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Arabic Coffee shop

I seem to know who that person is

Maybe later bro......Nihonjin and almost all Indonesian members here have seen me, just ask them how I look like, not having any right feeling to post it now :D

Actually if it is not so politicized forum, I will not have any hesitancy to put my own photo here as something I posted here can be against me if I am famous later :D

use it as your display pic?
Maybe later bro, not now.

okay.. cheers!
What do ya'll think of future Mrs. Falcon? @al-Hasani @DESERT FIGHTER

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View attachment 177393


Let's try cooling things. I will try using my influence to my best on both of you. :)


She is half Lebanese.

I must say that I prefer Balqees. Yes, I know that Shakira is half Lebanese. Her surname is Mubarak (one of the more popular Arab surnames as you might know already) after all. Some Arab channel, can't recall what, had a documentary on her visit to her ancestral land Lebanon. She was giving a concert in Beirut. Anyway you do know that I am quite a big FC Barcelona fan right? Her husband (not even sure if they are married) is Gerrard Piqué.:lol:

You aren't done with finals? :D

I finished. @al-Hasani

You are classical, Fairuz and Oum Kalthoum. :lol:

I don't listen to Arabic music anymore. I just listen to edm largely and some hip/pop. Most hip hop songs today in the US are boring/effortless songs which demeans females. It's gotten really pathetic.

I finished my bachelor's degree in chemical engineering this summer. Doing my master's degree now of which I plan to take 1 year (2 semesters) in either the US or in Paris again.

I have 2 exams at the beginning of January. Got 2-3 more weeks of preparation.

Nah, I just find their voices better and obviously the lyrics. Umm Kulthum? Yeah, if I was 50 years older At LEAST and Egyptian.:lol:

There are still good Arabic music out there but mainly non-mainstream. A bit like Lowkey (rap) in this case. But each to his own as we say.

Hey, whats up friends ?

Welcome. Feel at home. May I ask if that is really you on your avatar? Not trying to be rude, just curious. You know how us men are.:lol:

Yup still in NYC it's pretty cold here and under obama's regime we expect a very very white christmas.I agree spending the winter seasons in KSA,Pakistan,Dubai is better.I thought about bringing my personal Arab friends on this forum but still having second thoughts you know why. Btw this question might sound strange but can you side rail with a car? How is that stunt done? It looks impossible?

I have this picture of it always being cold in NYC during Winter. What do you mean with that comment regarding Obama and white Christmas?:)

Well if they are thick-skinned, can deal with trolls and ignorants and don't mind another addiction outside of probably Facebook then why not?:lol:

You talking about railroad cars? Not sure if I understood your here I must admit?:)

How about bringing some of your female from your own family here (big family)

@al-Hasani @DESERT FIGHTER @Falcon29

Just not fair to bring Artist here to show us the beauty of Arab :lol:

This is one of my big family, not quite close though (not a cousins) since I have to be in secret :P

Please dont tag the photo mate, I will have to delete later..........

Bro, you know I like you and all but you can't ask such questions to Arabs let alone people from Arabia. It's a no-brainer. Nobody here is going to expose their female relatives (sisters, cousins) on a public forum (creepy at that moreover occasionally). I think think this goes for all people actually regardless of where they might be from. Nor do I think that any female would agree on such a stunt. Imagine if some relative started posting photos of you on some forum? Anyway if people (females in this case) have posted their photos on the internet then it's their problem if others misuse them. That's part of the risk when doing such a stunt on the internet.

I know that your intentions were harmless and all so don't take this harshly. In any case the best way to see how the average lot looks like is social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.

It's a good thing that you deleted it. Did not see the photo though.:)
[QUOTE="al-Hasani, post: 6566832, member: 144723"

Bro, you know I like you and all but you can't ask such questions to Arabs let alone people from Arabia. It's a no-brainer. Nobody here is going to expose their female relatives (sisters, cousins) on a public forum (creepy at that moreover occasionally). I think think this goes for all people actually regardless of where they might be from. Nor do I think that any female would agree on such a stunt. Imagine if some relative started posting photos of you on some forum? Anyway if people (females in this case) have posted their photos on the internet then it's their problem if others misuse them. That's part of the risk when doing such a stunt on the internet.

I know that your intentions were harmless and all so don't take this harshly. In any case the best way to see how the average lot looks like is social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.

It's a good thing that you deleted it. Did not see the photo though.:)[/QUOTE]

He,he sorry bro.... (Agree on it mate). Maybe later I will just post my own photo here, It looks like I have already had one fan here :lol:

It is a free time now in Jakarta, damn I wish I can see your sister here.......... :sick:
He,he sorry bro.... (Agree on it mate). Maybe later I will just post my own photo here, It looks like I have already had one fan here :lol:

It is a free time now in Jakarta, damn I wish I can see your sister here.......... :sick:

You don't have to apologize for anything mate. You did nothing wrong. No ill intention behind your post. I can feel that at least.

We all have our fans out there.:lol:

I got 3 mate and 1 is happily married. The younger is under our full protection and the family's spoilt lamb. Anyway I know what you did right there you bastard.:lol:

You are 6 hours ahead of me bro. In all seriousness I am very much pro South East Asia (you have read my books on this field) and would love to visit Indonesia.

Ati ati bro.

P.S: I was watching Sufi gatherings in Indonesia lately and I noticed the striking similarity between those traditional ones in Hijaz, Yemen and the remaining Arabia and the ones in Indonesia. Must be the shared Shafi'i heritage.

Can you recognize the Sheikh and the place? 1 month old;)

Goose bumps.
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It is in Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta. The group is Majelis Rasulullah and the leader that you saw at the video has already been passed away last year, I forget his name. He still has our prophet blood similar as you are.

It is NU people, more traditional group. I rather join Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organization where we are considered as modernist here in Indonesia. I learn Sufism from books though, not any sheiks.

Well, its fine to me if you want to protect your sister from me :D
You don't have to apologize for anything mate. You did nothing wrong. No ill intention behind your post. I can feel that at least.

We all have our fans out there.:lol:

I got 3 mate and 1 is happily married. The younger is under our full protection and the family's spoilt lamb. Anyway I know what you did right there you bastard.:lol:

You are 6 hours ahead of me bro. In all seriousness I am very much pro South East Asia (you have read my books on this field) and would love to visit Indonesia.

Ati ati bro.

P.S: I was watching Sufi gatherings in Indonesia lately and I noticed the striking similarity between those traditional ones in Hijaz, Yemen and the remaining Arabia and the ones in Indonesia. Must be the shared Shafi'i heritage.

Can you recognize the Sheikh and the place? 1 month old;)

Goose bumps.
Amazing stuff...that masjid is massive :-)

Well we have different taste. :lol:

A lot of Palestinians are obsessed with Oum Kalthoum,lol. Especially 40-50 range.

Good luck with your studies. It's going to be relieving once you finish. And get your money. So you can buy your own shawarma. :)

It is in Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta. The group is Majelis Rasulullah and the leader that you saw at the video has already been passed away last year, I forget his name. He still has our prophet blood similar as you are.

It is NU people, more traditional group. I rather join Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organization where we are considered as modernist here in Indonesia. I learn Sufism from books though, not any sheiks.

Well, its fine to me if you want to protect your sister from me :D

Thank you for the information brother. I just trusted the date of upload. Youtube playing games with me again.:(

May the Sheikh rest in peace. I am trying to learn more about our religious scholars in the most populous Muslim country on the planet.

Can I ask you a personal question? What kind of books have you read of Imam al-Shafi'i (ra)?

The Muhammadiyah movement was founded by a Indonesian scholar who had studied in Makkah back in 1912. I was not aware of this coincidence. I actually have no affiliation to any religious movement or organization and I call myself Muslim whenever somebody asks. A Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i madhab if people want to ask more that is open to Sufism. I must frankly admit though that I have neglected my religious obligations since I landed here in Copenhagen. I plan to make up for that in the near future and certainly when my studies are finished.

Correct me if I am wrong but the Muhammadiyah movement opposes Sufi leaders as formal leaders while NU is the Sunni traditionalist movement?

In any case from what I know about and have read then the two movements are very similar and based on the same pillars of mainly Sunni Islam (Shafi'i) and a strong Tasawuf which is typical of Imam al-Shafi'i (ra). Hence why we see no real conflicts in Indonesia on this front.

I remember reading about Quraish Shihab a few months ago and I was impressed by his teachings and his knowledge of Arabic which was very good.


Well we have different taste. :lol:

A lot of Palestinians are obsessed with Oum Kalthoum,lol. Especially 40-50 range.

Good luck with your studies. It's going to be relieving once you finish. And get your money. So you can buy your own shawarma. :)

In women you mean? No, the last time you asked what kind of women I like (this sounds really sexist but whatever) you agreed. Well, not only Palestinians. I tell you that.:lol:

Sure it will. I am actually not doing it for money but rather as an interest. After all I had to chose some field to educate myself in and that I could chose a field that interests me was just my luck.

Dad is sending money if necessary. Don't worry.:cheesy:

Oh, and all the best of luck in your pre-pharmacy studies. If you desperately need help in chemistry then "call" me.:sniper:

You will like this.

P.S: Be serious. Balqees is better looking than Shakira. She is too old nowadays.

Amazing stuff...that masjid is massive :-)

Indeed brother. @Indos do you have more footage from the visit? I have already written this mosque down as a must visit the day I visit Jakarta.

Massive seems like the appropriate word here! That's for sure.

Daily Travel Photo | The Eye by adrisigners, on Flickr

Daily Photo Travel | Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta by adrisigners, on Flickr



Brother I has first now noticed that you have become a moderator. Congratulations with this very deserved appointment! I don't know if you remember but I once told you that you would be a very good choice for a moderator and the leadership apparently agreed with this verdict.;)
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In the beginning Muhammadiyah banned Tasawuf because of some issues, Muhammadiyah was a Wahhabi movement actually at first, but as it becomes mature, it is taking more independence stance Today, and even one of the famous leader of this movement that make it become big has made Tasawuf book. I have given you the book at previous post before in this thread. For this forum information, It is not a salafi movement that comes later in Indonesia under Saudi and Egypt leadership.

I will bring my Tasawuf book later
Bro you should make a sticky thread and post all the **** ups of the Israelis...that will give 500 and Solomon2 heart attacks. BTW what is happening in the background of the video ?

Protest after Israeli forces confiscated more land.
Well under obama America became very racist that's what i meant the number of right wingers increased,radio hate,media scaremongering,police brutality "which doesn't even spare dogs" skyrocketed..One of my Palestinian friend is thick skinned literally speaking he got slashed across the face with a box cutter but still won that fight but he's not interested in politics or military hardware.Matter of fact most of them aren't :(..
I think side railing is the name for a stunt where you drive a car on 2 wheels just like in this video..I always wonder how its done?
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