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Z-10. Best attack helicopter made by an Asian country so far

That news was old so finding it was difficult. Yet, I provided the link of MKI detecting it from a long distance without the exact figure.

However, in this case, I can certainly provide the references but that won't stop trolls to repeat their bluff. I can provide the references if you promise not to bluff to saw Chinese third rate weapons better. Choice is yours.
I am waiting for the 300km statement old or new doesn't matter. First share that statement, we will talk about LCH later on.
How many LCH are combat ready and are operational?
No matter how much data you provide, some people will bluff whatever they want.

Z10 is such a shitty chopper which can not lift more than 500 kg above 10000 ft. It is totally useless in high altitude. Climb rate of LCH is so high that it is capped at 12 m/s to avoid damage to structure. Z10 has more than double weight yet less powerful engine. It stands nowhere near LCH.

Can you provide neutral references regarding the LCH and what you stated.

Only in prototype stage. Also, the pilot lacks his / her own EO. Meanwhile Z-10 both pilot and WSO have his / her own EO.


Quoting T/W ratio and saying that the figure of LCH is more than double the figure of Z10 is derailing of thread?
No but getting butt hurt and thinking you HAVE to intervene with your 'muh India best' crap will.

No one cares about the lch. It sucks. Its not even in service yet
No but getting butt hurt and thinking you HAVE to intervene with your 'muh India best' crap will.

No one cares about the lch. It sucks. Its not even in service yet

This is a technical discussion. I have provided all the references. why are you getting so much of BH.
Z10 is 2 times havier than LCH and yet has weaker engine compared to LCH. Its T/W ratio is less than half of LCH. It can not operate in Himslaya. This bulky weak chopper can not lift more than 500 kg beyong 10000 ft yet is the best in Asia. Best of luck to China.
If the statement that you have provided is take to be true then your hindu ideology must accept Chinese as the new gods and goddesses because only gods and goddesses posses knowledge beyond the scope of Modern Sciences.

If the Chinese are not gods and goddesses then they can only be termed as Aliens who have some sort of superior technology derived on which ever galaxy they have come and are in comunication with till now.
They already came out with a new, much improved version, the one we are evaluating now, the Z-10ME. It’s better than T-129 in most metrics, closer to AH-1Z.

Exactly, China gave a basic version of Z10 for PA to evaluate, they tested the system for many months and compared it to other choppers. They gave feedback to PLA including the weak engine issue, now PLA has improved it to a proper fighting machine. Even though PLA already knew of the weak engine and other issues, they still didn't mind giving to a brotherly nation to test it and give feedback whilst the update was waiting to be made. Z10 will be PLA leading helicopter so they are trying their level best to make it the best.
3 delivered 15 ordered.

Hilarious. Indian claiming their "light" combat helicopter is better when only a pitiful three was delivered to their own armed forces.

The Z-10s are delivered in the hundreds. Over 300 in service with more new variants coming out.

Think about it: 3 vs over 300. This is like the insane LCA vs J-10 argument. A few LCAs in the IAF vs hundreds of in-service J-10. Then they tried to compare with JF-17. And even here the JF-17 outnumber the LCA in service by over a 100 despite starting much later.

Hilarious insanity like claiming Ganges water has medicinal value when it is fouled beyond belief with human and animal waste.
It seems the Chinese can’t make a lot on their own. The Z-10 is a sort of A-129 Mangusta clone (albeit with little changes). The Z-20 mentioned before is a UH-60 Blackhawk clone. Just like most other Chinese helicopters just a clone of something from the USA, France or Italy.
Z-8 is the French Super Frelon
Z-9 is the French Dauphin
ZL-8 is the Italian/UK Merlin
This is a technical discussion. I have provided all the references. why are you getting so much of BH.
Thing is though, no where in this discussion was the Indian LCH (which isn't even in service yet) even brought up until you started spewing it out because you can't handle China made a better attack heli than your nation.

Typical Indian fashion is to spew their muh India best sh*t everywhere because they are insecure.
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