiry into his daughter’s murder.

He said the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) should also form a committee to initiate inquiry against negligent private medical hospitals.

He said Johar Town police had registered a case under section 322 against the management of Doctor’s Hospital. He said he had not nominated any doctor in the FIR but he was not satisfied with the section applied by Johar Town police in the FIR.
Hospital blames on-duty doctor for girl’s death

* Police say hospital staff trying to shift blame by pointing fingers at others

By Rana Tanveer

LAHORE: An inquiry committee on Wednesday held a doctor responsible for the death of a three-year-old girl at the Doctors Hospital, saying the girl was administered improper medicine, sources told Daily Times.

Imanae Malik died due to the doctor’s negligence when she was administered three injections of high potency anaesthesia, Aqeel Malik, father of the deceased said. However, Johar Town police Investigation In charge Muhammad Rafique told Daily Times that the hospital administration was trying to cover up their own mistakes by claiming to have terminated the doctor in question.

Rafique said the police would now adopt a different approach to apprehend the people responsible. According to a report submitted to the police by a committee of doctors investigating the girl’s death, Dr Sandeep Kumar was on duty when Imanae was brought to the hospital. The report said Kumar prescribed improper medicines to the girl, causing her death.

The report said Kumar hailed from Ghotki, Sindh, it was his first day on duty at the hospital when the incident took place. Johar Town police had registered a case against the doctor and the paramedical staff of the Doctors Hospital on November 29 following Imanae’s death, on the complaint of her father. Malik said in the complaint that he took his daughter to the hospital early on November 29 with minor finger burns, adding that the doctor on duty and his staff administered the wrong injections to the girl, who died on her way to the Children’s Hospital. According to the FIR, Imanae had suffered minor burns on her hands and after she was administered the injection by the paramedics, her condition started deteriorating and another injection was administered to her. This was followed by another injection, which left the girl crying in pain.

The nurse then alerted the doctor, who was asleep. Kumar advised the child’s parents to take Imanae to the Children’s Hospital, as they were unable to treat her further, but the girl died on way to the other hospital. Malik appealed to the chief justice of Pakistan to provide him justice and order the closure of the Doctor’s Hospital. He also appealed to the Punjab government to form a high-level committee to investigate the incident.
Not sure, but I also heard that Huma Akram (Waseem Akram's Wife) was also treated badly in Doctor's Hospital, after the negligence of National Hospital.
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No, He is hindu but Pakistani. Its not only his fault. We are hearing such cases happening from Doctor's Hospital for some time. Responsibility goes to all the medical staff, docotors and owners of the institute.
No words to console since i'm badly shocked after reading this. Keep fighting till the culprits are punished.

May the divine soul rest in peace
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This post was made 14 mins after post No 3 which clearly brings out the the Dr in Q hailed from Ghotki, Sindh, Pk.

Just coz he has a hindu name it was assumed that he is Indian and injecting children for profit.

Even in an hour of sadness we cannot seem to get over prejudices & pre conceived notions.

This is as sad as the death of a child due to carelessness.
This post was made 14 mins after post No 3 which clearly brings out the the Dr in Q hailed from Ghotki, Sindh, Pk.

Just coz he has a hindu name it was assumed that he is Indian and injecting children for profit.

Even in an hour of sadness we cannot seem to get over prejudices & pre conceived notions.

This is as sad as the death of a child due to carelessness.

Its not only Dr Sandeep (he is Pakistani)...........There are hundreds of doctors holding death degrees after their education. Government has closed eyes from every isssue of the Pakistan.
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Its not only Dr Sandeep...........There are hundreds of doctors holding death degrees after their education. Government has closed eyes from every isssue of the Pakistan.


Its the same story everywhere.

The fact that most of us stay alive is only due to providence. The Govt does little to help.
Doctor Hospital is chura Hospital. Ever since I heard the news of your daughter's death i can not sleep coz of anger. My daughter is also 3 years old i can understand your feeling. May Allah give u strength to bear that loss, InshaAllah.

Anesthsia is a serious business but in Pakistan doctors gives u sedative injections without any serious checking. My cousin died that way and my Dad's collegue's son died that way. Its about time some one should do something about this thing.
Doctor Hospital is chura Hospital. Ever since I heard the news of your daughter's death i can not sleep coz of anger. My daughter is also 3 years old i can understand your feeling. May Allah give u strength to bear that loss, InshaAllah.

Anesthsia is a serious business but in Pakistan doctors gives u sedative injections without any serious checking. My cousin died that way and my Dad's collegue's son died that way. Its about time some one should do something about this thing.


I have just lost a very close relative due to carelessness of a reputed hospital. At the end of a successful operation blood of the wrong group was administered without checking !

There is no accountability for these professionals - doctors, lawyers etc upon whom we place our faith & destiny.
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