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Zero birth rate by 2030 : Pledges Khaleda

Whats yr logical stand, without religion. Mish mash?
China, you think is stupid to hv followed such a policy?
Cant you be a pragmatic, without mullah mentality?

In today's Bangldesh the wives of Mullahs also do not give births to many children. Note that contraceptives have been made available to the village housewives since about early 1960s when the country was east Pakistan. There are women agents who work for the family planning deptt. They would go to the houses at day time when usually the husbands are absent and advise the housewives about the perils of bearing many children. They supply the contraceptives.

Mullahs also do not speak against family planning. Problem is the poor urban people who are not aware of the future or are not provided with contraceptives. However, people are generally aware of the ill effects of too many children. This is why the family planning is such a success in Bangladesh.

However, there will be demographic increases. It is because the teenager babyboomers will reach adulthood and will produce children. However, after this group of new adults the number of next group adults will be less. This will result in less number of children. BKZ was probably talking about her 2030 vision considering this phenomenon.

The two lady PMs of BD are generally inept in state matters. But, both did good jobs in terms of social sectors including family planning and women's education. Women's education has resulted in late marriage, less children and a sure education for their offsprings.

Although, I have criticized BKZ in an earlier post, but, the reality is she is a visionary in the field we are discussing here. During her 1st term she introduced a system that encouraged all the girls to attend schools. She felt that only an educated mother can guarantee the education of her offsprings. So, she introduced a system to provide 15 kg rice/atta (only) to a girl student.

The system has been more improved by the present AL by providing a non-tuition and cash stipend to any girl student who attends Intermediate (11th and 12th) level of education. SHW correctly assessed that it would cause late marriages and less children for the girls. Anyway, all these measures have been proved beneficial for the country in general, and for family planning in particular.
yes i would like to add, from my experience related to Bangladesh medical field, though Bangladesh is lagging behind in clinical medicine, it is light years ahead than other similar developing nation in term of community health care..... Like prevention of Polio, Tetanus, tuberculosis, diptheria, measles, whooping caugh... and other problems of mother child health care and also in contraception.... NGO community clinics have pivotal role in this.... Our field health workers have reached every corner of the country to observe every single family. So it doesn't seem impossible to me when someone says about halting population growth. If you are still doubtful go ask your Kajer bua , someone already taught her methods of contraception including tubectomy!
Whats yr logical stand, without religion. Mish mash?
China, you think is stupid to hv followed such a policy?
Cant you be a pragmatic, without mullah mentality?

Well, the Middle Eastern countries aren't even that populated. Libya for example has a population of only 6 million, mainly living in the coastal regions of the country.

So, what bothers you so much about this....."mullah mentality" of yours?

I'd say, Indian's on PDF sheer hatred of Islam and Muslims is not a well-hidden fact :lol: There are plenty of examples here.
^^^^ why even replying to that bigoted islamophobic troll?

Actually, I was ignoring his post, and reported it instead. I'm surprised that mods didn't take any action.

I find bigots funny to be honest. Since no action was taken, I simply corrected his views. He came up with "facts" which had zero facts whatsoever.

Plenty of inferiority complex going on here. It's pretty normal from them.
Well, the Middle Eastern countries aren't even that populated. Libya for example has a population of only 6 million, mainly living in the coastal regions of the country.

So, what bothers you so much about this....."mullah mentality" of yours?

I'd say, Indian's on PDF sheer hatred of Islam and Muslims is not a well-hidden fact :lol: There are plenty of examples here.

What makes you heat up suddenly? You have been consistently claiming yourself a lover of not only India, but also its Hindus since you joined this forum. I think, your love for India has been duly reciprocated by its citizens. I wonder why a sudden change of heart!
What makes you heat up suddenly? You have been consistently claiming yourself a lover of not only India, but also its Hindus since you joined this forum. I think, your love for India has been duly reciprocated by its citizens. I wonder why a sudden change of heart!

You certainly missed out my comments in the World Affairs section regarding India :lol:

And how do you know the poster is a Hindu? Not all Indians are Hindus. He could be an Atheist, Christian, Zoroaster, Ba'hai, Buddhist, Jain, etc.

I think the key difference between you and me is rationality and personal respect irregardless of religion/ethnicity. Not a bunch of fragmented emotions resulting in inferiority complex. The logic itself ultimately fails.
You certainly missed out my comments in the World Affairs section regarding India :lol:

And how do you know the poster is a Hindu? Not all Indians are Hindus. He could be an Atheist, Christian, Zoroaster, Ba'hai, Buddhist, Jain, etc.

I think the key difference between you and me is rationality and personal respect irregardless of religion/ethnicity. Not a bunch of fragmented emotions resulting in inferiority complex. The logic itself ultimately fails.

However, in the post that I have answered to you have not followed what you are preaching here. Please read again your own post, you have just generalised Indians. Why an Indian's comment should bother you? It is your kind of people whose callous posts cause them to insult my country and religion at ease.
However, in the post that I have answered to you have not followed what you are preaching here.


Please read again your own post, you have just generalised Indians. Why an Indian's comment should bother you? It is your kind of people whose callous posts cause them to insult my country and religion at ease.

I never insulted him or his country for that matter. I did imply a bit of amusement at him and his ilks, I admit :lol: I'm like that.

Your reply to him was a good one. Do keep it up.

And if more follow, let them come.
In today's Bangldesh the wives of Mullahs also do not give births to many children. Note that contraceptives have been made available to the village housewives since about early 1960s when the country was east Pakistan. There are women agents who work for the family planning deptt. They would go to the houses at day time when usually the husbands are absent and advise the housewives about the perils of bearing many children. They supply the contraceptives.

Mullahs also do not speak against family planning. Problem is the poor poor people who are not aware of the future or are not provided with contraceptives. However, people are generally aware of the ill effects of too many children. This is why the family planning is such a success in Bangladesh.

However, there will be demographic increases. It is because the teenager babyboomers will reach adulthood and will produce children. However, after this group of new adults the number of next group adults will be less. This will result in less number of children. BKZ was probably talking about her 2030 vision considering this phenomenon.

The two lady PMs of BD are generally inept in state matters. But, both did good jobs in terms of social sectors including family planning and women's education. Women's education has resulted in late marriage, less children and a sure education of their offsprings.

Although, I have criticized BKZ in an earlier post, but, the reality is she is a visionary in the field we are discussing here. During her 1st term she introduced a system that encouraged all the girls to attend schools. She felt that only an educated mother can guarantee the education of her offsprings. So, she introduced a system to provide 15 kg rice/atta (only) to a girl student.

The system has been more improved by the present AL by providing a non-tuition and cash stipend to any girl student who attends Intermediate (11th abd 12th) level of education. SHW correctly assessed that it would cause late marriages for the girls. Anyway, all these measures have been proved beneficial for the country in general, and for family planning in particular.

TFR of Khulna division is 1.9, Rajshahi division is 2. Practically these two regions already in a negative population growth path and yet very poor. How could it be achieved without poor people not taking contraceptive. In Bangladesh every couple used contraceptive at least once in their reproductive life.
You certainly missed out my comments in the World Affairs section regarding India :lol:

And how do you know the poster is a Hindu? Not all Indians are Hindus. He could be an Atheist, Christian, Zoroaster, Ba'hai, Buddhist, Jain, etc.

I think the key difference between you and me is rationality and personal respect irregardless of religion/ethnicity. Not a bunch of fragmented emotions resulting in inferiority complex. The logic itself ultimately fails.

So, we can expect a few sentences of logic from nowon in your posts instead of all those half liners, I guess!
how is Zero growth rate not possible? Its 2 children per family! And we talking about 2030! Twenty years from today!

This is a common misconception. I did a little analysis.

According to 2011 statistics,

Current birth rate=2.298%,
Current death rate=0.575%,
Net migration rate=-0.157%,
Life expectancy at birth=69.75 years.

Assuming all other data remain the same, the policy of 2 children (born alive) per couple would give a population growth rate of (1/69.75 - 0.00575 - 0.00157)*100 % =0.7% approx.

For a zero population growth, on average each individual can give birth of (0.00575 + 0.00157)*69.75 = 0.51057 number of children (born alive) in his lifetime. That means each couple can give birth of approximately only one child (born alive) in their lifetime. This number would further decrease if life expectancy increases and death rate decreases over time, which is highly likely, and also if the net migration increases (i.e. less people go abroad).

Khaleda Zia had better stop imitating BAL stunts.
As far as I can remeber the demographers say that 1.23 children in average per couple within the age bracket of 20-40 stabilizes population at zero growth. I may be mistaken, though.
Japan is a small country for about a 126 million people to live in. This country can support this figure because of an economic development. Without much development it cannot support more than 50 to 55 million people. Japanese economy can no more grow. It has reached its limitation, it can no more produce goods and sell these to America and europe. Western countries want Japan a self-sustained country without exporting much to their countries.

As a result of this shrinking of their economy, Japanese are seriously thinking about the future course of their country. This could be the reason that whatever the govt people say, individual couples are averse to having more than one or two children.

May be you can tell them about ASEAN+. They can have a new empire to build and make these underdeveloped countries in ASEAN+ well managed like Japan.

This guy.....


Where did you guys get my picture?

On a serious note, BKZ was talking about population growth of 0% obviously as some already pointed out. 2030 is a possibility. I would even like to see negative population growth, as we have a small land for our huge population. Bangladesh needs to increase its HDI index by improving quality of human beings, not the size of our population. To do that we need to ensure proper nutrition starting with baby's mother, then infant and early childhood, which are critical for brain development. Once the first 6-8 years are passed, the brain remains stunted for life. I am afraid this is the situation in most poor countries of the world, where undernourishment affects productivity and creativity of the work force.
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