Pakistan's IB would be the primary intel agency responsible for dealing with terror threats, especially outside of FATA.
I believe it is pretty clear now why the efforts against terrorism domestically have been so pathetic, especially in terms of preempting terror attacks.
4000 to 5000 incompetent officials posted into the IB - the numbers are enormous for a single agency - the impact disastrous.
And lets not forget that these officials were reinstated with back pay and benefits dating back several years - imagine the billions in tax-payer money wasted. And this does not even address the potentially hundreds of thousands of incompetent political lackeys/workers recruited into the other major State enterprises like police, FBR, Railways, PIA, Pakistan Steel, Banks, mills, bureaucracies ....
At the Karachi Stock Exchange, Ambassador Munter exhorted the government to begin privatising SOEs as in the current fiscal year alone they have cost the Pakistan government almost 3 billion dollars in state subsidies, or twice the amount that the country receives under the Kerry-Lugar bill in one year.
Munter s hectic lobbying for economic reforms | editors-pick | weekly-updates
Whatever else the US has done wrong, on the point of economic reforms at least they are dead right and working in favor of Pakistan's interests and security.