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Zaid Hamid commentary

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Off topic! its been an interesting read till now.. But the topic heading made me believe that Zaid Hamid was making a change of statement regarding "Amar Singh is Ajmal Kasab thingie " :)

anyways, carry on guys.. Gonna hit the sack ..
That is stretching too much. Contempt of Court is usually served when failing to comply by a court order or disrespecting a judge in a trial or trying to jeopardize a trial.

Calling the authority of the court in question randomly hardly qualifies as contempt of court. It would have been a contempt of court if the case was in trial and he said that it's worthless.

More people have called the authority of the courts in question than those who have obeyed it. Thousand of policemen, state prosecutors, Income tax officials and common men are in contempt of court. Add to those who say that we won't go into court because it's practising Anglo-Saxon law.
Disagreeing with a decision, but accepting it is one thing. Disagreeing with it, and calling out for a change of the judicial system is another. This is just me, but thats how I see it, I see him as a danger and won't be inclined towards any leniency if I was calling the shots.
Off topic! its been an interesting read till now.. But the topic heading made me believe that Zaid Hamid was making a change of statement regarding "Amar Singh is Ajmal Kasab thingie " :)

anyways, carry on guys.. Gonna hit the sack ..
It was supposed to clear his name... It has further implicated him!
Disagreeing with a decision, but accepting it is one thing. Disagreeing with it, and calling out for a change of the judicial system is another. This is just me, but thats how I see it, I see him as a danger and won't be inclined towards any leniency if I was calling the shots.

I get your point. All he wants is the establishment of a so called Khilafa so that he can be the supreme leader and nobody can question the autocracy. Ahmed Quraishi will be deputy Khalifa and Hamid Gul the commander of his revolutionary forces.

I am yet to get a response from his supporters on the point that he has claimed that the maulvis got Yusuf killed in Kot Lakhpat. He has made allegations of murder against a bunch of people without what he deems necessary as "Sharia" proof.

Some guy wrote this humorous satire of Chowk

Islamic Emirate of Hind
Author: user "barristerakc" on Chowk.com

Tables are set and as soon as the golden doors of Presidential House recently named, Awan-e-Brasstacks opens, President of Islamic Emirates of Hind, General Hamid Gul and Prime Minister Imran Khan walks out waiving hands.

Meanwhile, 16 left wing liberals of “defeatist mentality” are scarified at the doors for “sadqa”.

While sitting beneath the new head of state, Mohammad Bin Qasim’s picture; Joint Chief of Staff and Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army, eight-stared general, General Hazrat Zaid Hamid (may peace with him) is sitting at his new headquarters in Delhi playing RISK (recently he has conquered 68 countries in sixty seconds for which he has given himself forty new gold medals). By the Way, since his nineteenth attempt to conquer India failed; he has graciously renamed GHQ and Pindi as “Delhi” and asked the rest of majlis-e-shura to rename Islamabad as, “New Delhi” and Pakistan as Hind which was promptly accepted to satisfy egos. Allll izzz Well!!!

Recently General Zaid Hamid who has an additional charge of finance ministry apart from being the Sip-e-Salar (Commander in Chief) has announced a new fiscal and finance policy inspired by his own lectures on Zionist Economic Model where he has renamed Rupee as Dinar (1 Dinar = $100 USD) ; has closed and nationalized all banks (local and foreign) and insuring companies; millions of bankers and jobless were accommodated to Israel and US and were given a piece of “gold” with the pretext that it’s value would never go down. In his budget speech he has vowed, “that the Zionist Conspirators are still weakening Pakistan economically” and when someone asked, “WHY?” his response was, “It’s people who are the Yahoodi Zionist Neo-Con Black Water Conspirators”.

The recent legislation moved by “establishment” has amended article 6 of the constitution and from now onward people who use the following words, “why, what, kyoon, kesay, secular, equality, discrimination” would be declared “traitor” and had “committed high-treason”.

Maria B. of “he doesn’t stop me from anything fame” is the new cultural ameer’un and has recently conducted Lesbian Fashion Week where she paraded naked and slick models on ramps much to the disgust of the newly converts HSY, Tariq Ameen and Tony who had earlier requested Maria to hold a unisex event; they wanted naked men to be paraded. Deepak Perwani inspired by “you can do anything” is the newest convert and has finally settled down and married, Naswar Khan of my name is Khan and I am not gay repute.

Ali Azmat who recently got a gift of new hair-piece has ordered the execution of “Salman Ahmed” on the pretext of his infamous YouTube video. Ali Azmat is the new “information minister”. His recent reforms is to close all private television except AAG TV; amongst other reforms Ali Azmat has also claimed to developed a song which would seriously effect the frequency of drones flying up to 25,000 feet for which he was awarded “Guilt Free Passes” for two at Diamond Market, Lahore.
Nadeem F.Paracha whose leading a Che’ styled “gorilla” movement and heads, Tahreek-e-Tahafuz-e-Jerks of Pakistan was recently interviewed by BBC (Bharti Broadcasting Corporation) has threatened to sent out dozens of suicidal alcoholics until and unless his smoker’s corner piece is not restored at Dawn.

Shireen Mazari is the new foreign minister and is on the tour inspecting the recently found samples of lentils found to be of “Indian origin” found in Karachi. Mrs.Mazari has toured, Karachi, Islamabad, Jhelam and Orakzai Agency on "his" (yes, she's really a man) foreign tours since the rest of the “Real Foreign Counties” are now considered, “Enemies of the Emirates”.

Imran Khan the new prime minister has issued his first statement condemning “himself” and “his own policies” and has demanded President Hameed Gul of actually handing 58 (2b) to him. On reminding Imran Khan that he already has 58 (2b) ; Imran Khan has blamed former President Mushraff for all the constitutional mess-up’s.

Islamic Emirates of Hind’s has founding father is Mohammad Bin Qasim and Zaid Hamid who has special constitutional guarantees. The economy now depends on poppy fields; a state sponsored program to avenge the death of Salauddin Ayubi.

A banner just outside the awan-e-hind reads, “Jo Amerika ka yaar hai woh ghaddar hai” – while China has successfully replaced USA as the only super-power couple of decades ago.

this is the writer's first try to write fiction and colors dooms day scenario.
All Right's Reserved 2010 by AKC.
I get your point. All he wants is the establishment of a so called Khilafa so that he can be the supreme leader and nobody can question the autocracy. Ahmed Quraishi will be deputy Khalifa and Hamid Gul the commander of his revolutionary forces.
I am yet to get a response from his supporters on the point that he has claimed that the maulvis got Yusuf killed in Kot Lakhpat. He has made allegations of murder against a bunch of people without what he deems necessary as "Sharia" proof.

Some guy wrote this humorous satire of Chowk

Islamic Emirate of Hind
Author: user "barristerakc" on Chowk.com

Tables are set and as soon as the golden doors of Presidential House recently named, Awan-e-Brasstacks opens, President of Islamic Emirates of Hind, General Hamid Gul and Prime Minister Imran Khan walks out waiving hands.

Meanwhile, 16 left wing liberals of “defeatist mentality” are scarified at the doors for “sadqa”.

While sitting beneath the new head of state, Mohammad Bin Qasim’s picture; Joint Chief of Staff and Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army, eight-stared general, General Hazrat Zaid Hamid (may peace with him) is sitting at his new headquarters in Delhi playing RISK (recently he has conquered 68 countries in sixty seconds for which he has given himself forty new gold medals). By the Way, since his nineteenth attempt to conquer India failed; he has graciously renamed GHQ and Pindi as “Delhi” and asked the rest of majlis-e-shura to rename Islamabad as, “New Delhi” and Pakistan as Hind which was promptly accepted to satisfy egos. Allll izzz Well!!!

Recently General Zaid Hamid who has an additional charge of finance ministry apart from being the Sip-e-Salar (Commander in Chief) has announced a new fiscal and finance policy inspired by his own lectures on Zionist Economic Model where he has renamed Rupee as Dinar (1 Dinar = $100 USD) ; has closed and nationalized all banks (local and foreign) and insuring companies; millions of bankers and jobless were accommodated to Israel and US and were given a piece of “gold” with the pretext that it’s value would never go down. In his budget speech he has vowed, “that the Zionist Conspirators are still weakening Pakistan economically” and when someone asked, “WHY?” his response was, “It’s people who are the Yahoodi Zionist Neo-Con Black Water Conspirators”.

The recent legislation moved by “establishment” has amended article 6 of the constitution and from now onward people who use the following words, “why, what, kyoon, kesay, secular, equality, discrimination” would be declared “traitor” and had “committed high-treason”.

Maria B. of “he doesn’t stop me from anything fame” is the new cultural ameer’un and has recently conducted Lesbian Fashion Week where she paraded naked and slick models on ramps much to the disgust of the newly converts HSY, Tariq Ameen and Tony who had earlier requested Maria to hold a unisex event; they wanted naked men to be paraded. Deepak Perwani inspired by “you can do anything” is the newest convert and has finally settled down and married, Naswar Khan of my name is Khan and I am not gay repute.

Ali Azmat who recently got a gift of new hair-piece has ordered the execution of “Salman Ahmed” on the pretext of his infamous YouTube video. Ali Azmat is the new “information minister”. His recent reforms is to close all private television except AAG TV; amongst other reforms Ali Azmat has also claimed to developed a song which would seriously effect the frequency of drones flying up to 25,000 feet for which he was awarded “Guilt Free Passes” for two at Diamond Market, Lahore.
Nadeem F.Paracha whose leading a Che’ styled “gorilla” movement and heads, Tahreek-e-Tahafuz-e-Jerks of Pakistan was recently interviewed by BBC (Bharti Broadcasting Corporation) has threatened to sent out dozens of suicidal alcoholics until and unless his smoker’s corner piece is not restored at Dawn.

Shireen Mazari is the new foreign minister and is on the tour inspecting the recently found samples of lentils found to be of “Indian origin” found in Karachi. Mrs.Mazari has toured, Karachi, Islamabad, Jhelam and Orakzai Agency on "his" (yes, she's really a man) foreign tours since the rest of the “Real Foreign Counties” are now considered, “Enemies of the Emirates”.

Imran Khan the new prime minister has issued his first statement condemning “himself” and “his own policies” and has demanded President Hameed Gul of actually handing 58 (2b) to him. On reminding Imran Khan that he already has 58 (2b) ; Imran Khan has blamed former President Mushraff for all the constitutional mess-up’s.

Islamic Emirates of Hind’s has founding father is Mohammad Bin Qasim and Zaid Hamid who has special constitutional guarantees. The economy now depends on poppy fields; a state sponsored program to avenge the death of Salauddin Ayubi.

A banner just outside the awan-e-hind reads, “Jo Amerika ka yaar hai woh ghaddar hai” – while China has successfully replaced USA as the only super-power couple of decades ago.

this is the writer's first try to write fiction and colors dooms day scenario.
All Right's Reserved 2010 by AKC.

While sitting beneath the new head of state, Mohammad Bin Qasim’s picture; Joint Chief of Staff and Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army, eight-stared general, General Hazrat Zaid Hamid (may peace with him) is sitting at his new headquarters in Delhi playing RISK (recently he has conquered 68 countries in sixty seconds for which he has given himself forty new gold medals). By the Way, since his nineteenth attempt to conquer India failed; he has graciously renamed GHQ and Pindi as “Delhi” and asked the rest of majlis-e-shura to rename Islamabad as, “New Delhi” and Pakistan as Hind which was promptly accepted to satisfy egos. Allll izzz Well!!!

:rofl: Miss Jana Hamid will be upset with you.
Good to see healthy points. Now what is the best way to present the evidences against this evil to his followers and to the rest of awaam? If anybody will undertake a media campaign inside Pakistan I will fund them and many others will help you too. I am trying my best by inviting people from the area and educating them on Ajmal Kazzab.

A couple points that bug me about him though is that he walks around with an underlying fear factor and buffer zone that keeps him believable and safe...that he was a former Mujahideen commander in Afghanistan to fight Soviets (this has to be another lie that can be easily debunked) and thus he has backing of military and intelligence people. I have once watched him give speech in which he brainwashed lots of young males into thinking he was a former big shot Mujahideen commander in Afghanistan, representing Pakistan and they ate it up like free lunch. What if it turns out that somehow he represents a faction of the security establishment? Could these be the same people that once funded Taliban and wanted them to pursue Shariat in the country, before people turned their backs on them and begged the army to launch attacks? We must address this personality in entirety, from toes to burqa.
As for those who believe that Zaid Hamid came out with this video to clear the misconceptions, sadly you've been fooled here as well.

The video was leaked. It was uploaded to Facebook on Tuesday, March 2 at 11:46 am. It was contained within a small circle for the first one hour and then the bubble exploded. Zaid Hamid team have successfully taken the game by claiming that they uploaded the video to clear misconceptions. The Zaid Hamid fan page uploaded the video on Tuesday March 2 at 1:25 pm, 109 mins after it was leaked.

I know it sounds awkward but as he says in the video, he did not want it uploaded to the net back then. When it was leaked, they had to respond.

If anybody has doubts in this regard, I can provide screenshot and upload time evidence from facebook.

As for Jana : I am in no way affiliated with Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat. I'm saying this because I'm pretty sure somebody is going to make such allegations. Anyways, they have also made a statement in this regard that the video was leaked. They did not obtain the video firsthand nor did they upload it. It was uploaded by someone else.
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^^^ They are still trying to recover from this leak. I have seen his HQ swarmed with his staff in the past 72 hours. He has canceled an upcoming speech in Islamabad. We have contacts also within his staff ;)
Requesting Administration of this board to make this thread STICKY. All further developments and breakthroughs regarding this pivotal f*** up by Syed Zaid Zaman should be posted here, I am sure much of his coming notoriety will have to do with the videos presented on Page 1.

I don't care if he buried the myth or not. I simply don't agree with his vision and don't support it! He just uses emotions and keeps telling us that we are the best... and somehow we are born to lead the ummah... utter non-sense and BS Crap! About time we realise out strengths and weaknesses rather than staying in a delusional world of his...

My Conclusion: the guy is looney. It wd be better if we stay away from his psychic ideology...
My conclusion, you'r utter bullshit rather then him, which is obvious from your 4th class unknown status and capabilities, sitting in your tiny room infront of a cheap pc with cheap connection. 16 year old low-grader? Try to watch complete lectures of Zaid hamid instead of pick and choose 5 minutes videos on youtube, spend some time watching them and most important, use your brain cells if you got any by birth.

Wow, a die-hard Zaid Hamid fan !!! :P
Some cheelay of unknown mullahs gone pro-active for someone whose speaking for Islam. Where are these mullahs and their so called supporters defaming Zaid Hamid while whole country is indulged in Riba and in the hands of corrupt politicians. Not to mention and many of our mauvlis are actually indian agents with beard, nothing else.

Losers with cheap internet connection are doing their best, fake muallahs and TTP supporters are active. Ill even support a Qadiani/Christian if he is sincere with Pakistan and bash a fake sectarian mullah. 2 penny terrorist mullahs can only indulge masses which are sheeps [example above] into such matters and nothing else.
@ Thunder Omni Role / 15k USD comes up to over 1.2 Million Rupees !!!!

Here is a list of those who will rent your house:

1: CIA

2: Black water

3: Warn buffet

4: RAW

5: Sultan Hassan Albolkia

6: King Abdullah

You should have been in that PTV show FIFTY FIFTY ;):lol:
@ Thunder Omni Role / 15k USD comes up to over 1.2 Million Rupees !!!!

Here is a list of those who will rent your house:

1: CIA

2: Black water

3: Warn buffet

4: RAW

5: Sultan Hassan Albolkia

6: King Abdullah

You should have been in that PTV show FIFTY FIFTY ;):lol:

No RAW love to work discreetly.we dont buy $15 k/ per month rental apartment :D ..so RAW is out from the list..:tongue:
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