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Iran puts Afghan Refugees in Cages for public display [Shaming]

Jaga Badmash@

Before insulting the Afghan qoum you should keep in mind that there are 30 million+ ethnic Afghans living in Pakistan and many serve in your army.

But what can be expected of you?
Go to Hera Mandi - it's world famous.
now a days mostly filled with Afghan refugees.

Jaga Badmash@

Before insulting the Afghan qoum you should keep in mind that there are 30 million+ ethnic Afghans living in Pakistan and many serve in your army.

But what can be expected of you?
They are Pashtuns and feel insulting if they were called Afghan.
Well not necessarily a first class more like a economy class charter plane (ATR type etc)
Obviously the folks who don't have criminal offenses or weapons on them.

Let Afghanistan cough up the bill :police: they have a booming economy now

Obviously by taking finger prints and pictures etc / may be share with Pakistan so we also keep an eye out if they attempt entry into Pakistan illegally

However I am an advocate merging afghan province and open border (none militants)
@waz this thread is going south. It was meant to highlight how mistrusted afghans are everywhere and how Iran treats them yet the silence by afghan authorities is deafening and we who treat them well are considered their enemies and are bashed senselessly.

On topic. You can't blame Iran much. This is extreme and weird yet they are harsh towards those that bring such wrongs in society. Its only us who so generously keep an open border for 70 years and then allow a nation who hates us and is against our existence to move freely to do with their anti state activity and not too mention that nation produces 90% of the worlds hashish or opium thanks to the poppy fields of urzugan and Helmand.

Result is that we stand shell shocked that they hate us. They hated us the day we came to be and you can look from the comments of afghans all over the internet that they don't know history, they don't know geopolitics and they truly believe pakistan to be the source of all their ills and pakistan to be an occupying force.

Iran, Arabian nations, Turkey or the entire Muslim world is not interested in ummah unity or brotherhood. They will look at their own interests. We stand the exception. Its time we do the same.

Heck these afghans think repatriation of legal Afghans and repatriation of illegal ones to be some sort of massive human rights violation whilst conveniently forgetting that illegals are not allowed anywhere and legal ones are being given 400$ plus the govt free wheat for three years but no we are the bad guys!!
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now a days mostly filled with Afghan refugees.

They are Pashtuns and feel insulting if they were called Afghan.
now a days mostly filled with Afghan refugees.

They are Pashtuns and feel insulting if they were called Afghan.

Pashtun is another name for Afghan. Afghan is Pashtun and Pashtun is Afghan. It's one name. You called Afghan qoum e loot.

Momand is also a Pashtun tribe living in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
As I stated , the afghans are valuable residents (the none militants) and some valid card holder , so I don't believe on shoe fits all , to blame all people.

Folks who have adopted Pakistan as residence for over 20-30 years obviously do not want to go to a region where there are militants and Taliban - so it is also up to them to request a formal merge with Pakistan , and then a massive clean up operation can take place

A merge of afghan area with Pakistan is a a good future, but requires strong leadership in afghan territory to develop that on a diplomatic level

After that certainly militants will have to be tackled separately. I have only seen hard working afghan people in my personal experience , and it needs cooperation between both people

For the people caught on border , if they had no weapons and were innocent folks obviously they will have to return to their country

But afghan folks are hard working people and 100% Militants do not represent the values of Afghan province/region

And one always hope the folks caught in limbo would find way back safely

Obviously if Afghan province merged with Pakistan it would also benefit from CPEC indirectly but afghan region will have to demand that merge with Pakistan and on Diplomatic level

By means of merge the security would improve 1000%

Also a normal border would open as between any provinces

The issue in region really is militancy in "Un Administered" zones in afghan territories where not even Afghans go , the region does have bleak outlook unless a merge happens

Present Day USA , used to be divided between
(French , Spanish/Mexican , British (Irish/Italian/Immigrants from Europe), Native Indians)

But over time , all the states merged to form United States of America, the bigger goal of such merge was so that there is rule of law and no rouge "zone" exists for lawless entities like Taliban or Militants

Today most Americans identify themselves as simply Americans the past identities have been merged over 100-150 years or even 300 year period

What this example shows is the correct approach to tackle "Un Controlled Zones" or Areas which are under the law of Gun , or Militia , or Gangs lets call them as Gangs

USA offers people
  • Citizenship (50+ states))
  • Resident cards [Cards offered world wide known as green card]
The situation looks similar to Pakistan
  • Citizenship card ( Punjab, Sindh, Balouch, Pashtoon, Kashmiri/North Areas)
  • Resident card (Afghan migrants)
Only remaining thing is merging Afghan area into Pakistan and bringing law and order inside it by a joint effort

Free trade would also flow between old province and new province, and people obviously will setup business some may even move easily back moving economy (positively)
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Pashtun is another name for Afghan. Afghan is Pashtun and Pashtun is Afghan. It's one name. You called Afghan qoum e loot.

Momand is also a Pashtun tribe living in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Don't spread bias I have many Pakistani Pashtun friends and I know from them how much they loved you.

valuable residents
That is funny.....
They deprived our Pashtun Pakistani brothers in every field even in labor jobs, they destroy their businesses by bringing smuggled goods....above all they give them bad name no only in Pakistan but also rest of the world.
We don't need their services any more.

Aik Din mahmaan dosray din mahmaan....
Teesray Din wabal e jaan...
Jaga Badmash@

I frequently read this forum and Pakpassion, but due to studies there is not much time to get involved, but I registered specifically to answer you and this is most likely the only post I will make.

I am Pathan, Pashtun, Pakhtun or whatever you call it from Khyber Agency Pakistan now living in Denmark.

If you ever call Afghan quam e loot or in other way insult my Qoum And I have a bassball or cricket bat in my hand I will smash your head with it. As hard as I can.

In a cricket match in gujrawala 2007 a guy insulted my qoum. He ended in hospital and recovered after 7 months.
Before making such threats go and check Afghan history and bacha baazi....I am in UAE and can give you my cell no# lets have a talk, few years back I spend 2 days in lock up in Dubai because of such pompous and bully claims and retarded acts by Afghans which ended up 2 Afghans in a hospital and my self in lock up.
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Before making such threats go and check Afghan history and bacha baazi....I am in UAE and can give you my cell no# lets have a talk, few years back I spend 2 days ion loch up in Dubai because of such kind of pompous and bully claims and retarded acts by Afghans which ended up 2 Afghans in a hospital and my self in lock up.

Which country you live in since you get to spend two days in loch up for sending two people to hospital? In Dubai they would kick your *** back to Pakistan.
Anyway both of you take a chill pill and don't throw empty threats over internet.

Btw I just smashed 23 people and send them to hospital beds. I will be locked up next 2 hours, bye.
Jaga Badmash@

I frequently read this forum and Pakpassion, but due to studies there is not much time to get involved, but I registered specifically to answer you and this is most likely the only post I will make.

I am Pathan, Pashtun, Pakhtun or whatever you call it from Khyber Agency Pakistan now living in Denmark.

If you ever call Afghan quam e loot or in other way insult my Qoum And I have a bassball or cricket bat in my hand I will smash your head with it. As hard as I can.

In a cricket match in gujrawala 2007 a guy insulted my qoum. He ended in hospital and recovered after 7 months.

@wazz @WebMaster your kind intervention is required. This idiot just issue threat to one of the respected member here
But what's happening to immigrants in camps in Europe is far far far worse than this. The thing is, nobody films them. The horror stories that come out of those camps are enough. And this has been heavily criticized by both people and media and officials. Hopefully those responsible will pay dearly.
@wazz @WebMaster your kind intervention is required. This idiot just issue threat to one of the respected member here

Just curious what are the rules on this forum? I rarely see action taken against member using bad words and insulting group of people calling them all sorts of names? Is it really allowed here?
Before insulting the Afghan qoum
insulted my qoum.
Both you guy's need to keep in mind that these guy's might not understand what you mean by "Afghan". Before you open people's heads you need to clarify meaning of "Afghan".

The two meanings being -

(i) As in ethnic group known at differant levels as Pakhtun, Pashtun etc.
(ii) As in referance to a citizen of a nation state known as Afghanistan which is includes many "quoms" or "nasaals" including these below:-

1. Pashtun
2. Tajik
3. Uzbek
4. Turkmen
5. Mongol Hazara
6. Aimak
7. Nuristani
8. Baloch


I might be wrong but most of these guy's are making referance to citizens of Afghanistan as with that myriad of "quoms" and I am sure you are not Mongol Hazara or Tajiks are you?

@waz I am not excusing threats here but some members have been pushing boundaries around here.
Just curious what are the rules on this forum? I rarely see action taken against member using bad words and insulting group of people calling them all sorts of names? Is it really allowed here?
Of course there are rules and regulations. If you have not read them then i would recommend to read them.There is also one thing known as common sense. You know when you are trying to cross a line and trying to insult some one racially then you should stop. Like you were becoming a troll and abusing and threatening a Pakistani few posts above.

Both you guy's need to keep in mind that these guy's might not understand what you mean by "Afghan". Before you open people's heads you need to clarify meaning of "Afghan".

The two meanings being -

(i) As in ethnic group known at differant levels as Pakhtun, Pashtun etc.
(ii) As in referance to a citizen of a nation state known as Afghanistan which is includes many "quoms" or "nasaals" including these below:-

1. Pashtun
2. Tajik
3. Uzbek
4. Turkmen
5. Mongol Hazara
6. Aimak
7. Nuristani
8. Baloch


I might be wrong but most of these guy's are making referance to citizens of Afghanistan as with that myriad of "quoms" and I am sure you are not Mongol Hazara or Tajiks are you?

@waz I am not excusing threats here but some members have been pushing boundaries around here.
I completely agree with you Sir, we can have difference of opinion and can have constructive debate without crossing the line

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