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Zero birth rate by 2030 : Pledges Khaleda


Nov 20, 2009
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Zero birth rate by 2030 : Pledges Khaleda

BNP chief Khaleda Zia yesterday made a new demographic vision for the country that would render a negative population growth, a debacle that many of the Scandinavian countries and Japan are grappling with.

She mentioned the plan to attain zero population growth for the country by 2030 in her 16-point vision 2030, which was unveiled during delivery of her “budget thoughts”.

Experts, however, said zero population growth would be bad for Bangladesh and it was not a practical idea.

Prof AKM Nurun Nabi of population science department of Dhaka University said it was quite impossible for Bangladesh considering the present situation.

“There is a concept of zero population growth. But we need stability in population growth and it would not bring any good for us if it renders negative population growth in the name of making zero population growth,” he said while talking to The Daily Star.

According to different studies, Japan has zero percent natural birth increase and is expected to lose 21 percent of its population by 2050, shrinking its population to 100.6 million from 127.8 million. It is expected to face a crisis of working people then.

The Scandinavian countries are also facing the same problem and it affects growth and security.

The BNP chief saw Bangladesh as a higher middle-income country by 2030. She emphasised the need for addressing infrastructure deficiencies and ensuring investment-friendly environment for direct investments.

Ensuring optimum generation and supply of electricity within the quickest possible time, sustainable strategy for addressing climate change challenges, effective independent and neutral judiciary to ensure justice and rule of law, strengthening local government institutions, extraction and optimum use of gas, oil, coal and other mineral resources, stringent steps to curb corruption, and seizing all opportunities for progress and prosperity were also mentioned among others in her vision 2030.

Khaleda Zia : Zero birth rate by 2030 | Daily Star
She is just saying this just to win some support, but i dont think she will gain much from the neutrals by saying this. How the hell can you stop bangladeshis from having kids??? We breed like rabbits in our quest for world domination :P

Zero birth rate is very dangerous for our country as well as economy.
Well, demography has a cycle... bangladesh is heading towards Zero birth rate.... Its now in late expansion phase which will be followed by static phase (khaleda Mentioned that ) .... zero doesnt mean negative.

Bangladesh is not heading towards zero birth rate(technically it aiint possible anyway), However the birth rate is stabilising so is the fertility rate. If our birth birth rate as well as fertility rate was a little bit lower it will be better. However zero birth rate will only bring negative effects
how is Zero growth rate not possible? Its 2 children per family! And we talking about 2030! Twenty years from today!
I think she was trying to say 0% growth rate not birth rate. To attain that couple need to have 2.1 children to replace the old population. But as average living age of the people are increasing that's why it will require slightly less then 2.1 children per couple to have 0% growth rate. Current growth rate is 1.38%.

My opinion is having 2-3 children is fair. .... Bangladesh needs to convert these human resources to an asset.
I don't know what she is talking about, but if you look at the current trend, Middle class families don't have more than 2 kids, at
best sometimes 3. But still 0% growth rate (2 families/couple) by 2030 seems impractical.

Japan has zero percent natural birth increase and is expected to lose 21 percent of its population by 2050, shrinking its population to 100.6 million from 127.8 million. It is expected to face a crisis of working people then.

I don't understand what Japan's problem. Can't they encourage couples to take more childs. Russia is doing something like that,
like giving monetary and tax benefits to couples taking more kids. Japan can also increase skilled man power import like AUS
and canada but they really xenophobic to outsiders. Ultimately they will have no other choice but to increase immigration.
Zero birth rate by 2030 : Pledges Khaleda

BNP chief Khaleda Zia yesterday made a new demographic vision for the country that would render a negative population growth, a debacle that many of the Scandinavian countries and Japan are grappling with.

She mentioned the plan to attain zero population growth for the country by 2030 in her 16-point vision 2030, which was unveiled during delivery of her “budget thoughts”.

Experts, however, said zero population growth would be bad for Bangladesh and it was not a practical idea.

Prof AKM Nurun Nabi of population science department of Dhaka University said it was quite impossible for Bangladesh considering the present situation.

“There is a concept of zero population growth. But we need stability in population growth and it would not bring any good for us if it renders negative population growth in the name of making zero population growth,” he said while talking to The Daily Star.

According to different studies, Japan has zero percent natural birth increase and is expected to lose 21 percent of its population by 2050, shrinking its population to 100.6 million from 127.8 million. It is expected to face a crisis of working people then.

The Scandinavian countries are also facing the same problem and it affects growth and security.

The BNP chief saw Bangladesh as a higher middle-income country by 2030. She emphasised the need for addressing infrastructure deficiencies and ensuring investment-friendly environment for direct investments.

Ensuring optimum generation and supply of electricity within the quickest possible time, sustainable strategy for addressing climate change challenges, effective independent and neutral judiciary to ensure justice and rule of law, strengthening local government institutions, extraction and optimum use of gas, oil, coal and other mineral resources, stringent steps to curb corruption, and seizing all opportunities for progress and prosperity were also mentioned among others in her vision 2030.

Khaleda Zia : Zero birth rate by 2030 | Daily Star

" Zero Birth rate " means Bangladeshi People will stop having Children ?

Or did she actually mean Zero Population growth rate ?
quite simple.. any exces will flow into india. LOL

" Zero Birth rate " means Bangladeshi People will stop having Children ?

Or did she actually mean Zero Population growth rate ?
means everyne will have only 2 kids whichis the replacement rate
Ok it will be zero growth rate, not birth rate....
Bangladesh is not heading towards zero birth rate(technically it aiint possible anyway), However the birth rate is stabilising so is the fertility rate. If our birth birth rate as well as fertility rate was a little bit lower it will be better. However zero birth rate will only bring negative effects

Zero population growth may be achievable in the present context of Bangladesh. Without getting a suitable employment in the country YOUNG male populaation are going abroad. This has caused late marriages and absenteism, which has resulted, upto a certain extent, a lowered expansion of population.

Who knows, BKZ wants to send another 10 million young men to the Arab countries as labours so that they can contribute to her 2030 vision of zero growth. BKZ is certainly a visionery although she failed to foresee an upsurge of electricity demand in the future during her tenure.
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