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Iran puts Afghan Refugees in Cages for public display [Shaming]

Hammad I have not threatened anyone. You can go through my posts.

Kaptaan: What does he mean my " Afghans are descendent of Qaom e Loat."

His intentions are clearly to insult our Afghan Qoum. 9.7/10 Afghan refugees are Pashtuns.
Whether you like it or not whether one recognize it or not All Pashtun are ethnic Afghans regardless or where they live.
Pakistanis trying to divert attention from their own mistreatment of Afghanis by spreading misinformation. These were illegals thought to be connected to drug smugglers, that's what they're being shamed for.
No one is discrediting Iran for that matter so calm down my cousin :D we just want to make our political elite follow the Iranian style of hospitality while dealing with habitual backstabbers
Kaptaan: What does he mean my
Sounds pejorative. Don't know what it means exactly - you need to ask him.

whether one recognize it or not All Pashtun are ethnic Afghans regardless or where they live.
Agreed. However don't forget within the normative today "Afghan > Afghanistan > Tajik, Hazara Mongol, Aimak, Turkmen, Uzbek and Pashtun". This is the regular and widely understood meaning of the term "Afghan" beyond the original historical meaning.

Therefore to expect that when people get angry at Afghanistan they might use "Afghan" as to mean the nation of Afghanistan is expected. What I would take exception to is when "Afghan" is used as a ruse to actually malign Pashtuns. This does sometimes happen.

@MomandKhan I think we need to exactly define and understand what me mean by "Afghan" as used in a normative sense today. If we accept the proposition that at all times the only meaning of -

Afghan > Pashtun > Pakhtun

Then I suspect in Afghanistan they are going to have some major, major problems. That would mean between 50-58% of Afghan population would have to be stripped of being entitled to calling themselves "Afghan". What would happen to those Turkmen, Tajik, Aimak, Mongol Hazara, Uzbek etc?

Would Afghanistan mean only land for Pashtuns? Would Afghans being only Pashtuns?

I reckon that would create more mess then any cricket bat or hockey bat would ever be able to match? That is lot of food for thought for all of us.

Perhaps we need @A-Team thoughts on this?
Sounds pejorative. Don't know what it means exactly - you need to ask him.

Agreed. However don't forget within the normative today "Afghan > Afghanistan > Tajik, Hazara Mongol, Aimak, Turkmen, Uzbek and Pashtun". This is the regular and widely understood meaning of the term "Afghan" beyond the original historical meaning.

Therefore to expect that when people get angry at Afghanistan they might use "Afghan" as to mean the nation of Afghanistan is expected. What I would take exception to is when "Afghan" is used as a ruse to actually malign Pashtuns. This does sometimes happen.

@MomandKhan I think we need to exactly define and understand what me mean by "Afghan" as used in a normative sense today. If we accept the proposition that at all times the only meaning of -

Afghan > Pashtun > Pakhtun

Then I suspect in Afghanistan they are going to have some major, major problems. That would mean between 50-58% of Afghan population would have to be stripped of being entitled to calling themselves "Afghan". What would happen to those Turkmen, Tajik, Aimak, Mongol Hazara, Uzbek etc?

Would Afghanistan mean only land for Pashtuns? Would Afghans being only Pashtuns?

I reckon that would create more mess then any cricket bat or hockey bat would ever be able to match? That is lot of food for thought for all of us.

Perhaps we need @A-Team thoughts on this?

Afghanistan is the land of all Afghans ( Pakhtoo, Dari, Uzbaki .... speaking.

Folks from different ethnic backgrounds be Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pakhtoons, Aymaks, Arabs consider themselves as Afghans, and Afghan doesnt mean only Pakhtoon :)

No one is discrediting Iran for that matter so calm down my cousin :D we just want to make our political elite follow the Iranian style of hospitality while dealing with habitual backstabbers

Your post smells like coming from a teenager, you do realize that political difference aside one must keep keep our behaviour towards fellow humans as civil as possible.

Jaga Badmash@

Before insulting the Afghan qoum you should keep in mind that there are 30 million+ ethnic Afghans living in Pakistan and many serve in your army.

But what can be expected of you?

If I were my friend I wouldn't fall into the trap of trolls by arguing with them :)
Which history?
You did not exist 70 years ago and were all Hindustanis. Today you hate India.
You spiltt your original country and today you are in constant war with that country. Talk about betrayal.
Who have Afghans betrayed?

You are descendent of Hindus whom were dominated and ruled by pretty much every ethnicity from Turks, Afghans to the British.

Bhai your lot were first conquered by Turks and converted to Islam, remember Hindu Shahis of Kabul? Afghans are no doubt Qoum-e-lot but this is off topic.

Afghanistan is the land of all Afghans ( Pakhtoo, Dari, Uzbaki .... speaking.

Folks from different ethnic backgrounds be Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pakhtoons, Aymaks, Arabs consider themselves as Afghans, and Afghan doesnt mean only Pakhtoon :)

This doesn't make any sense at all. So you admit Afghan now mean anyone living in republic of Afghanistan but then say there are 30 millions Afghans in Pakistan as well.
Afghan refugees and in Iran is again a big question ??? ALL the way ...how people can even guess that ..who can they be mind cant understand ..??? they killed every TTP in Afghanistan mostly were americans (shias ) rest were from india or Iran .......calling them non-musqlims ....Easy way out ....as soon as they capture any 1 was Killed .......they lived in their country peacefully for just 5-6 years hardly till USA looking to attack it found an excuse which is again questionable ??? of the 2 towers ........no guts to tell the world who did it ??? just threatened every 1 ........i am the devil so i can .......so did it ...........Iranies are the same ...How can any Real Afghany even think of going there ........thanx
Pakistan was few years ago American

Stop supporting terrorism in Afghanistan.
You are world famous for giving shelters to terrorism and using it against other nations.
US has several times asked you to stop playing double games. Taking money from them to fight terrorism and instead you are creating more.

Any comments about this sick treatment of your countrymen by Iran?
Your post smells like coming from a teenager, you do realize that political difference aside one must keep keep our behaviour towards fellow humans as civil as possible.
Not all afghans are evil but to tame those special cases we need this family

C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_images(7).jpg

Moreover civil behavior shall also come in handy then :D
Few years ago Pakistan was US ...:yahoo:and it support terrorisam:taz:tired of this word ONLY USED BY BIGGEST TERRORIST AGAINST WHO EVER FIGHTS AGAINST HIS CRIMES THE USA ......try to look around am i wrong ..??? Please let me know if i am ......??? Who the hell is USA to arrest afghans and sit their saying they r terrorist (the only excuse devil have got against every one he attacks )) shias attacked syria kartoouu religion ......and usa caught supporting them with weapons .......who else are shias other then indians and americans ....the most Hated SHITS of this planet ................Look at the world without them ........JUST PEACE ALL THE WAY <> HA CLEAN AND FRESH AIR <>:victory:
Jaga Badmash@

Before insulting the Afghan qoum you should keep in mind that there are 30 million+ ethnic Afghans living in Pakistan and many serve in your army.

But what can be expected of you?

Those same Pashtuns would like nothing more to split in your face and give you a good thrashing:) They are loyal to Pakistan and call themselves Pakistani's:) If you don't get my drift then go and pay some English teacher to translate my words.
Look at your own history. Your fathers betrayed their own country India and created a Pakistan.
Now tell me in whos blood their is betrayal?:o:
Our fathers created a save place for us, unlike your ancestors who can be sold for a penny, it's in your blood.
iranian are the worst kinds of shia country.. they are spreading their disease type to other countries.. in pak people are getting moral and financial support from Iran.. making friendship with our enemy and did nothing about kulbushan statement.. still they ask us to leave sudia arabia and so on.. in return they will make charbar with india and f@k us by sending RAW agents in our country..
we should remove afghans from our soil also as they too are with our enemies and are not good for us...
@A-Team -- this is probably a harbinger of what great deals Iran is going to give you -- Iranians (admirably) drive a hard bargain -- ask US negotiators who have dealt with Iran. The Pakistanis by comparison are patsies.

Perhaps we've lived in the West for too long -- the images are hard to look at.

I don't follow Iranian news but I wonder if the Iranians intelligentsia are condemning this like the Pakistani intellectuals and politicians and common people have?

Images from here.




These people deserve it snakes

Mr harder in comment you people deserve it we know how much islamic you are destroying Pakistan joining hands with India which Islam allows it
Stop dreaming chabhar if Iran can do this they do worst to u in. Supply chain

India is giving you slow poison you play wrong game india will leave you alone one day with your hands empty no neighbor will help you due to your wrong doing
I went to an Afghan wedding last month in Toronto, there were Afghan talking bad about Pakistan. I Said I am sure all of you have lived in Pakistan for a long time and everyone said Yes. I asked tell me one thing at any point you felt like you were denied any opportunity and were treated differently than Pakistanis before the problem started in Ghani`s govt...they all went quiet.
They do not care!! They have arrogance and jealousy towards Pakistan.

It seems Iran knows the collective psychology of Afghans better than Pakistan and hence her stern posture.
I just cannot believe that Pakistan was soooooooooooooo lenient! Sometime I think that Pakistan has a deathwish!
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Look at your own history. Your fathers betrayed their own country India and created a Pakistan.
Now tell me in whos blood their is betrayal?:o:
Our forefathers did not betray a Muslim country. They may have betrayed a colonial entity known as British India but that entity is and was not our forefathers country rather it was imposed upon them.

Which history?
You did not exist 70 years ago and were all Hindustanis. Today you hate India.
You spiltt your original country and today you are in constant war with that country. Talk about betrayal.
Who have Afghans betrayed?

You are descendent of Hindus whom were dominated and ruled by pretty much every ethnicity from Turks, Afghans to the British.

We are still the real "Hindustanis". We are the sons and daughters of the Indus. Now after the major partition of British India, the River Indus is virtually contained in Pakistan. Our issue is with Bharat especially RSS governed Bharat.
Yes many of our forefathers were Vedic followers and over centuries they accepted Islam (Alhamdulillah). We should not be ashamed but happy.
All we have done is change our name to Pakistan. (Personally I have nothing against this name but I wished our forefathers also kept a stronger link to Hindustan rather than letting Bharat having "exclusive" rights over it).

Do not forget that at times Kabul has been ruled by non Afghans as well.

Do not forget that the people who make up Pakistan: Punjabis, (Afghans aka Pukhtoons), Kashmiris, Sindhis, Baloch et al have history to their lands going back millennia (for the most part). They are not like North Americans or Australians whose forefathers came a few generations ago and displaced the natives. The people of Pakistan have history!

This is what the Afghan nation cannot stomach: that the Daal Khor Punjabi whose forefather was an idol woshipper and a Ghosht khor Pukhtoon have joined hands and made a country and are doing better than Afghanistan! When Afghans are Ghosht-Khor light skinned and light eyed descendants of Aryans who are busy now fighting one another and blaming everyone but themselves.

Pakistan was few years ago American

Stop supporting terrorism in Afghanistan.
You are world famous for giving shelters to terrorism and using it against other nations.
US has several times asked you to stop playing double games. Taking money from them to fight terrorism and instead you are creating more.
It will be to Pakistan's everlasting shame that she gave passage to NATO in order to invade Afghanistan! Ever-lasting shame!
It is interesting to note that you use the the past tense "was". I feel the American presence is yet present.

What is for sure is that Afghanistan state and government post the false flags of 9/11 is a creation of NATO and is dependent upon her.

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