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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Both Saif al-Arab & The Last of Us should be banned. Both of them are immature racist children and the forum will be much better without either of them, and I don't care that The Last of Us is Iranian, because he's also disgustingly racist.

Both of these guys are trying to prove to each other what beautiful girls they have, as if our countries are whore houses or what fair skin we have.

Thank God, actual, everyday Iranians & Arabs are not as idiotic as these two. I've used to live in Dubai and had excellent Arab friends from many different Arabic countries, and without exception, they have all been my brothers, whether Lebanese/Syria Bahai or Emarati Shia or Palestinian homosexual (I'm not insulting anyone, he was homosexual, and considered him a friend). The Arabs are a varied group. The Lebanese/Syria Bahai is noting like my Emarati Shia friend, either in terms of culture, religion, or looks. Why are we all so desperate for uniformity instead of being proud of our diversity? The middle east is more diverse than the west can ever dream of, and this is something we should wear with pride.

And regarding Iranian "fair" skin, **** racist Iranians like that. We have white Iranians, we have brown Iranians, and we have black Iranians. Being Iranian doesn't have a criteria for skin color, ethnicity, or religion. Everyone who is part of Iran is Iranian, and a white Iranian is not MORE Iranian than a black Iranian.
From my experience, Iranians have always looked down on Arabs as inferior. They see Iranian culture as being superior.

Iranians also get angry when confused with Arabs, whereas many Israelis when abroad are confused with Arabs and this doesn't cause any problems.

I've rarely met Arabs that hated Iranians in the same way (prior to the Syrian conflict)
I don't care what a jew/jewlover thinks. Arabs will become the majority in Israel.




The Zanj say to the Arabs: You are so ignorant that during the jahiliyya (the times of ignorance ) you regarded us as your equals when it came to marrying Arab women, but with the advent of the justice of Islam you decided this practice was bad. Yet the desert is full of Zanj married to Arab wives, and they have been princes and kings and have safeguarded your rights and sheltered you against your enemies.
DNA testing of the Arabian Peninsula, in particular KSA, shows that there is no African admixture among the non Afro-Arab community who form 90% of the population if not more. We are not mongrels like certain others in the region.

"Here we present the first high-coverage whole genome sequences from a Middle Eastern population consisting of 14 Eastern Province Saudi Arabians. Genomes from this region are of interest to further answer questions regarding “Out-of-Africa” human migration. Applying a pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent model (PSMC), we inferred the history of population sizes between 10,000 years and 1,000,000 years before present (YBP) for the Saudi genomes and an additional 11 high-coverage whole genome sequences from Africa, Asia and Europe.
The model estimated the initial separation from Africans at approximately 110,000 YBP. This intermediate population then underwent a long period of decreasing population size culminating in a bottleneck 50,000 YBP followed by an expansion into Asia and Europe. The split and subsequent bottleneck were thus two distinct events separated by a long intermediate period of genetic drift in the Middle East. The two most frequent mitochondria haplogroups (30% each) were the Middle Eastern U7a and the African L. The presence of the L haplogroup common in Africa was unexpected given the clustering of the Saudis with Europeans in the phylogenetic tree and suggests some recent African admixture. To examine this further, we performed formal tests for a history of admixture and found no evidence of African admixture in the Saudi after the split. Taken together, these analyses suggest that the L3 haplogroup found in the Saudi were present before the bottleneck 50,000 YBP. Given the TMRCA estimates for the L3 haplogroup of approximately 70,000 YBP and the timing of the Out-of-Africa split, these analyses suggest that L3 haplogroup arose in the Middle East with a subsequent back migration and expansion into Africa over the Horn-of-Africa during the lower sea levels found during the glacial period bottleneck.
These results are consistent with the hypothesis that modern humans populated the Middle East before a split 110,000 YBP, underwent genetic drift for 60,000 years before expanding to Asia and Europe as well as back-migration into Africa. Examination of genetic variants discovered by Saudi whole genome sequencing in ancestral African populations and European/Asian populations will contribute to the understanding human migration patterns and the origin of genetic variation in modern humans

The Saudi Arabian Genome Reveals a Two Step Out-of-Africa Migration.

It is also worth noticing that the Arabian Peninsula was the first inhabited place on the planet outside of South and East Africa and that all the ancestors of people outside of Africa lived on the Arabian Peninsula for some time, some for thousands of years.


One can clearly see that Saudi Arabians have more Western and Southwest Asian component, even higher than any other population exepct the Bedouins. One can also clearly see that many Saudi Arabian samples don't show any East African ancestry (SSA) "the one in the far left and the third in the left" .


Saudi Arabians and Bedouins are nearly 100% West Asian (Southwest Asian) and are less influenced by SSA and South Asian/East Asian genes than Levantines and other West Asian populations including Jews of Isreal.


Southwest Asian cluster next to Mediterranean.

Also this correspondents with the phenotype of Arabians as described by anthropologists (European) centuries ago.

Physical appearance
The Arabid race was distinguished from the West-Mediterranean race by some minor characteristic facial traits. These include almond-shaped eyes, very dark hair color, the Semitic smile (conditioned by unusually deep Fossa canina), untanned skin color tending to a pale olive, and often but not always a narrow or a broad aquiline nose.

This physical type had in earlier times a broader-formed Syrid subtype, which was found among the farmers of the Fertile Crescent.

Arabid race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway the 10% Afro-Arabs are citizens like any other and humans too and there is no difference. They arrived on the Arabian Peninsula and Arab world and other MENA regions due to an unfortunate practice once but most in KSA settled for purely religious (umrah, hajj) and economic reasons.

That iranian member is not muslim he is like the majority of the iranian gay nationslists who live in west and hate islam,arabs,and muslims

Maybe because in iran there are no gay clubs or alcohol:lol:


But he can get a seksx change operation in Iran and if he wants nightclubs he can swim across the Gulf to Bahrain or UAE!

He should listen to the video I posted of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah earlier regarding Iran. Would cheer him up. Or maybe his Moroccan boyfriend left him? Or he just lost a game on his PS3? I mean he loves it so much that his username and avatar uses symbols from some game on a military forum, lol. The poor guy never lives up to his challenges and always escapes.

Behold, the might of US air power.

Air strikes can only do so much. Ground troops are needed. So are the genocidal Al-Assad fanboys here still thinking that Al-Assad will reconquer all of Syria again?:lol:

He will be gone and our brothers and sisters in Syria will slaughter his forces and Alawis loyal to him. Assadist pilots captured were beaten alive by hundreds of ordinary Syrians. That's how much they want to destroy them.

Syria will return to the Sunni Arab fold. Damascus has a very symbolic meaning for us Arabs. The capital of the glorious Umayyad Caliphate. The biggest non-Western empire and the 5th biggest empire in history. The Umayyad Mosque (World UNESCO Heritage Site) will once again be full of worshippers that worship Allah (swt) and who kneel towards the holy city of Makkah.


It cannot be any different.
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According to Syrian State TV ISIS executed 400 civillians, most of whom are woman and children. Just wanted to check the thread if there are any information about it but instead I find a hilarious argument which provided me with the much needed boost to my mood after the shitty news.

Just remember guys :)

According to Syrian State TV ISIS executed 400 civillians, most of whom are woman and children. Just wanted to check the thread if there are any information about it but instead I find a hilarious argument which provided me with the much needed boost to my mood after the shitty news.

Just remember guys :)

Heil ''Normal'' Race. :lol:


Is this Iraqi freelance journalist "Sufyan Baghdadi" pro-ISIS @Mussana ? Never heard about him before.

Syrian State TV are not to be trusted at all. They should worry about denying their regime's genocide and weekly barrel bombs. Not even ISIS is near them when it comes to casualties.

Independent and "neutral" sources are a completely different thing and I have not seen anything from those.

What is important is that they are getting their asses kicked.

Assadists captured after the battles of Palmyra.




Nice group photo. All smiles.


Did you year Zahran's recent speech? Might that piss of ISIS you think? Might give him more Western backing and legitimacy too. Hard to say if it is genuine.

Numerous Assadist officers and colonels were killed during the battles of in the vicinity of the Jisr al-Shughur hospital and city.



2015 Jisr al-Shughur offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martyrdom of a Sheikh who used to teach at the Umayyad Mosque. Killed by bombardments of the genocidal Assadist regime.

To see the trophies from the recent operations search on"+18 شاهد عشرات الجثث لعناصر النظام الذين وعدهم بشار الأسد بفك حصارهم من المشفى الوطني بجسر الشغور".

Eternal glory to the mujahideen.
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To see the trophies from the recent operations search on"+18 شاهد عشرات الجثث لعناصر النظام الذين وعدهم بشار الأسد بفك حصارهم من المشفى الوطني بجسر الشغور".

Eternal glory to the mujahideen.
Turning point. How pleasing it is watching "Resistance" pact going down before our eyes. :pop:
@Saif al-Arab his Moroccan boyfriend why moroccan:lol:


I would explain if the "Arabic Coffee Shop" thread was not closed and make a quite funny joke. It is not an insult to our Moroccan brothers and sisters. Let's try to keep on topic. I did my trolling for this summer yesterday but Ibn Himar asked for it.




Turning point. How pleasing it is watching "Resistance" pact going down before our eyes. :pop:

Yes, indeed but I would prefer that it was not necessary but the Al-Assad regime is to blame and the top officials. Hope peace prevails in Syria. I must say that some of the Shia groups committed a huge mistake by supporting his regime. They should have been neutral or gone against him. This would have earned them a lot of favors and respect. The Arab Shia's should know about the plots of the Iranian regime. We should not be fighting at all in a perfect world. All are prisoners of their "alliances" and the political climate of the region though, sadly. The civilians suffer the most.:(
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Is this Iraqi freelance journalist "Sufyan Baghdadi" pro-ISIS @Mussana ? Never heard about him before.

Syrian State TV are not to be trusted at all. They should worry about denying their regime's genocide and weekly barrel bombs. Not even ISIS is near them when it comes to casualties.

Independent and "neutral" sources are a completely different thing and I have not seen anything from those.

What is important is that they are getting their asses kicked.

Assadists captured after the battles of Palmyra.




Nice group photo. All smiles.


Did you year Zahran's recent speech? Might that piss of ISIS you think? Might give him more Western backing and legitimacy too. Hard to say if it is genuine.

Numerous Assadist officers and colonels were killed during the battles of in the vicinity of the Jisr al-Shughur hospital and city.



2015 Jisr al-Shughur offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martyrdom of a Sheikh who used to teach at the Umayyad Mosque. Killed by bombardments of the genocidal Assadist regime.

To see the trophies from the recent operations search on"+18 شاهد عشرات الجثث لعناصر النظام الذين وعدهم بشار الأسد بفك حصارهم من المشفى الوطني بجسر الشغور".

Eternal glory to the mujahideen.
Zahran did the right thing in my opinion. He is still an advocate for Sharia, but as I said before Islamic Front are fine with democracy as long as it doesn't interfere with Islam. Giving the Syrian people the choice between Sharia and Secularism is the best thing to do, and will stop basically any chance of fighting after Assad regime falls (except for fighting against ISIS.) And yes, such a speech really would rustle ISIS's jimmies, because now they can call us murtad and rawafid more and more but they have no basis.
Yes, indeed but I would prefer that it was not necessary but the Al-Assad regime is to blame and the top officials. Hope peace prevails in Syria. I must say that some of the Shia groups committed a huge mistake by supporting his regime. They should have been neutral or gone against him. This would have earned them a lot of favors and respect. The Arab Shia's should know about the plots of the Iranian regime. We should not be fighting at all in a perfect world. All are prisoners of their "alliances" and the political climate of the region though, sadly. The civilians suffer the most.:(

I'm among those who believe that all who involved and supported regime acts must be punished. This is justice.
I'm among those who believe that all who involved and supported regime acts must be punished. This is justice.

I was that too until recently but then I realized that the cycle of violence will never end this way. I am all for punishing the top Al-Assad officials, leading generals, colonels, soldiers, Shabiha, leading Shia militia men etc. But killing civilians from their communities or even punishing their families should not be done otherwise "we" will not be any better.

I know that this is easy saying as thousands of Syrians entire life's, families, livelihoods have been destroyed due to that pig.

I am talking about if they surrender. If not I am all for turning them into fertilizer.

I said it many times. I am always open to extend my hand to even the most radical Shia Arab's because they are our brethren. The Iranian regime and foreigners are a different thing altogether for me though. I would never extend my hand to the Iranian regime and their supporters. The medicine used for them should be obvious.

Zahran did the right thing in my opinion. He is still an advocate for Sharia, but as I said before Islamic Front are fine with democracy as long as it doesn't interfere with Islam. Giving the Syrian people the choice between Sharia and Secularism is the best thing to do, and will stop basically any chance of fighting after Assad regime falls (except for fighting against ISIS.) And yes, such a speech really would rustle ISIS's jimmies, because now they can call us murtad and rawafid more and more but they have no basis.

Exactly and I fully agree. Sheikh Arifi is an excellent speaker. He really schooled ISIS there. Always liked his straightforwardness.
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