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Z-10. Best attack helicopter made by an Asian country so far

Lmao, do you even have any idea what you’re saying? The LCH is a cheap helicopter that can carry a couple of missiles, this is a damn gunship. This is far more comparable to an Apache or an AH-1Z. The Z-10ME can carry more on one wing than two LCH can carry combined. The sensors in this thing alone are worth more than an entire LCH.

T/W ratio is variable according to the fuel and weapons carried, LCH is a tiny, useless helicopter that isn’t even in service with any force. Stuck in development hell like all the Indian projects. from the same company that made the Dhruv, known worldwide for not even having a waterproof cockpit. Also remind me just how much of the LCH is actually Indian? About 50% like your LCA. On top of that, it’s a LIGHT helicopter, of course it will have higher T/W, how about you compare the range, service ceiling, speed, weapons carried, sensors, amount of number in service and every other metric and see what’s better?

How can you call Chinese technology bad while not making any of your own and being fully reliant on foreign tech. Typical brainwashed ultranationalist.

If they cannot get it cleared by the end of 2021. Definitely.

No matter how much data you provide, some people will bluff whatever they want.

Z10 is such a shitty chopper which can not lift more than 500 kg above 10000 ft. It is totally useless in high altitude. Climb rate of LCH is so high that it is capped at 12 m/s to avoid damage to structure. Z10 has more than double weight yet less powerful engine. It stands nowhere near LCH.
No matter how much data you provide, some people will bluff whatever they want.

Z10 is such a shitty chopper which can not lift more than 500 kg above 10000 ft. It is totally useless in high altitude. Climb rate of LCH is so high that it is capped at 12 m/s to avoid damage to structure. Z10 has more than double weight yet less powerful engine. It stands nowhere near LCH.

Z-10 entered service in 2012. To date there is no LCH in service. Hell, even Russians have 1 Su-57 in service after years of delay despite first flight in 2010.
The weakness of T-129 is lack of domestic engine.

The newer Z-10ME has more powerful engine. Also, Z-20 attack version has superior power to weight ratio than LCH.

Provide the reference to prove that it has better T/W ratio than LCH or stop bluffing.

HAL has also developed 1200 KN engine but I still consider old one for comparison. Yet T/W ratio of LCH is more double the figure of Z10.
No matter how much data you provide, some people will bluff whatever they want.

Z10 is such a shitty chopper which can not lift more than 500 kg above 10000 ft. It is totally useless in high altitude. Climb rate of LCH is so high that it is capped at 12 m/s to avoid damage to structure. Z10 has more than double weight yet less powerful engine. It stands nowhere near LCH.
Because LCH is Indian. Its the best. Everything else is crap
Provide the reference to prove that it has better T/W ratio than LCH or stop bluffing.

HAL has also developed 1200 KN engine but I still consider old one for comparison. Yet T/W ratio of LCH is more double the figure of Z10.

LCH may be better on paper but there is no LCH in service. Z-10 entered service in 2012.
If LCH is so good they don't need to buy Apache :laugh:

LCH falls in light catagory. Appache is medium catagory. Actually, you should ask this question to PLA.

LCH falls in light catagory. Appache is medium catagory. Actually, you should ask this question to PLA.

There is no LCH in service. It's only a prototype.
Provide the reference to prove that it has better T/W ratio than LCH or stop bluffing.

HAL has also developed 1200 KN engine but I still consider old one for comparison. Yet T/W ratio of LCH is more double the figure of Z10.

It looks like you managed to get one parameter "T/W ration" and beating to death on that basis.
It looks like you managed to get one parameter "T/W ration" and beating to death on that basis.

Not T/W ratio but high altitude opertion, electtonics , weapons etc. However, T/W ratio is pathatically low.
Surya1 claimed that Su 30mki tracked J20 from 300km and didn't even provide a source. Now he is claiming that LCH is better than Z10ME. The next would be that Arjun is better than VT-4 and Tejas is better than J20. His comments belong in stupid and funny around the world thread.
Surya1 claimed that Su 30mki tracked J20 from 300km and didn't even provide a source. Now he is claiming that LCH is better than Z10ME. The next would be that Arjun is better than VT-4 and Tejas is better than J20. His comments belong in stupid and funny around the world thread.

That news was old so finding it was difficult. Yet, I provided the link of MKI detecting it from a long distance without the exact figure.

However, in this case, I can certainly provide the references but that won't stop trolls to repeat their bluff. I can provide the references if you promise not to bluff to saw Chinese third rate weapons better. Choice is yours.
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