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YouTube blocked in Pakistan

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I have seen far worse on YT compared to this low budget flick so even with this movie being banned, insulting religion's including Islam will be very much alive and kicking on YT.

I don't know which videos you are talking about as I don't search anti-Islamic videos on YouTube. But the entire debate is irrelevant here. We are talking about this particular video and not bothered about anything else right now
What do you mean hurt?

Are these people girls that someone called them fat that they started crying?

These people are not hurt. They just need a reason to riot.

What is going on is this:
The Salafis are in a power struggle with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Video was made and posted on YouTube in July. A Fat Salafi Cleric while being bored at work stumbled across this video while surfing YouTube in September. He decided to rile people up and undermine the current government in Egypt with this obscure video.

His calculus was that the brainless, un-educated, and jobless masses in Egyptian society who have nothing better to do will take up this call and start riots and protests against the video and blame America, Christians, the West, Jews and Israel. This will cause the Egyptian Government to shift even more to the right and harm its relations with the West and bring it line with the Salafi philosophies.

This is noting more than a manufactured controversy being used by these extremists to further their agenda and the protestors are too brainless and stupid to realize that they are being used as pawns for the Extreme Right Wing in Egypt to cement their control over the country.

And now the rumor and conspiracy mill is in full swing as the protests have spread all over the Arab and Muslim world and even in Australia where these brain-dead morons are protesting and storming the US Embassies.

All the Good will that Arabs built from the Arab Spring that they wanted freedom and democracy is gone. Now Arabs are seen as a brainless and mindless horde of barbarians.

And stay tuned. Al Qaeda will launch terrorist attacks and use this Video as reason behind it.

What a bunch of opportunistic bigots. These people are a disgrace to Islam and I find their actions more offensive than that Video.

Except the guy who released the video in Egypt happened to be a Egyptian Coptic Christian posing as a Jew who just so happened to choose 9/11 as the date to dub his stupid video over into Arabic in order to incite the masses. Not only that but by saying he was an Jew with 100 Jewish backers he endangered the lives of Jews while trying to avoid taking responsibility for his actions until he was proven to be a liar.
The message which is intended on such a post is "not that I am going to send a guy , but Pakistan should find the solution to block the individual videos like libya, egypt and several countries did".

As I explained earlier, we are not as nice as the above mentioned countries. When we can hurt YouTube financially by blocking them from the earth of the internet in Pakistan then why bother about tweaking and playing around the scripts. Just block the entire site if they are not willing to take it off from the site. They have a right to keep it on their site, we have right to take them down in the country. It's a decision of the Government of Pakistan and the majority of Pakistani public is appreciating it. Why are you worried about it?
The message which is intended on such a post is "not that I am going to send a guy , but Pakistan should find the solution to block the individual videos like libya, egypt and several countries did". ( its a suggestion now dovt come up with why should we do so, why should we follow and all.... as i said its a suggestion)

Im sorry that you couldnt understand the true meaning and taken it literally. Unbelievable again...:lazy:

Some buddy is still beating around the bush :rofl::rofl:
Some buddy is beating around the bush :rofl::rofl:

Its not my fault that you failed to understand the words and took the words literally and is unable to decipher what is being said.

That post wasn't intended to you at the first place, and yet you jumped into bandwagon and now realized the mistake and left with ROFL similies.

Unbelievable. LOL.
So let me get this straight if YT remove this video then Pak Govt will revoke it's ban? & the other 1000+ videos mocking Islam will be permitted? makes total sense to me

No Muslim goes around searching for anti-Islam videos but it seems you have been busy looking them all up. I think that says a lot more about you than it does about the GOP not knowing about their existence in the first place.
As I explained earlier, we are not as nice as the above mentioned countries. When we can hurt YouTube financially by blocking them from the earth of the internet in Pakistan then why bother about tweaking and playing around the scripts. Just block the entire site if they are not willing to take it off from the site. They have a right to keep it on their site, we have right to take them down in the country. It's a decision of the Government of Pakistan and the majority of Pakistani public is appreciating it. Why are you worried about it?

You are OK because you are in UK.
Paata nai kyouh Bhartiyo ko maarche lag rai hai jaise youtube ke payroll paar hai.
Paata nai kyouh Bhartiyo ko maarche lag rai hai jaise youtube ke payroll paar hai.

bharatiyo ko youtube paisa nai dethaa...isliye maarche nai lag raha haiiii...

Its your country ..ur rule... we are just debating whether it was right or wrong to ban whole youtube posting own point of view..

u from US?
Some months back Google was supposed to be banned in Pakistan because Google images come up with insulting images of Prophet Mohammed, the images are still very much there so are the Pakistanis going to ban Google and slowly and surely go back to stone age
Except the guy who released the video in Egypt happened to be a Egyptian Coptic Christian posing as a Jew who just so happened to choose 9/11 as the date to dub his stupid video over into Arabic in order to incite the masses. Not only that but by saying he was an Jew with 100 Jewish backers he endangered the lives of Jews while trying to avoid taking responsibility for his actions until he was proven to be a liar.

The video was uploaded in July.

Here, let me prove it to you.


As you can clearly see, it was uploaded on July 2. The Salafi Clerics in Egypt just used September 11 as a date to create this firestorm.

And thus this is not an organic rage but a carefully choreographed manufactured controversy for political gain.
I don't know which videos you are talking about as I don't search anti-Islamic videos on YouTube. But the entire debate is irrelevant here. We are talking about this particular video and not bothered about anything else right now

Right so one video is banned while the 1000+ others (which existed before this video on YT) showing your prophet/allah etc in obscene images people not bothered about, this thread is getting more silly by the minute.
No Muslim goes around searching for anti-Islam videos but it seems you have been busy looking them all up. I think that says a lot more about you than it does about the GOP not knowing about their existence in the first place.

lol it's youtube you idiot there is videos showing Hindu god's being insulted too but it don't make me go round rioting.
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