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Z-10. Best attack helicopter made by an Asian country so far

It seems the Chinese can’t make a lot on their own. The Z-10 is a sort of A-129 Mangusta clone (albeit with little changes). The Z-20 mentioned before is a UH-60 Blackhawk clone. Just like most other Chinese helicopters just a clone of something from the USA, France or Italy.
Z-8 is the French Super Frelon
Z-9 is the French Dauphin
ZL-8 is the Italian/UK Merlin

Actually. T129 is licensed Turkish version of A129. Z-10 has little to do with A129. If anything, Z-10 is more similar to Tiger than it is to A129.

It seems the Chinese can’t make a lot on their own. The Z-10 is a sort of A-129 Mangusta clone (albeit with little changes). The Z-20 mentioned before is a UH-60 Blackhawk clone. Just like most other Chinese helicopters just a clone of something from the USA, France or Italy.
Z-8 is the French Super Frelon
Z-9 is the French Dauphin
ZL-8 is the Italian/UK Merlin
Erm, you do realize all of these helicopters China makes under license right? The west gave China all these licenses during the time China had become anti-USSR and the west was trying to be close to them. They are not copies. China just indigenized foreign designs because they had the opportunity, they’re smart, they saved money.

You picked one of those that they did completely design on their to call out. Which just shows that they can easily make helicopter designs if they want (they make Mars rovers, I’m sure they can make a helicopter too)
Z10 has no identical parts to a A129, T-129 is a license version of the A129.
If the statement that you have provided is take to be true then your hindu ideology must accept Chinese as the new gods and goddesses because only gods and goddesses posses knowledge beyond the scope of Modern Sciences.

If the Chinese are not gods and goddesses then they can only be termed as Aliens who have some sort of superior technology derived on which ever galaxy they have come and are in comunication with till now.

Had a person seen plane flying 500 years ago, he would have believed it to be a god. Ignorance can make a person believe anything. What I have quoted is a pure simulation result of chopper weighing over 5 toms and has the of less than 1000x2 kw engine can lift the weight beyond a height.
Lmao, do you even have any idea what you’re saying? The LCH is a cheap helicopter that can carry a couple of missiles, this is a damn gunship. This is far more comparable to an Apache or an AH-1Z. The Z-10ME can carry more on one wing than two LCH can carry combined. The sensors in this thing alone are worth more than an entire LCH.

T/W ratio is variable according to the fuel and weapons carried, LCH is a tiny, useless helicopter that isn’t even in service with any force. Stuck in development hell like all the Indian projects. from the same company that made the Dhruv, known worldwide for not even having a waterproof cockpit. Also remind me just how much of the LCH is actually Indian? About 50% like your LCA. On top of that, it’s a LIGHT helicopter, of course it will have higher T/W, how about you compare the range, service ceiling, speed, weapons carried, sensors, amount of number in service and every other metric and see what’s better?

How can you call Chinese technology bad while not making any of your own and being fully reliant on foreign tech. Typical brainwashed ultranationalist.

If they cannot get it cleared by the end of 2021. Definitely.
China's heavy atk chopper is about to debut late this year,early next year.
How can you call Chinese technology bad while not making any of your own and being fully reliant on foreign tech. Typical brainwashed ultranationalist.
I believed it is mainly due to the language barrier and different ways of promoting military equipment, the information available on the English forum is so limited and outdated, thus our equipment is largely underappreciated.

I mean, we are the only two countries that are currently building an EMALS aircraft carrier on this earth, and leading in AI, Drones, cyber warfare, etc...but you can just keep seeing nationals from even some insignificant countries jumped in and point it at our nose says "junk this, junk that". 🤣
Old problem that still beating the dead horses.

It is solved many years ago. Live demo of Z-10 operate in high plateau in Tibet


we need to replace all our 60+ gunships... 20+ years of anti terror ops have taken their toll on them.
Typical useless chinese junk with very limited usage.

coming from a country that makes wonder weapons like LCA that is indeed rich.
No but getting butt hurt and thinking you HAVE to intervene with your 'muh India best' crap will.

No one cares about the lch. It sucks. Its not even in service yet

It is you who is BH. I am just quoting the figures. Those who are BH are unable digest ghe truth.
Erm, you do realize all of these helicopters China makes under license right? The west gave China all these licenses during the time China had become anti-USSR and the west was trying to be close to them. They are not copies. China just indigenized foreign designs because they had the opportunity, they’re smart, they saved money.

You picked one of those that they did completely design on their to call out. Which just shows that they can easily make helicopter designs if they want (they make Mars rovers, I’m sure they can make a helicopter too)
Z10 has no identical parts to a A129, T-129 is a license version of the A129.
I know most of them were made under license. Which for China is a way to get more intel on designing their own choppers. Just like they did with most of their fighters and cargo aircraft. Most of them are clones, license based or redesigned western and Russian planes.
and indeed the Turkish T-129 is a license based (and a bit improved, modernized) A129 Mangusta.
The Chopper which has less than half T/W ratio of LCH is best chopper of Asia. Z10 can not go beyond 10000 ft with 500 kg payload. It is totally useless in Himalaya, yet it is best because anything which China makes is ever best. Indian Army or Airforce will not even touch such shit.
Pakistan should consider buying around 50 Z-10s. How much is the unit cost?
The Chopper which has less than half T/W ratio of LCH is best chopper of Asia. Z10 can not go beyond 10000 ft with 500 kg payload. It is totally useless in Himalaya, yet it is best because anything which China makes is ever best. Indian Army or Airforce will not even touch such shit.
LCH is not comparable to Z-10ME in any field. One is a light helicopter, other is a proper gunship. The numbers for LCH are highly overrated, it has never performed or been tested at the numbers claimed for it, simply because they’re unrealistic for a helicopter of its size.

On the other hand Z-10 has already been deployed at Ladakh with full combat loads. And that was a Z-10K, not a Z-10ME, which is basically superior in every regard to Z-10K itself.

Now again, how many LCH are in service? None. How many Z-10 are in service? Hundreds.
Z-10ME can carry more, can fly faster and higher (don’t you dare quote Bullshit LCH numbers given by the company, it’s never been flown at that altitude they claim, heck it hasn’t even flown at any high altitude with a full weapons load. Lmao) Z-10ME also has much better armor due to its in built added plates as well as appliqué graphene plates, has MMW radar option, MAWS, RWR and has thousands of hours of flight service, unlike some LCH…

when you get your head out of the blind nationalism gutter, then come and talk about this stuff,
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