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Afghanistan is ready for INDIA to TRAIN TALIBS

The budget rose 6% for army. Sure we may be protesting but they actually fought tooth and nail for the position they are in now. They don’t have an imported gov.

This is the same people that pulled off the Najeeb stunt. Do you think Pakistan has that level of conscious.

Interestingly, the same gernails that brought imported gormint also armed and supplied the Taliban against NATO. Politics is a dirty business. PA and ISI excels in getting max mileage out of any or all situations. :lol:
The biggest beggars are those that have stunted growth and turn into short little manlets with tiny weiners.......:lol:........perhaps they should import a new government as well as more food and nutrition........:azn::
LOL! I think Pakistan should concentrate on not importing governments. but then beggers cann't be choosers, right?
F your dumb *** talking about?

Political supporters and Thier political narratives, lines doesn't make it reality
Exactly unless they want to starve to death. Lol
That’s not the thing. Out of all countries in the world only Pakistan supported them in their 20+ year struggle against occupation. When they came to power, Pakistan recognized their government almost immediately while India outright refused to recognize them.

I don’t blame IEA for the decisions they have to make because they have to look out for their people and the longevity of their nation. At this time they need good relations with all nations, but they cannot afford bad relations with Pakistan at any cost.

He’ll probably U turn against this. There is massive outrage about it.
Soldiers of Allah sending men to a government who official spokesperson was hurling abuse at the Prophet(saws).
So what did Pakistan get out of playing double game in WOT?

Should have fully supported NATO and been a reliable and dependable ally, closed the border and annihilated them along with their TTP cousins.

Forever stupid with your ummah mantra. You will get butt f**ked for eternity as you never learn.
Let's be cynical for a moment and believe Indian and Afgan govts are into religions only to retain power. Therefore then if they work together it gives them both some creds - Taliban redeeming a bit from Islamic radicalism and India helping nations regardless of religion involved. Modi just helped Srilanka out and why not Afghanistan
The budget rose 6% for army. Sure we may be protesting but they actually fought tooth and nail for the position they are in now. They don’t have an imported gov.

This is the same people that pulled off the Najeeb stunt. Do you think Pakistan has that level of conscious.

Fought tooth and nail yet are now begging to be refugees in Pakistan and selling their wives, sisters, daughters, mothers and other female relatives as prostitutes to Pakistanis just for food and water............brilliant logic and what an achievement!........... :disagree:.........with an IQ like this, who needs modern science and technology..........:disagree:
ISI failure.
But bigger thing, India has lots of money to give to taliban.
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