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France starts ban on full-face veil

Then why is ephone being attacked? Is he not entitled to his own opinions?

sure but he was bringing off topic , irrelevant discussion to bash islam :)

there is a difference between discussing something or insulting something without any evidence
Its ok to have difference of opinions as long as we don't impose our opinion on others :)

Do you believe in what "majority" wants? If say 50-100 years down the line, UK becomes Muslims majority country, and they want Shariah Law imposed, but the remaining minority doesn't want it, would you as UK Muslim listen to the grievances of UK minorities?

No offence to anyone's religious belief here, but if God didn't want our women folk to be seen, he could have just covered the face of women with facial hair or something, he is the one who made us after all?
I am not comparing sari with burqa but i am comparing one dress code with other. One cultural dress with other. I understand very well the bold part and I was repeating the same things again and again that in secular country peopels are free to practice their religion or culture as long as they don't hurt anyone else

How does wearing Burqa bring trouble in public? which trouble French peoples faced because of burqa before implementation of this ban?

Questions need to be answer :)

c'mon man emotions aside burqa is impractical it covers your entire face and therefore hides your identity it's not really part of islam anyway hijab is good.
His intention here is to speak his mind, is this the "we all love everything the same way" forum?
What makes you think you represent anymore than he does the chinese people?
Conflict between Chinese and Muslims, right. Then what are the Uyghurs people?
You`re fine when your own country literally crushed Islamic ideas and Separatist ideas but you are Pro-Muslim and defend Islam?
The Chinese have by far most cruelly dealt with Muslim Separatists/Extremists in the last century.
Don`t be a hypocrite, you defend Chinese-Muslim relations as long as they are useful to outside of China, disregarding the Muslims in China.

These Uyghur separatists were backed by the West, and they also killed other Muslim groups for no reason.

Many Hui Muslims also got killed because they look like Han Chinese.

In the past, not much conflict between China and Islam, except one battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Arabic Empire in Central Asia in 750AD.

Our last conflict with Islam was just a territorial battle that happened more than 1200 years ago, this is nowhere near the level of the bad blood between Christianity and Islam.

And stop equating China with the West, and we won't buy your Divide and Conquer tactics.
Do you believe in what "majority" wants? If say 50-100 years down the line, UK becomes Muslims majority country, and they want Shariah Law imposed, but the remaining minority doesn't want it, would you as UK Muslim listen to the grievances of UK minorities?

No offence to anyone's religious belief here, but if God didn't want our women folk to be seen, he could have just covered the face of women with facial hair or something, he is the one who made us after all?

dude..i think that burqa has no place in islam..but who are we tell a woman that you cant wear it..her freedom of wearing burqa should be protected too.
all socially limiting Religious customs should be banned, not only the Hijab but the Kirpan also and any other such backward traditions. Those customs had a significance in their times, in the modern world they are a symbol of backward thinking. The world needs to move on, good going France.
all socially limiting Religious customs should be banned, not only the Hijab but the Kirpan also and any other such backward traditions. Those customs had a significance in their times, in the modern world they are a symbol of backward thinking. The world needs to move on, good going France.

banning is the oldest tradition my friend..spare us your positivist thinking.
These Uyghur separatists were backed by the West, and they also killed other Muslim groups for no reason.

Many Hui Muslims also got killed because they look like Han Chinese.

In the past, not much conflict between China and Islam, except one battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Arabic Empire in Central Asia in 750AD.

Our last conflict with Islam was just a territorial battle that happened more than 1200 years ago, this is nowhere near the level of the bad blood between Christianity and Islam.

And stop equating China with the West, and we won't buy your Divide and Conquer tactics.

I am not equating China with the West because i know for a fact the West is wrong here and China did it the right way.
You may not have conflicts with Muslims nations, aside the fact that you support those the US doesn`t, but Chinese people have conflicts with Muslims everyday in China. Whether its the separatists or the Hui and Han Chinese, there is conflict.
Muslims die, Chinese die, China crushes her own Muslims and no one cares because China does whatever China feels like doing. One of the benefits of being a Great power, you are being a hypocrite by suggesting Chinese have good relations with Islam.
China has good relations with Muslim Nations not Muslim people inside of China.
dude..i think that burqa has no place in islam..but who are we tell a woman that you cant wear it..her freedom of wearing burqa should be protected too.

Fair point, but can we really ascertain that some women really want to cover their face whenever in public? I mean she has been told to cover up cause thats what has been told in written the Quran, she being a very religious person and is just doing what she has been told is the right thing to do. But is it true? Does the Quran asks women folk to cover up?

I think instead of issuing fines to these women folk who wear burqa and reading them the French Citizenship stuff, read them the correct interpretation of Islam which doesn't asks women folk to cover their face and then leave it upto them to decide if they still want to wear Burqa or not.
No, I'm a very moderate Muslim, as is my family. We pray 5 times a day, don't drink alcohol or eat 'Haram' food. My mom covers her head, but my sister doesn't. However, my sister dresses very modestly, & she covers her body 'fully' (legs, arms). My sister & I do not get into premarital relationships (as we aren't allowed to as per our religion), & we respect the people (elders especially) in our lives & try to form good relations with everyone we know in our lives. My sister is independent, goes to work & has a good job. And that's pretty much the same for me. We love our family, our relatives, our friends, everyone around us. We try to get along well with everyone. We read the Quran regularly, & try to understand it well. We are not disinclined to religion in any way. I think some people tend to become overzealous in their beliefs to a point where their beliefs aren't in line with that particular belief system anymore.

how about next time your country disallows her to even cover your mother her head???, and reason is given its midievel
I am not equating China with the West because i know for a fact the West is wrong here and China did it the right way.
You may not have conflicts with Muslims nations, aside the fact that you support those the US doesn`t, but Chinese people have conflicts with Muslims everyday in China. Whether its the separatists or the Hui and Han Chinese, there is conflict.
Muslims die, Chinese die, China crushes her own Muslims and no one cares because China does whatever China feels like doing. One of the benefits of being a Great power, you are being a hypocrite by suggesting Chinese have good relations with Islam.
China has good relations with Muslim Nations not Muslim people inside of China.

How many Chinese Muslims have you met?

Please don't throw out the words without any substantiated proof.
Do you believe in what "majority" wants? If say 50-100 years down the line, UK becomes Muslims majority country, and they want Shariah Law imposed, but the remaining minority doesn't want it, would you as UK Muslim listen to the grievances of UK minorities?

No offence to anyone's religious belief here, but if God didn't want our women folk to be seen, he could have just covered the face of women with facial hair or something, he is the one who made us after all?

You don't understand the fact that peoples have different views about modesty and they come from different cultures. How wearing veil of a woman hurt anyone else and if it don't have any affect on you then why you feel the need to oppose it. They are not asking government to make veil obligatory for every single woman living there. They just want their personal freedom to wear whatever they want to wear. How you would feel if state dictate you what you should eat or wear? State is there to protect the basic right of peoples not to take their rights away from them.

Again there would be many peoples who would argue that they get temptation when a young women walk half naked on street then should they have right to interfere in her personal choice? No they can close their eyes but they cannot tell her that why she is wearing such dress to get extra attention ...its all bout ur personal freedom and basic right nothing else
how about next time your country disallows her to even cover your mother her head???, and reason is given its midievel

I do not see the Hijab/headcover in the same category as the niqab. I do not see any reason why the headcover should or could be banned, unless they are thinking of banning all outward religious symbols in public, including turbans (Sikhs) & kippah (Jews) anything else. In which case, I think people from all religions who are staunch about protecting their religious values should go back to their country of origin.
Fair point, but can we really ascertain that some women really want to cover their face whenever in public? I mean she has been told to cover up cause thats what has been told in the Quran, she being a very religious person and is just doing what she has been told, but is it true? Does the Quran asks women folk to cover up?

i urge you to take a look at the concepts of positive freedom and negative freedom.

the thing is we cant be sure that a woman wearing a mini-skirt does it with her free will..modernity domination?

anyway,whats good in banning it?

hijab,headscarves is ok for islam but burqa is sth cultural.
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