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Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

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getting a country of being clouted or being dominated.

:what: surely its better to have country than living under saffron brigade

At least they dont get blown up with their fellow brothers. Neither they have to hide nationality while roaming freely in west.
Ahh about pathetic conditions even hindus are in pathetic conditions also. :hang2:

yeah we know low cast hindus are in pathetic conditions in India.

As far as blowing hmmm still better than being dominated by saffron militants from ruling to judiciary.

are maata ukhad kya liya uske baad still no results 64 years. Need to change management. But same cant be said about us. we already got results when we wanted. :tongue:

Now we can say pakistan is interferring in Indian matters.
Ask them to hoist them more so that we can give them direct ticket of hell. :

Indians hoisting Pakistani flag in India against India how does it imply we are interfering ??

Or may be we are controlling their brain lolzzzz
:what: surely its better to have country than living under saffron brigade

Thats called fear even after being kings. and ya lol you were ruling us sometime back also when APJ as president and even our army was all yours well it had a muslim chief.

yeah we know low cast hindus are in pathetic conditions in India.

Yes thats why they have more representation in colleges and gov jobs. Alas facing low competetion is very pathetic.

As far as blowing hmmm still better than being dominated by saffron militants from ruling to judiciary.


So well you agree that you might have been dominated easily. Good for you people that you ran away then. :hang2:
Von Hölle;1237241 said:
Now don't get frustrated :)..

lolzz that would be the last thing a person like me will do ;)

on the other hand looking at Indians obsessed with this thread (although its not about India) lolzz it proves who is frustrated :lol:
Indians hoisting Pakistani flag in India against India how does it imply we are interfering ??

Or may be we are controlling their brain lolzzzz

How can you say they were Indians... :woot:
Ahh as far as the flag was concerned you should be more concerned about the chand and the star in that. Lol i dont know about the rules hoisting Pakistani flag but if it was Indian flag it would have been non bailable offence.
We=Muslims already conquered and ruled over India for almost 700 years ;) so conquering quest is not new.

U conquered and ruled india .

what happened after that ??
who conquered u ??

I'm sure u know about Ranjit Singh of Punjab conquered u back and sure he had a Hindu ancestry Or u need to check that in history books?

PS:U always go into skin color or ancestry,don't u ??
I guess by now whats only thing left of u since nothing worth mention happening in present days ,isn't it?
lolzz that would be the last thing a person like me will do ;)

on the other hand looking at Indians obsessed with this thread (although its not about India) lolzz it proves who is frustrated :lol:

We are just enjoying ourselves..great show by Sir Syed Zaiduzzaman Hamid. :yahoo:
Thats called fear even after being kings.

The kings ruled you, made you bow and left. It was merely a sports for them ;)

Yes thats why they have more representation in colleges and gov jobs. Alas facing low competetion is very pathetic.

:lol: they will reach colleges only if they have schooling. :tdown: and jobs are far away.

I dont want to post the data here as its going to derail the thread further

So well you agree that you might have been dominated easily.

With majority Hindus we would have the same fate which is being faced by Indian Muslims.

Good for you people that you ran away then.

:tdown: we fought for our freedom in a civilized manner through our great Jinnah and you should thank us that Brits also gave you freedom ;)
How can you say they were Indians...

:) why dont you find who were they in Indian State of Assam . Surely not Pakistanis.

Ahh as far as the flag was concerned you should be more concerned about the chand and the star in that


i dont know about the rules hoisting Pakistani flag but if it was Indian flag it would have been non bailable offence.

Hoisting Indian flag in India is a Non-Bailable offense ??

Sorry state of affairs
Interesting how in almost all extended discussions with Pakistanis, they start bringing in crap like 'martial race', 'skin colour', 'we ruled you', and all that. Very instructive.
The kings ruled you, made you bow and left. It was merely a sports for them ;)

And where they ended up...

:lol: they will reach colleges only if they have schooling. :tdown: and jobs are far away.
Oh so sad they also have provisions for free schooling and food.

I dont want to post the data here as its going to derail the thread further

Thank you

With majority Hindus we would have the same fate which is being faced by Indian Muslims.

yes at least ALIVE with no streets going in curfew mode after 8 o clock neither in hindu majority areas nor in muslim majority areas nor in mixed areas.

:tdown: we fought for our freedom in a civilized manner through our great Jinnah and you should thank us that Brits also gave you freedom ;)

At least we thank Jinaah saab for creating Pakistan. Saved us a lot of trouble. :lol:

By the way direct action day was quite peaceful. If thats the definition of being peaceful than the action adventure continues till date in peaceful Pakistan.
:) why dont you find who were they in Indian State of Assam . Surely not Pakistanis.

Oh agreed alas by the same logic there are no Indians in TTP. All indigenousness people.

Hoisting Indian flag in India is a Non-Bailable offense ??

Sorry state of affairs

yes it is. there is code of conduct to be followed for hoisting the flag not just of India but of other countries too. If you cannot respect a flag how can you expect to respect the nation.
The kings ruled you, made you bow and left. It was merely a sports for them ;)

Those king i think were of turkish origin (slave dynesty) or central asian origin (Mughal) nobady from punjabi or baluchi or even sindhi muslim ever ruled India n if people think being ruled by invaders was good then i think american presence in pakistan should be considered as a welcome sign

:lol: they will reach colleges only if they have schooling. :tdown: and jobs are far away.

I dont want to post the data here as its going to derail the thread further

With majority Hindus we would have the same fate which is being faced by Indian Muslims.
That is why we were always democracy n every decade u go thru a revolution by some Army Genral who in his self proclaimed rigtiouseness calls himself a saviour of Pakistan

:tdown: we fought for our freedom in a civilized manner through our great Jinnah and you should thank us that Brits also gave you freedom ;)
It was the same Jinnah who supported British in 1942 n opposed quit india movement n m very curiouse to know contribution of Jinnah to independece movement from british
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