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Featured Zulfi Bukhari resigns as PM's aide over allegations in Ring Road scam case

I never thought you to be that naive.

Have you ever heard of Zardari or Altaf Hussain? Or you are one of those who consider them true leaders as compared to Imran Khan?

Zardari is a sitting member of the parliament. Ex President heads PPP who are major stakeholder in both provincial and federal governments.

Altaf Hussayn should bury his past with Pakistan.
It's more like pressuring those close to the PM, and force them to resign, so that he's left with no one whom he can trust and in the end builds more pressure on the PM, to the point that he can perform no more


You think you can do good abroad but break endless laws back at home android not be held accountable ?
Buzdar, ghulam sarwar and now zulfi, how can we expect PMIK to perform when he is surrounded by corrupt individuals.
What would a resignation do? He will get something else in return.

They resign for their positions for a reason, so unbiased inquiries can take place and they can't influence it in any way shape or form.
Buzdar, ghulam sarwar and now zulfi, how can we expect PMIK to perform when he is surrounded by corrupt individuals.

95% of our nation is made up of corrupt peoples, it got to show its not easy for a honest man to work in our country. Where on earth one is going to find the honest person to work for you when sooner or latter he/she will change the colour as soon as first opportunity arises for the back handler. Its not a fault of the IK he just born in the wrong country.
His name is not even on the list.... all internal PTI politics and rift...
Look if you are a known associate of ammar nakshwani then you don't belong in government regardless of what sect you are. You can't hold connections to such vile individuals and introduce them to the PM. It casts a question mark whether Zulfi holds similar views to nakshwani. Nakshwani regularly insults sahaba yet he got invited to Pakistan even though the sahaba are held in high esteem in the eyes of most pakistanis. That is ridiculous. Anyone who is friends with such people is not trustworthy.

Similar to if a pakistani politician was associating with BJP people or hardcore afghan nationalists or ISIS people etc...
I have no idea who is ammar and his affiliation... seems both UK residents ... don't know anything about there believes...will see his video...if said anything controversial, then it's a shame.
some posters from the UK said, Gulam Sarwar is not corrupt but his son involve in frauds ...... anyone from UK ?
It's more like pressuring those close to the PM, and force them to resign, so that he's left with no one whom he can trust and in the end builds more pressure on the PM, to the point that he can perform no more


You think you can do good abroad but break endless laws back at home android not be held accountable ?

This is why PTI needs to mentor, from the bottom up, honest people, so that by the next election they candidates that can campaign with Imran Khan by their side to win as many districts as possible. But honestly for many/most politicians this is a career that only a political shift in the public can change. Nearly half the population is under 18. Median age is 23. If the PTI works on universal literacy and a strong ground game it would be the best way to explain to the people why they are doing what they are doing and why they should get their votes next time around.
Can you prove one of his corruptions?
A man with no income or job lives like a king. Pays very little tax. Has always been a beneficiary of others world wide.
I don't know why children are told to study and get a job when all you need to do is clearly nothing to live in luxury.
Who funds him. All his friends and known associates are corrupt and they feed him.
So logically he is clean.
I know my nation is thick but for the love of God .
Kapil Dev an Indian hero has a restaurant etc
Our 'hero' was made the pm, ffs
He is probably on mossads pay role. So he didn't attend parliament when they discussed and condemned Israel. How could he speak against them. Instead he had a meeting with him special advisors and army of spokespersons
I have always contended that PTI is a CIA phsyops.
With a weak Pakistan, the Muslim world is nowhere.
Turkey is a fraud.has full close relationship with Israel but talks about the Palestinian people. Iran has not got the capacity. But has the will.
Pakistan has the capability and capacity but they are striping away the will.
Ik is their man not ours
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Can you prove one of his corruptions?

There are none. I am not a fan of IK's cabinet but Zulfi is one guy who is doing a good job. He is super pro-active in solving issues of Overseas Pakistani. File a complaint through his office and you will see a response in 48 hours. He has also done a fantastic job by sending laborers to the Middle East from Pakistan which earns us precious FX.

His wealth was mostly earned by him and his father through their Real Estate Business. They completed multiple projects in the UK and Dubai. Most of the people calling him corrupt are, you know just the plain jealous type. I think this is an inherent horrible quality of Pakistanis, that if someone is doing well, lets try and bring him down so mediocrity and status quo can thrive.
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