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Zaid Hamid busted!

It's just some old fart pontificating. Nothing of relevance, i would not waste my bandwidth over it. Trust me.

actually its very relevant what the guy was saying in the video!

@Ahmed: the guy in the video was saying that the likes of Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul curse the "zionist states" while on the other hand advocate and praise criminals groups like Taliban and "mujahideen" who are responsible for killed more Pakistanis and Afghans than all Zionist states combined.

as i said, Taliban is the child of ISI! I recall that a General of the Pak army (he recently passed away) once boasted that the Taliban were his children.
actually its very relevant what the guy was saying in the video!

@Ahmed: the guy in the video was saying that the likes of Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul curse the "zionist states" while on the other hand advocate and praise criminals groups like Taliban and "mujahideen" who are responsible for killed more Pakistanis then all Zionist states combined.

as i said, Taliban is the child of ISI! I recall that a General of the Pak army (he recently passed away) once boasted that the Taliban were his children.

No SN, you did not understand my point. Pontification, look it up. Preaching to the Choir is something that is both demeaning and unwarranted. He did not present any clear evidence, it is all based on conjuncture and personal opinion coupled with loosely correlating bits of information of doubtable credibility.

Secondly please try to remember that the term Zionist and Taliban are thrown around far to often for the significance to really carry any weight. Hell just because i manage to pick up the remains of a suicide bomber without a circumcised willy, it does not mean that Zionist sponsored terrorists are attacking Pakistan.

People like ZZH are very important for national balance, they are like the fulcrum for the leaver ( the leaver being the public opinion). That and he is entertaining as hell to watch on TV. :agree:
unfortunately its the Punjabi elite of Pakistan that has not tried to resolves this problem, they deprive the Western provinces of development, education, etc. The ethnic violence in Afghanistan has Pakistani hands involved IMHO. Punjabi/Mohajir elite wants to keep Pashtuns busy in fighting Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks so that they don't disturb their ruel in Pakistan.

Why do you think criminals like Hekmatyar, Haqqani, Mullah Omar are protected by ISI and Pak army? Its a known fact to the whole world that these criminals are protected by ISI, everyone knows it!

in reality they want Pashtuns to stick with guns and drugs and keep them busy with Saudi extremist ideology in the form of Taliban and too pit Afghan (Pashtun) against Afghan (Tajik, Hazara, etc)

No i know i might offend A LOT of people here but this is the truth and the truth is always bitter pill to swallow.

You certainly have.

There is no point in blaming others for your own fault. Pushtuns are not deprived of anything in Pakistan. You want truth so listen that it is also their own fault that FATA and KP is in a mess today.

Be careful what you say as it could lead to inter-provincial tensions. Please do some introspection.
No SN, you did not understand my point. Pontification, look it up. Preaching to the Choir is something that is both demeaning and unwarranted. He did not present any clear evidence, it is all based on conjuncture and personal opinion coupled with loosely correlating bits of information of doubtable credibility.

Secondly please try to remember that the term Zionist and Taliban are thrown around far to often for the significance to really carry any weight. Hell just because i manage to pick up the remains of a suicide bomber without a circumcised willy, it does not mean that Zionist sponsored terrorists are attacking Pakistan.

People like ZZH are very important for national balance, they are like the fulcrum for the leaver ( the leaver being the public opinion). That and he is entertaining as hell to watch on TV. :agree:

people like Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul are brainwashing our people into believing that what we did in the Afghan Soviet war was a just thing when in reality it wasn't! Millions of Afghans and Pakistani have lost their lives in these 30-35 years!

Those terrorist groups in Kashmir who are now blowing up Pakistani market places, Pakistani hospitals, Pakistani schools were once advocated by our governments, army, etc.... Now they are biting us back!

Saanp ko agar palo bhi, phir be wo tumhara nahi banaga (even if you raise a snake he'll still bite you)

Don't forget who Mullah Omar is, Hekmatyar is, Haqani is, they are all supported by us! If we are serious in getting rid of these animals then why do we protect them?
You certainly have.

There is no point in blaming others for your own fault. Pushtuns are not deprived of anything in Pakistan. You want truth so listen that it is also their own fault that FATA and KP is in a mess today.

no, its the ruling classes fault that Pashtuns are suffering!! Who supported the Wahabi and Salafi ideologies in Western Pakistan and Afghanistan?? Who is responsible for the drug network in Afghanistan and Pakistan??

Now that Taliban is stinging the Pak army and GoP they have becom Miscreants!

Weren't GoP and Pak Army the ones feeding and raising these animals to go into Afghanistan and kill/ slaughter, and murder innocent Afghans and the educated Afghanis? Was it not our ruling elite who once called these animals their "children"??? And now today they hide behind the cover of secularism, moderatism?

Aren't we protecting this Hafiz Said??? And if tomorrow he turns against Pakistan you same people will be putting him in the same category as Baitullah and Hakimullah Mehsud.

Was it not Zulfiqar bhutto (leader of so called "secular" PPP) who supported and funded Terrorist religious extremists like Gulbudin Hekmatyar who's men are responsible for throwing acid on women's faces??

I mean you people sit here and curse Taliban but don't say sh!t to your OWN people who supported and continue to support these dogs in order to suppress Afghans and Pashtuns/Balochs??
people like Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul are brainwashing our people into believing that what we did in the Afghan Soviet war was a just thing when in reality it wasn't! Millions of Afghans and Pakistani have lost their lives in these 30-35 years!

Those terrorist groups in Kashmir who are now blowing up Pakistani market places, Pakistani hospitals, Pakistani schools were once advocated by our governments, army, etc.... Now they are biting us back!

Saanp ko agar palo bhi, phir be wo tumhara nahi banaga (even if you raise a snake he'll still bite you)

Don't forget who Mullah Omar is, Hekmatyar is, Haqani is, they are all supported by us! If we are serious in getting rid of these animals then why do we protect them?

Noone takes Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gull seriously anymore.

Our army definitely supported all these groups but they are also trying to root out the militants. I think we should forgive them as they are paying a heavy price for that. We have no option other than to support them.

Right now TTP is carrying out insurgency in our country and they were not created by army. They were the creation of our extremist environment.

The roots of the TTP as an organization began in 2002 when the Pakistani military conducted incursions into the tribal areas to combat foreign (Arab and Central Asian) militants fleeing from the War in Afghanistan (2001-present) to Pakistan. Many of the TTP's leaders are veterans of the fighting in Afghanistan and have supported the fight against the NATO-led ISAF by providing soldiers, training, and logistics. In 2004 various tribal groups, that would later form the TTP, effectively established their authority in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) by concurrently engaging in military attacks and negotiating with Islamabad. By this time, the militants had killed around 200 rival tribal elders in the region to further consolidate control. In December 2007 the existence of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan was officially announced under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud.

I don't think that Pak army protects Afghan Taliban anymore as now it is difficult to distinguish them form TTP.
people like Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul are brainwashing our people into believing that what we did in the Afghan Soviet war was a just thing when in reality it wasn't! Millions of Afghans and Pakistani have lost their lives in these 30-35 years!

Those terrorist groups in Kashmir who are now blowing up Pakistani market places, Pakistani hospitals, Pakistani schools were once advocated by our governments, army, etc.... Now they are biting us back!

Saanp ko agar palo bhi, phir be wo tumhara nahi banaga (even if you raise a snake he'll still bite you)

Don't forget who Mullah Omar is, Hekmatyar is, Haqani is, they are all supported by us! If we are serious in getting rid of these animals then why do we protect them?

Hehe... Don't worry there is no love loss here. But you still did not get the gist of my argument. You cannot have a one sided debate now can you? If you wan't to develop a broader consensus within your society about the rights and wrongs, and the do's and don'ts, then you develop heroes and anti heroes.

Poeople seem to give ZZH far to much credit, trust me. Not everyone in Pakistan is a India hating, hypertensive, neurotic mess.

Now coming to the point about Taliban, i have seen this curse and it's impact first hand on almost a daily basis, my office dealt with the seemingly daily blasts in Rawalpindi and Islamabad back in 2007/2008/9. So i know where our loyalties are, and what these guys stand for. However, you still need to have the Ying to the Yang.

Even the UK has the EDL/BNP to the moderate and secular parties.... It is a matter of achieving balance. Those who wan't to be brainwashed will be brainwashed, ZZH or no ZZH. Don't give him more credit than he deserves.
I don't think that Pak army protects Afghan Taliban anymore as now it is difficult to distinguish them form TTP.

then what's holding them back from going into South Waziristan? is it because their strategic assets are hiding there?

and its too late now, the damage is already done. playing with the lives of other people have brought nothing, but as i said its too late, the damage is already done.
Exactly!!!! I very surprised indeed, my nation is full of hypocrites unfortunately! We curse Taliban while on the other hand protect them to suppress Afghanis and Pashtuns........

Who is we?

The public, who have to endure stringent security checks and daily security check posts from and to work or when commuting curse the Taliban, the junior officers and sepoys who are manning the posts or on high risk duties under constant threat of getting blown up curse the Taliban. Those who are left to deal with the aftermath of terrorists incidents and comfort grieving families and loved ones curse the Taliban.

Those at the helm planning the matter with the global association of spooks, only look at strategic interest. It is like this the world over.

So be careful when you say "WE" for "WE" is a very broad term.
no, its the ruling classes fault that Pashtuns are suffering!! Who supported the Wahabi and Salafi ideologies in Western Pakistan and Afghanistan?? Who is responsible for the drug network in Afghanistan and Pakistan??

Now that Taliban is stinging the Pak army and GoP they have becom Miscreants!

Weren't GoP and Pak Army the ones feeding and raising these animals to go into Afghanistan and kill/ slaughter, and murder innocent Afghans and the educated Afghanis? Was it not our ruling elite who once called these animals their "children"??? And now today they hide behind the cover of secularism, moderatism?

Aren't we protecting this Hafiz Said??? And if tomorrow he turns against Pakistan you same people will be putting him in the same category as Baitullah and Hakimullah Mehsud.

Was it not Zulfiqar bhutto (leader of so called "secular" PPP) who supported and funded Terrorist religious extremists like Gulbudin Hekmatyar who's men are responsible for throwing acid on women's faces??

I mean you people sit here and curse Taliban but don't say sh!t to your OWN people who supported and continue to support these dongs in order to suppress Afghans and Pashtuns/Balochs??

Come out of your victim mentality. Everyone has cursed Pak army for their blunders.Time to move on.

Pushtuns are an asset of my country but they had weaknesses because of which they fell to Taliban. Noone blamed them. So it's better that you don't show your racism against other ethnicities as well.
whoaaa.... i thought zaid hamid is like national hero in pakistan but now it doesnot sound like that........great......wish there were no religion at all..no hindu no muslim.... so no fighting.....sighhhh
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