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Zaid Hamid's analysis of Wikileaks

You contradicted yourself in this statement. He can never say anything good about India or Indians. He has never stood up for anything except speaking for the Muslims regardless of them being right or wrong. Why then should anyone respect him?

One sincere advice - please stop taking his nonsense to be the true picture. There are caste issues in India, but that is not any more problematic than the sectarian issues all countries, including Pakistan have.

Dude, you know nothing, leave this matter for us Pakistanis :)

I can post videos, he talks about religious harmony, tolerance among nations but with honor and dignity..

Take my advice, get out of this Zaid hamid Phobia, you tell us to not take him seriously and on other hand, Most of the Indians love to discuss him.. :what:
Zion Hamid supporters - check the facts below

1. Zaid Hamid himself admits that he defended Yusuf Kazab in the court. See Zaid Hamid Admits His Links to Yusuf Kazab and Defends Him.
2. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article claims that there was nothing objectionable in the cassettes. This is absolutely untrue. Zaidhamidexposition will soon release the entire Speech of Yusuf Kazab delievered at Bait e Raza to the public. The general public would be shocked to hear that Yusuf Kazab not only claimed to be Muhammad SAW but also claimed to be Allah, because according to him Allah and Muhammad SAW are one and the same thing.
3. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article admits himself that he was at all times present in the court room. His exact words are “I was present in the courtroom to assist the defence lawyers.”
4. Zaid Hamid claims in his DAILY DAWN article that the witnesses against Yusuf Kazab were all followers of a pir. This is not true, since the prosecution lawyers produced not one, not two but 14 eye witnesses of Yusuf Kazab’s claim that he is Muhammad SAW. Out of these 14 eye witnesses, 5 were followers of Yusuf Kazab. These 5 followers even during the court proceedings believed that Yusuf Kazab was in fact Muhammad SAW.
5. Yusuf Kazab himself admitted that he is Khalifa-e-Azam and the only person to be Khalifa-e-Azam before him was Muhammad SAW. He mentioned that even the four Khalifa namely Abu Bakar Siddiq RA, Umar Farooq RA, Usman bin Affan RA, and Ali bin Al Khattab RA were not Khalifa-e-Azam.
6. Yusuf Kazab produced the certificate of being declared Khalifa-e-Azam. The certificate was written in english and according to his claim was send to him by Abdullah Shah Ghazi, a sufi saint from Karachi – who passed away 300 years ago.
7. The Khalifa-e-Azam certificate stated that Yusuf Kazab’s knowledge is all encompassing. Yusuf Kazab himself claimed to be a mufassir, sufi and alim of the highest order. However, on cross examination, it was revealed that he didnt even knew the names of the Sihah e Sitta – the six authentic books of Ahadees.
8. In his DAILY DAWN article Zaid Hamid calls Yusuf Kazab to be one of the greatest living sufi’s, a staunch Muslim and a scholar of the Holy Quran. However, this greatest scholar of Islam didn’t even knew the names of the books of Ahadees.

The Truth About Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage

26-Rachna Block,

Iqbal Town Lahore.

August 30, 2000

Mohammad Ismeel Qureshy

Senior Advocate, Supreme Court .
i have heard that media houses in Pakistan pay him big to appear on their channels and his mere appearance can charge the TRP's,is that right?

It is also claimed that he had a fan following that can even beat many political heavyweight's,if if restored to presidential election's

Any way it look like some people on both side r earning very much due to the unhealthy relationship's,atleat we can find solace that this enemity is eventualy beneficial to atleast a few other than America:cheesy:

Let just put it this way... His Security briefs published every month is charged at $250 dollars and Brookings are amongst the people reading it ;)

I laugh how people call him a hack and a cookoo, but this "Hack" is paid handsomely for his views.
Zion Hamid supporters - check the facts below

1. Zaid Hamid himself admits that he defended Yusuf Kazab in the court. See Zaid Hamid Admits His Links to Yusuf Kazab and Defends Him.
2. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article claims that there was nothing objectionable in the cassettes. This is absolutely untrue. Zaidhamidexposition will soon release the entire Speech of Yusuf Kazab delievered at Bait e Raza to the public. The general public would be shocked to hear that Yusuf Kazab not only claimed to be Muhammad SAW but also claimed to be Allah, because according to him Allah and Muhammad SAW are one and the same thing.
3. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article admits himself that he was at all times present in the court room. His exact words are “I was present in the courtroom to assist the defence lawyers.”
4. Zaid Hamid claims in his DAILY DAWN article that the witnesses against Yusuf Kazab were all followers of a pir. This is not true, since the prosecution lawyers produced not one, not two but 14 eye witnesses of Yusuf Kazab’s claim that he is Muhammad SAW. Out of these 14 eye witnesses, 5 were followers of Yusuf Kazab. These 5 followers even during the court proceedings believed that Yusuf Kazab was in fact Muhammad SAW.
5. Yusuf Kazab himself admitted that he is Khalifa-e-Azam and the only person to be Khalifa-e-Azam before him was Muhammad SAW. He mentioned that even the four Khalifa namely Abu Bakar Siddiq RA, Umar Farooq RA, Usman bin Affan RA, and Ali bin Al Khattab RA were not Khalifa-e-Azam.
6. Yusuf Kazab produced the certificate of being declared Khalifa-e-Azam. The certificate was written in english and according to his claim was send to him by Abdullah Shah Ghazi, a sufi saint from Karachi – who passed away 300 years ago.
7. The Khalifa-e-Azam certificate stated that Yusuf Kazab’s knowledge is all encompassing. Yusuf Kazab himself claimed to be a mufassir, sufi and alim of the highest order. However, on cross examination, it was revealed that he didnt even knew the names of the Sihah e Sitta – the six authentic books of Ahadees.
8. In his DAILY DAWN article Zaid Hamid calls Yusuf Kazab to be one of the greatest living sufi’s, a staunch Muslim and a scholar of the Holy Quran. However, this greatest scholar of Islam didn’t even knew the names of the books of Ahadees.

The Truth About Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage

26-Rachna Block,

Iqbal Town Lahore.

August 30, 2000

Mohammad Ismeel Qureshy

Senior Advocate, Supreme Court .

So the only fault you found in ZH is he supported some demi God? Looks like blasphemy is the only way to bring down a person in Pakistan.
Zion Hamid supporters - check the facts below

1. Zaid Hamid himself admits that he defended Yusuf Kazab in the court. See Zaid Hamid Admits His Links to Yusuf Kazab and Defends Him.
2. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article claims that there was nothing objectionable in the cassettes. This is absolutely untrue. Zaidhamidexposition will soon release the entire Speech of Yusuf Kazab delievered at Bait e Raza to the public. The general public would be shocked to hear that Yusuf Kazab not only claimed to be Muhammad SAW but also claimed to be Allah, because according to him Allah and Muhammad SAW are one and the same thing.
3. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article admits himself that he was at all times present in the court room. His exact words are “I was present in the courtroom to assist the defence lawyers.”
4. Zaid Hamid claims in his DAILY DAWN article that the witnesses against Yusuf Kazab were all followers of a pir. This is not true, since the prosecution lawyers produced not one, not two but 14 eye witnesses of Yusuf Kazab’s claim that he is Muhammad SAW. Out of these 14 eye witnesses, 5 were followers of Yusuf Kazab. These 5 followers even during the court proceedings believed that Yusuf Kazab was in fact Muhammad SAW.
5. Yusuf Kazab himself admitted that he is Khalifa-e-Azam and the only person to be Khalifa-e-Azam before him was Muhammad SAW. He mentioned that even the four Khalifa namely Abu Bakar Siddiq RA, Umar Farooq RA, Usman bin Affan RA, and Ali bin Al Khattab RA were not Khalifa-e-Azam.
6. Yusuf Kazab produced the certificate of being declared Khalifa-e-Azam. The certificate was written in english and according to his claim was send to him by Abdullah Shah Ghazi, a sufi saint from Karachi – who passed away 300 years ago.
7. The Khalifa-e-Azam certificate stated that Yusuf Kazab’s knowledge is all encompassing. Yusuf Kazab himself claimed to be a mufassir, sufi and alim of the highest order. However, on cross examination, it was revealed that he didnt even knew the names of the Sihah e Sitta – the six authentic books of Ahadees.
8. In his DAILY DAWN article Zaid Hamid calls Yusuf Kazab to be one of the greatest living sufi’s, a staunch Muslim and a scholar of the Holy Quran. However, this greatest scholar of Islam didn’t even knew the names of the books of Ahadees.

The Truth About Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage

26-Rachna Block,

Iqbal Town Lahore.

August 30, 2000

Mohammad Ismeel Qureshy

Senior Advocate, Supreme Court .

Dude, I have been studying this case very closely, the Mullahs are mad..

Watch this video.. As a Muslim, Now there's no doubt in my mind..

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What ever he is saying is true Israel controlling whole of American and everything. The time is also near that the power will be shifted and soon we will be seeing Israel as the new super power of the world where as America will be left strangled and they (Israel) will continue using US. The Alim's and Islamic scholars have already said it that the time is not far when the power will be shifted to Israel and me being as a muslim know that when Dajjal will come only one nation will be with him and that nation is non other than Israel they(Israel) are already working on it and they are working fast and there are so many other things.
What I don't understand is that you muslims who are on this forum don't think before saying anything and up till now I see this discussion going no where but only enjoying it. You all should be shame of your self that non of you have this knowledge of what I have said above all of you have forgotten how Dajjal will come and who or which country will be with him and etc.. I know many of you will attack me for saying this but what is true is true.
If you look positively only Muslim countries have been targeted nothing have been said about Israel openly like it should have been. I don't want to argue on this because no one will think right and will say stupid and non sense things. If you are muslim with brains you will agree me on this on what I said above and all.
India will never be Pakistan's friend or they will never be in favor of Pakistan in anything. It is sad to see that only the Indians are talking more on this Defense forum more than Pakistanis.
I will only say one thing Jago Pakistan Jago.
Pakistan Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad Pak Fauj Zindabad.

Pakistan is alive because of Pakistan Army and the ISI all of you can already see what the democracy and some people of Pakistan are doing they have completely sold them selves. shame on you. Yai sawal hai Pakistan ka.
where did israel come in from? and when were the muslim nations coming close to each other? im quite sure i didnt leave this world to check my grave for few days
What ever he is saying is true Israel controlling whole of American and everything. The time is also near that the power will be shifted and soon we will be seeing Israel as the new super power of the world where as America will be left strangled and they (Israel) will continue using US. The Alim's and Islamic scholars have already said it that the time is not far when the power will be shifted to Israel and me being as a muslim know that when Dajjal will come only one nation will be with him and that nation is non other than Israel they(Israel) are already working on it and they are working fast and there are so many other things.
What I don't understand is that you muslims who are on this forum don't think before saying anything and up till now I see this discussion going no where but only enjoying it. You all should be shame of your self that non of you have this knowledge of what I have said above all of you have forgotten how Dajjal will come and who or which country will be with him and etc.. I know many of you will attack me for saying this but what is true is true.
If you look positively only Muslim countries have been targeted nothing have been said about Israel openly like it should have been. I don't want to argue on this because no one will think right and will say stupid and non sense things. If you are muslim with brains you will agree me on this on what I said above and all.
India will never be Pakistan's friend or they will never be in favor of Pakistan in anything. It is sad to see that only the Indians are talking more on this Defense forum more than Pakistanis.
I will only say one thing Jago Pakistan Jago.
Pakistan Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad Pak Fauj Zindabad.

Pakistan is alive because of Pakistan Army and the ISI all of you can already see what the democracy and some people of Pakistan are doing they have completely sold them selves. shame on you. Yai sawal hai Pakistan ka.

agree with u 100% :tup: :tup:
Like it or not dude... The world revolves around Pakistan these days...

Because of WOT.

And not due to our growing sphere of influence, which is not happening anyways.

What's wrong with a bit of motivational speech? He has a point, we don't have leadership and we don't have direction.
Motivational speech is one thing. However, being over-optimistic is not good.

Some one should ask Mr. Zaid that how we can manage to build trillion(s) dollar economy (to achieve superpower status) within a span of just 5 years? By tall claims?

However, I do believe that Pakistan can make good progress under the guidance of an able leadership.

What ever he is saying is true Israel controlling whole of American and everything. The time is also near that the power will be shifted and soon we will be seeing Israel as the new super power of the world where as America will be left strangled and they (Israel) will continue using US. The Alim's and Islamic scholars have already said it that the time is not far when the power will be shifted to Israel and me being as a muslim know that when Dajjal will come only one nation will be with him and that nation is non other than Israel they(Israel) are already working on it and they are working fast and there are so many other things.
What I don't understand is that you muslims who are on this forum don't think before saying anything and up till now I see this discussion going no where but only enjoying it. You all should be shame of your self that non of you have this knowledge of what I have said above all of you have forgotten how Dajjal will come and who or which country will be with him and etc.. I know many of you will attack me for saying this but what is true is true.
If you look positively only Muslim countries have been targeted nothing have been said about Israel openly like it should have been. I don't want to argue on this because no one will think right and will say stupid and non sense things. If you are muslim with brains you will agree me on this on what I said above and all.
India will never be Pakistan's friend or they will never be in favor of Pakistan in anything. It is sad to see that only the Indians are talking more on this Defense forum more than Pakistanis.
I will only say one thing Jago Pakistan Jago.
Pakistan Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad Pak Fauj Zindabad.

Pakistan is alive because of Pakistan Army and the ISI all of you can already see what the democracy and some people of Pakistan are doing they have completely sold them selves. shame on you. Yai sawal hai Pakistan ka.
Israel does not controls America. Jews are generally hard working people and they have a strong representation in America. The main question is that why America has very strong ties with Israel? The answer is simple: Through efforts of influential jews in America.

Now do muslims have a strong representation in America?

Also, Americans believe that Israel is under threat of extermination from Islamic forces. Therefore, they provide unprecedented support to Israel to prevent another jewish holocaust from occurring.

Regarding Dajjal:

We cannot predict future. Seriously, don't we have better things to do?

Only Allah Almighty knows about the future course of events.

Our enemies are preparing themselves for all possible eventualities. But what are we doing to counter their plans?

Also, what do you think about this? Is this Dajjal?

Let me clarify one thing to you: Dajjal is claimed to be a great deciever. This entity can be something which we are not expecting it to be.

We should excercise 'great caution' in forming an opinion about anything in current times. It is very easy to decieve the masses through misrepresentation and misinterpretation of actual events and sayings. And (unfortunately) many people with authority have been doing this for ages.

Regarding signs of Qayamat:

Keep in mind this - only and only Allah Almighty knows 100% truth about everything he has created and his plans. And Holy Quran is the best form of guidance for us. Sayings (advices) of prophet Muhammand (P.B.U.H) are also important for us, which are termed as hadith.

Keep in mind that only compilations from Bukhari and Muslim are believed to be most reliable. However, compilations from others are mostly of questionable authenticity.

Your interpretation of Dajjal is neither confirmed by Bukhari and nor from Muslim. I am sorry. You need to tone down your belief in propaganda.
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yeh banda pagal hai kya?? (just kidding guys no offense , have fun, but sounds funny, dont mind). iss defense analyst ko samjhayein janab ki kuch soch samjh kar boly, he discusses nothing a full 0, pata nahi kahan kahan ki nonsense le kar baith jata hai, news reader bhi hasi control karke baithy hui hai ..
Ashamed? Ashamed for what? For having passion and love for Pakistan? How does this make him anti Pakistani?

Kakay... Lagta hay tu nay Bhang pee lee hay PDF pay aanay say pahlay...

Bhangg nai .. Charaas.. just like SHIVA used to ..

People Hate this man JUST because he states the obvious truth! which is always bitter for those who dont want to hear it and refuse to face the reality...

But im just gonna use the typical line that every person here uses when they dont have an effective arguement.

Whatever makes u sleep at night guys.. whatever floats your boat.. lol whatever!
The Yousaf Kazab issue puts a smile on my face... Someone rightly said here... ONe of the best ways to bring someone down in Pakistan is to accuse him/her of blasphemy...

As for the Indians who love to speak ill of Zaid Hamid... Obviously he hits a nerve... The only thing the poor Indians can do to counteract is send cheap insults in his direction... Little do they realize that this raises the status of Zaid Hamid in our sight!!!

Legend: Pakistan is the focus in the world these days... Not because of our influence, we do not have such a thing anywhere in the world... but there is more to it than just WOT... Our region is where a great game is going to be played out between different forces... such a game has already started on different levels... but there is a lot more to come...

As for a trillion dollar economy... With a dacoit leadership like we have today, we wont go anywhere except down... its a matter of leadership and administration and this is what Zaid is saying... that our capability and potential is huge if only we start utilizing it to the fullest... This is where the big game takes place... our enemies are hell bent on preventing this potential of Pakistan to come out and their sole desire is for the status quo to continue... They have realized that a lot of people are sick and tired of the way things have been going and many are now engaged in attempting a lasting change, so they are trying to bring chaos and bloodshed to our streets... Sadly and perhaps our Indian guests are not aware of this... but India has a huge contribution in causing these problems within Pakistan... although I do admit that before we blame others... we should be looking at ourselves... I almost scream each time I look at Ghadari btw... :)
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