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Youth killed in anti Israeli protests in Kashmir

Baloch Samachar is a dead horse now
Indians need to spend more of their tax money to revive it.
apart from blowing up few pipelines and killing innocent labourers and FC men.. it has done nothing and is being hunted down quietly but effectively.

Brother what do you think of pathetic low life ... like these:

People like you are stereotypical problem of the Muslims.

The protest turned violent. If you think we can allow protests to turn violent with stone pelting, damage to property all around, effigy burning then you are wrong.
The right to protest in India is only limited to peaceful protests - like Gandhi or kejriwal.

This brand of protests which aims to maim and injure and destroy property should be limited to Islamic countries. We have no place for barbarity where protests threaten safety of other citizens.

Just like balochistan will be free one day or another...occupying animals.
So he was in the wrong crowd so shooting him is justified?

We didnt loose our humanity and condemned it ...Though that was politically routed we never justified the death of anyone like Indians are going on and on about who cares and what not!

Open your eyes a boy a teenager died and all you lot can say is his fault?! Next time yours dies in an accident I hope they justify it as his fault! - following your mentality

Have a good day!
Well one should always keep his mind to its work, the people don't have anything to do what is happening 1000's km away and which has nothing to do with India. if they are feel so much about they would goto their get killed in hands of Israelis.

Most of Kashmir are fed on Free money coming from india, thats why they don't work and always get in anti social activity.

Mind your own business and live peacefull
So that is justified? this is in Kashmir...you keep your dealings in India!
Kashmir is India. Yelling on an online forum wont change the reality of Kashmir. You have to take a visa to visit Kashmir and I dont.

Let me ask you as a teenager did you not do anything wrong ever? Were you ever shot for it?
I had better sense than to go about in protests throwing rocks at people and burning stuff on the street and I sincerely hope that you did too.
Another question when kashmiri students were beaten up....that was violence right there but then too you supported the Indians who beat the Kashmiri...Why 2 sided faces for the same thing called violence? Why is it no matter which side of the violence Kashmiris are (from being beaten up to doing the stone pelting) they are to blame?

@DesiGuy would you like to help your mate? @majesticpankaj do you want to cheer for the 2 faced @Contrarian now?
Was that not clear even then?
That Kashmiri students were beaten up was an illegal act by the students of the University. As with most violence, if the police was present at that moment, I have no doubt that those students beating up the Kashmiri kids would have faced something much worse.
It seems you also have memory issues.
This is what you posted which started the whole imbroglio. You posted off topic.

The topic of this thread is anti-Israeli protests in Kashmir. If you want to discuss anti-Indian protests or anti-Pakistan protests you can open a new thread or use the existing dedicated thread.

What happened Mr habibullah-mullah got his tiny ego fractured?
Low life check your first reply to me.
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Why are you twisting things up to prove that you are right? ppl were throwing rocks at security forces and non-lethal weapons were being used until it turned more violent.
I am not twisting anything...read what @chhota bheem wrote...I quoted him and mentioned you! All I asked why rubber bullets were not used...They hurt as hell!
That's when someone used a lethal weapon.
what you saying is protest turned violent after the guy was shot.
When did I say this? Kindly do not twist my words!
and about your comment on "killer stone pelting vs the bullets" ....what do you suggest? give forces stones to throw back?
I asked stone vs bullets...and then suggested why not rubber bullets! Please dont twist my words!
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@Contrarian @majesticpankaj @DesiGuy You still blaming the kid now?

@chhota bheem thanks for clearing thart up! So a stray bullet hit him and he is blamed for being on the wrong side? Born as a Kashmiri so no matter how he died it was his blame according to @Contrarian

@chhota bheem my question was simple...when police are discharged to the site of a protest they are supposed to bring rubber bullets...mind you those hurt like hell! So they were angry coz of the previous protest...I am shocked none of your warrior countrymates said this! Thank you for your honesty and no I did not know any of which you revealed! Thanks!
the kid getting killed is sad by,as someone said early Pkaistanis trying to fry papad over is even sad.
The reason no one was killed from the protest tell you security forces are being carefull .their intention was not to kill.
@Contrarian @majesticpankaj @DesiGuy You still blaming the kid now?

@chhota bheem thanks for clearing thart up! So a stray bullet hit him and he is blamed for being on the wrong side? Born as a Kashmiri so no matter how he died it was his blame according to @Contrarian

@chhota bheem my question was simple...when police are discharged to the site of a protest they are supposed to bring rubber bullets...mind you those hurt like hell! So they were angry coz of the previous protest...I am shocked none of your warrior countrymates said this! Thank you for your honesty and no I did not know any of which you revealed! Thanks!

Well sometimes rubber bullets not available Or live bullets used when some security person think life is in danger.

What kid has to do incident having 1000's km away? did he protest when ISIS killed shia? where was he then? If he feel so much then goto their and get killed why destroying indian peace?
Kashmir is India. Yelling on an online forum wont change the reality of Kashmir. You have to take a visa to visit Kashmir and I dont.
Here is your reply Azad Kashmir or Pakistani occupied Kashmir.

Was that not clear even then?
That Kashmiri students were beaten up was an illegal act by the students of the University. As with most violence, if the police was present at that moment, I have no doubt that those students beating up the Kashmiris would have faced something much worse.
I can quote you where you said it served them right!

the kid getting killed is sad by,as someone said early Pkaistanis trying to fry papad over is even sad.
The reason no one was killed from the protest tell you security forces are being carefull .their intention was not to kill.
That I can agree on now that you have clarified it....But my protest is regarding certain mentality where they think it is justified!
Here is your reply Azad Kashmir or Pakistani occupied Kashmir.

I can quote you where you said it served them right!
Here is your reply Azad Kashmir or Pakistani occupied Kashmir.

I can quote you where you said it served them right!

That I can agree on now that you have clarified it....But my protest is regarding certain mentality where they think it is justified!
You can name Islamabad Kashmir that dsnt change the fact India has the true kashmir(valley).by the way its Paksiatan occupied jammu and kashmir
Sad to know you dont think Pakistan is democracy....you dint answer my simple question.

Anyway you guys have been fighting,do you guys even know the poor kid was not even the part of protest and he was killed by a stray bullet.this kid studies in 9 th standard and the protests where voilent from the begining as the protesters wher angry about the previous protest where few of them where injured...for this protest they where voilent from the begining.

its not like a bullet is self guided and went straight to him...right?!? what was he doing near those violent people in the first place? normally the procedure is people go inside their homes when something like this happens...only troublemakers stays outside to cause trouble.

anyways...Police have registered an FIR and are looking into it. see the pic on TOI...? the ppl throwing rocks are mostly teens.
You can name Islamabad Kashmir that dsnt change the fact India has the true kashmir(valley).by the way its Paksiatan occupied jammu and kashmir
Only in Indian references ...Like IOK also exists in some references though the most famous usage is Kashmir... BTW we call it AZAAD Kashmir!
Hey Osama
this was your first post on the topic:

This was my reply to your post:

You went off topic by bringing anti-India rhetoric to this thread. Then you added abusive language(as usual for you).
My post was in response to your post.
don't worry , people like these having this dream from last 50 + years ...don't worry about them .....
its not like a bullet is self guided and went straight to him...right?!? what was he doing near those violent people in the first place? normally the procedure is people go inside their homes when something like this happens...only troublemakers stays outside to cause trouble.
sometimes kids gets curious
Trouble makers should be reached a lesson so that they won't do again........They should remember this is India and not any other muslim country .

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