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Zaid Hamid's analysis of Wikileaks

Legend: To use the word questionable for all books other than Bukhari and Muslim would be plain wrong... The reality is that Bukhari and Muslim are not the only Sahih collections... but their "status" is high in the level of correctness... The issue of Hadith is complex but I think your comment requires a slight explanation...

So firstly there are other books that go up to the same status in authenticity... for example you have the Musnad of Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal which is in the Musnad category and then the Motaa of Imam Malik... A better word to use instead of questionable would be lower level of authenticity... When the early Muslims collected the Ahadith they did not just collect the words of the prophet saw... rather they also worked on the chains of transmission... and the attempt was to quote the Prophet saw word for word... sometimes you ll find in the Hadith that the quotation is not word for word and the narrator is not sure of the exact words... but the meaning is delivered and understood... so obviously a word by word Hadith is taken as a higher level in authenticity but that does nt make the hadith which is not word for word but delivers a meaning or information as questionable...

Of course however... there are ahadith which are Modoo (fabricated) and Daeef (weak) in authority and narration... One should be aware of them...

Whatever we are told in the Hadith, does point to one thing that we are going thru a time of the fitnah of Dajjal... It is most certainly visible in the economic chaos that is engulfing the world today... Our job however is not to speculate over who or what Dajjal is... our job is to establish ourselves in a strong state where we are genuinely free from the influence of our enemies and live according to the justice of Islam... only this way we can shield ourself... God willing
I don't think Zaid Hamid is a credible analyst. He make claims but is unable to substantiate. He made a claim about a Pak Submarine spying on Indian Navel and posted a picture of it on his facebook, before his facebook got hacked. Latter it was found out, that picture was actually taken from an American woman's blog during her trip to a submarine open for tourists......

His credibility as an honest analyst ended there for me.

Ok sure, Lets suppose Israel is behind the wikileaks, do you have any evidence to substantiate your claim? If so, then show it, if not, then why should I believe you?
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I have to agree that he is a good motivational speaker.For us indians he is a man who says white lies about our mother land without even a speck of proof.What is more disgusting is his wish to conquer india,rise indian flag in new delhi etc..How can an
indian not hate a person who wishes to invade his motherland?
And his role as a defence analyst is most funny.He does not have any proofs to substantiate most of his analysis.According to him ajmal kasab was amar singh..His submarine story which he posted in facebook and his website got busted by one of our pakistani members here..He was accusing india for floods,in another occasion he was accusing US HAARP for the same floods-without providing an iota of reason.According to him china's secret service is so secret that they never even named it!!Most of his analysis are pure imaginations without any proofs..
People here seem to jump out of there chairs on this assesment of Zaid Hamid, here on PDF. What is wrong with this analysis? He seem more accurate than many other so called experts of USA foriegn policy. We all know this is a hand-work of Mossad and a quite embrasement for USA. The only beneficiary is ISRAEL, all the way! No one else. Only muslim countries of the region are on the recieving end. This is CRYSTAL CLEAR from this wiki leaks, till date.

No need to be sarcastic. It is motivational to the public. If you work in a public environment you tend to bloat things..

Take Dr. king for example, if he has used the words "i have a plan" instead of "i have a dream" in his favourite speech would it have had such a lasting impact?

Lets not PI** on people's shoes shall we, we all are different and we all want to see our nation's shine. So lets stop the pretend and whilst he does make questionable remarks he is excellent at motivating people and has the gall to speak the truth.

His point about lack of leadership and direction and the need for a new 1940 style agreement is very much correct. So your quoting him out of context is petty and shameless.

Regardless thank you for sharing your concern... Regardless if we had loyal leadership and a national direction, is it incomprehensible to aspire to have a Pakistani represented on the International Space program (or is that solely the domain of INDIA)?

I think its a classical case of associational bias. Since Indians always hear him pis*ing on India, his non India centric speeches also seem ridiculous.. Human tendency .. lol
Declaration, I don't buy into this guy's stuff But

This time he has raised some good points, which are already being talked about in other places such as America's silence on such a blow to its diplomacy and its interests worldwide. US has been handling things in its own ways from decades and after these leaks US itself has acknowledged that its a blow to their diplomatic ties and alliances But the question is why are they still silent!!!!!!!!

I don't buy in all of the stuff said by him, the point to be remembered is that Israel has lost the window of attack on Iran because Iran has filled its plants with nuclear fuel giving it protection by international law against any attacks on its nuclear facilities.

Israel had a limited time frame to attack Iran which US forcefully let go to avoid further mess in M.E by denying deliveries of F-15 silent eagle against. And creating disturbance in M.E specially Iran-Ksa is the way left behind to neutralize Iran.
one thing is for sure the word we didnt here in all the conspriacy is ISRAIL ..... and i believe that was all done on the order of israil ........ wikileaks took everyone except israil ....... why
and he is right over this issue
Those who do not understand how ISRAEL is the sole beneficiary for this leak or those who HAVE NOT SEEN the video but still find themselves competent enough to comment on it because it is ZAID HAMID 'so-must-be-wrong' are asking naive questions.
Explain how ISRAEL is benefitting or this is another conspiracy theory, sort of attitude show just plain naivity or they never see the video.

ZAID HAMID explained the answers to these two questions in this video!!

Explain how ISRAEL is benefitting or this is another conspiracy theory, sort of attitude show just plain naivity or they never see the video.
I may be naive, but I think that lies not just in ignorance but in different interpretations of information. After all, Muhammed was told to read, not watch videos. So why shouldn't it be up to you to explain yourself and your claims, right here, in text?
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