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Indian Muslim killed for eating meat

Oh poor Chin chotta .
Dont talk to us about our facial structure or complexion .There is a huge gap between Keralites especially youth and Bengalis .Around 2.5 million immigrant workers from Northern parts of India is working in here .Majority of them are Bengalis .If you want to know more about that then please visit this link
If you dont know then please stay away from posting here. I think tourists guy visiting our state knows more than this .And you still using Indian flag pathetic
Average Heights of Indians for different states

And Bengal is nowhere nearer to us in body build .This is what happens when you dont have any knowledge about us.
AFAIK NE people are smart except some dumb head like you.

Coconut .Of course is energy rich and I had been consumed beef but stop that a few years ago not because of some misplaced consciousness about religion but due to eyewitnessing of killing a poor animal for meat .

No point abusing NE people mate.

He considers fellow NE people inferior and his tribe to be superior to the rest because of some "natural order" :woot:

and ironically he wants his tribe to become Chinese, weirdest sense superiority complex :lol:
What has that to do with the non-discussion that is going on?I mean can you assamese ever not behave like jumping jacks?
Your state is behind Bangladesh in income levels.Geez and the airs.
so dont bring Assam in ur grandiose monologues,,, I am proud of my heritage,,n coincidently I know about ur ppl too.
as for the airs,,well,u will have to bear with it like u have been doing for ages.
To live on conditional freedom, is no freedom at all. If you think your people can deal with Indian mainstream agenda and get what you want, then you are as delusional as the Kashmiris.
Bhai jaan,That does not suit us tbh.We have a population of less than a million,even outright armed freedom movement would not do much if the PLA don't lend us a major hand to reclaim our territory.If we go all guns blazing India will simply kill every one here and then fill the land with more Indians.Simple.

Will the world cry?Most likely.Does that benefit the people?Not the dead.

so dont bring Assam in ur grandiose monologues,,, I am proud of my heritage,,n coincidently I know about ur ppl too.
as for the airs,,well,u will have to bear with it like u have been doing for ages.
LOL,the airs is what we have been laughing at since 17th century.You are a people subdued by tai mongoloids with just a few thousand troops and then again by the burmese in 1820s before the British saved you.So conquered are you that you take pride over the Tai ahom conquest of Assam.Quite contrary to your delusions,everyone in the hills states pities your lot and not envy.

Frankly speaking,I never brought in Assam,if anything I spared you the embarrassment of Sreekumar posting the massacres you Assamese have committed on Indians and among yourselves
Bhai jaan,That does not suit us tbh.We have a population of less than a million,even outright armed freedom movement would not do much if the PLA don't lend us a major hand to reclaim our territory.If we go all guns blazing India will simply kill every one here and then fill the land with more Indians.Simple.

Will the world cry?Most likely.Does that benefit the people?Not the dead.

But to live in oppression, is no way to live at all. I would give my life before living under a Brahmin dot-head over-lord.

There must be some way for you guys to make your voices heard internationally and gain world wide support for your freedom. Indians are only strong as a group, but individually, they are one of the most coward people on earth.
But to live in oppression, is no way to live at all. I would give my life before living under a Brahmin dot-head over-lord.

There must be some way for you guys to make your voices heard internationally and gain world wide support for your freedom. Indians are on;y strong as a group, but individually, they are one of the most coward people on earth.
No Brahmin overlords over us in my lands for now.Bhai Jaan,right now world is concerned only by China and hence has little time for India.
This incident happened in UP; one of the few uncivilized places in India along with bihar...plz don't judge India by what is happening there.
Please try to eradicate this menace from your society instead of finding excuses. This behaviour will only affect you and your society so this issue should be a matter of concern for you.
Bhai jaan,That does not suit us tbh.We have a population of less than a million,even outright armed freedom movement would not do much if the PLA don't lend us a major hand to reclaim our territory.If we go all guns blazing India will simply kill every one here and then fill the land with more Indians.Simple.

Will the world cry?Most likely.Does that benefit the people?Not the dead.

LOL,the airs is what we have been laughing at since 17th century.You are a people subdued by tai mongoloids with just a few thousand troops and then again by the burmese in 1820s before the British saved you.So conquered are you that you take pride over the Tai ahom conquest of Assam.Quite contrary to your delusions,everyone in the hills states pities your lot and not envy.

Frankly speaking,I never brought in Assam,if anything I spared you the embarrassment of Sreekumar posting the massacres you Assamese have committed on Indians and among yourselves
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u pity us,,,nice joke.look at ur history,,ahh but thn u have none.
btw which hill states?
Arunachal ,,,oh south tibet right :D even proper tibetans dont want to relate with u n look down on u as uncivilized forest dwellers,, ,,let me repeat,u belong to one of the most insignificant tribes of NE.
to others- this guy is a joke,,he laughing at us :lol:
dont Mind him,,,if this wasnt a Pakistani site,,cud have revealed more about his glorius tribe.
Sure,Says the guys who were losers throughout history to the people who were subdued only by the British.First lost to the aryans and then to the bengali brethren of theirs and then to tai mongoloid people and then Burmese and then British and then again by Indians and then dons an air of importance to soothe the non existent self respect of yours.

LOL your whole history is that of being conquered and ruled and enslaved totally by others!!The reason you are here licking Indians boots when everyone knows how assamese perceive of their conditions at the hands of Indians.:D

What history do you have?Burronjees?:P
You mean how tai prince enslaved a whole race with just a few thousand soldiers at best?How your Ahom kings paid Posa to us south tibetans:rofl:
Or the modern history of Assam spent in slavery to British and Indians?

You guys were so inferiority complex ridden and still are now that you lash out and give racist slang names to entire communities that includes your masters the Indians and then work under their boots.You do the same in ST as well,where assamese are mostly daily wage labourers who couldn't find work in their over populated,over flooded piece of clay.:laugh:

Weren't you the one crying when Indians gave more sympathy to terrorist attacks in Pak as compared to the Bodo incidents.Says a lot about the begging bowl of yours
did I hit a nerve,,,sure I did.
I am done here
Hit a nerve?Yes you did.The one which makes me laugh and pity at the same time.
It is usually Assamese who accomplish this feat with their amazing inferiority complex disguised as superiority complex.

BTW,what?So soon.Did I make it too painful breaking apart your dream world of self importance.They do say history is bitter for the conquered.
I remember around a year ago some miscremants burned down a Hindu temple of hanuman in tandomohammad khan area of sindh and a Muslim landlord give his property free to build a temple of hanuman for Hindus respecting their religion and giving a message that Pakistani Hindus are our brothers...
Hit a nerve?Yes you did.The one which makes me laugh and pity at the same time.
It is usually Assamese who accomplish this feat with their amazing inferiority complex disguised as superiority complex.

BTW,what?So soon.Did I make it too painful breaking apart your dream world of self importance.They do say history is bitter for the conquered.

Wow bro u really know how to put ppl in place.
Hit a nerve?Yes you did.The one which makes me laugh and pity at the same time.
It is usually Assamese who accomplish this feat with their amazing inferiority complex disguised as superiority complex.

BTW,what?So soon.Did I make it too painful breaking apart your dream world of self importance.They do say history is bitter for the conquered.
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