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Youth killed in anti Israeli protests in Kashmir

People like you are stereotypical problem of the Muslims.
Of course defender against the Muslims!
The protest turned violent. If you think we can allow protests to turn violent with stone pelting, damage to property all around, effigy burning then you are wrong.
Of the killer stone pelting vs the bullets!
Of course not...That can only happen in Gujrat! :tup:

The right to protest in India is only limited to peaceful protests - like Gandhi or kejriwal.
Oh hunger strikes...right :pop:
This brand of protests which aims to maim and injure and destroy property should be limited to Islamic countries. We have no place for barbarity where protests threaten safety of other citizens.
Oh yes the killer stones! They can maim anyone like mines! :agree:
The very fact that you cant keep Islam out of this just explains the value of your post!

Are you comparing 2 yrs old protest? Or was that desperation in need?

I am talking about democratic India not Pakistan! Kindly stick to the topic!

Ok answer a simple question what are they trying to achive by this protest(throwing stones at security forces,and becoming voilent)
First tell me why did they get violent? Because initial news reports claimed protest in Kashmir...the violent word just came in when 1 was killed stones vs bullets (that too not rubber bullets)!

My original say which all of you missed thanks to @Contrarian derailing it to be Islam vs India was: Rubber bullets were built for this kind of issues...why not use them? Or tear gas or fire in the air? Soo many options none utilized?
What more needs be said. The real baloch are fighting for their country.
But your language definitely indicates that you are a Pakistani, abusive language is almost a hallmark of Pakistanis without substance. An insight into your education system.

And trolling is a hallmark of retarded losers who run of out arguements?

Do you feel good with bringing in Baluchistan in a Kashmir thread? Is that all you can come up with you idiot?
Why would I keep Pakistan out of it. In Pakistan the day called 'youm-e-ishq-e-rasul' was created to protest. It was marked by:

- burning public property,
- massive vandalization of private property
- over 20 deaths in rioting.

And since this kind of behaviour is considered acceptable in your country, maybe you people would like to think that it should be acceptable in our country.

Which is why I am trying to clear your misconception.
In India, you have the right to protest for anything peacefully. If the protest ceases to be peaceful - by means of rioting, by means of stone pelting, by means of burning, then you are likely to be shot by the police. This is how we work. We apologise that we are unable to live up to the high standards of protests in Pakistan.

In your country Low caste women are killed over feeding a high caste guy's dog an you talk of violent protest?
Where did I say..I was against his idea?
People all over India have protested for Palestinian cause ..some of them happened right next to my place near Isreali embassy.
Regardless of their ethnicity/religion there were not idiotic enough to start burning public property and start pelting stones at Police.
So he was in the wrong crowd so shooting him is justified?

The fact is simple, you protest peacefully, we are a democracy , you have all the right to it.
You become overty emotionally,start destroying Public property to vent your anger..you ll get a bullet in your arse.
But since you are being all highheaded, do tell us what happened in Model Town,Lahore not few days ago?..so what kind of democracy are you?
We didnt loose our humanity and condemned it ...Though that was politically routed we never justified the death of anyone like Indians are going on and on about who cares and what not!

Open your eyes a boy a teenager died and all you lot can say is his fault?! Next time yours dies in an accident I hope they justify it as his fault! - following your mentality

Have a good day!
@DESERT FIGHTER bro the thread has gone off hook plz dont make a further mess...it was in regards to the death of a teenager ---as the news states killed rather!

No need to drag everyone else!

@ Akheilos:

what's your response to this? or u just gonna avoid this thread and move on to another one?
I dont avoid threads its not my fault Indians troll it to be locked up before I can reply to you..Let me read what you wrote...

P/s: I already replied to both...
A thread with the topic of anti-Israel protest in Kashmir is not a thread for an anti-India protest posts.

You have a separate thread for it, if you feel the need to remember the anti-India protests or add more to that valuable collection, you should post in that thread. Posting about it here, shows who was trolling.

The youth was a Kashmiri killed by occupying forces bit Israelis ... How did your tiny crap filled lil brain bring Baluchistan and than USA into your retarded posts? Oh wait mr swami dikshit here got his tiny ego hurt ?
So he was in the wrong crowd so shooting him is justified?

We didnt loose our humanity and condemned it ...Though that was politically routed we never justified the death of anyone like Indians are going on and on about who cares and what not!

Open your eyes a boy a teenager died and all you lot can say is his fault?! Next time yours dies in an accident I hope they justify it as his fault! - following your mentality

Have a good day!
That is how we deal with it.
In Delhi, a boy was shot by the cops for constant stunt biking and running away from cops in a biker group.

I will repeat, the boy should have had better sense than to participate in a violent protest with stone pelting & burning.
The people are free to protest but peacefully. I gave an example of Gandhi, of Kejriwal who held massive protests, but all were peaceful.
Of course defender against the Muslims!
Of the killer stone pelting vs the bullets!
Of course not...That can only happen in Gujrat! :tup:

Oh hunger strikes...right :pop:
Oh yes the killer stones! They can maim anyone like mines! :agree:
The very fact that you cant keep Islam out of this just explains the value of your post!

Are you comparing 2 yrs old protest? Or was that desperation in need?

I am talking about democratic India not Pakistan! Kindly stick to the topic!

First tell me why did they get violent? Because initial news reports claimed protest in Kashmir...the violent word just came in when 1 was killed stones vs bullets (that too not rubber bullets)!

My original say which all of you missed thanks to @Contrarian derailing it to be Islam vs India was: Rubber bullets were built for this kind of issues...why not use them? Or tear gas or fire in the air? Soo many options none utilized?
Sad to know you dont think Pakistan is democracy....you dint answer my simple question.

Anyway you guys have been fighting,do you guys even know the poor kid was not even the part of protest and he was killed by a stray bullet.this kid studies in 9 th standard and the protests where voilent from the begining as the protesters wher angry about the previous protest where few of them where injured...for this protest they where voilent from the begining.
That is how we deal with it.
In Delhi, a boy was shot by the cops for constant stunt biking and running away from cops in a biker group.
So that is justified? this is in Kashmir...you keep your dealings in India!
I will repeat, the boy should have had better sense than to participate in a violent protest with stone pelting & burning.
The people are free to protest but peacefully. I gave an example of Gandhi, of Kejriwal who held massive protests, but all were peaceful.
Let me ask you as a teenager did you not do anything wrong ever? Were you ever shot for it?

Another question when kashmiri students were beaten up....that was violence right there but then too you supported the Indians who beat the Kashmiri...Why 2 sided faces for the same thing called violence? Why is it no matter which side of the violence Kashmiris are (from being beaten up to doing the stone pelting) they are to blame?

@DesiGuy would you like to help your mate? @majesticpankaj do you want to cheer for the 2 faced @Contrarian now?
The youth was a Kashmiri killed by occupying forces bit Israelis ... How did your tiny crap filled lil brain bring Baluchistan and than USA into your retarded posts? Oh wait mr swami dikshit here got his tiny ego hurt ?
It seems you also have memory issues.
This is what you posted which started the whole imbroglio. You posted off topic.

Kill them but you can't break their spirit .. Kashmir will be free one day or another .. Occupying animals
The topic of this thread is anti-Israeli protests in Kashmir. If you want to discuss anti-Indian protests or anti-Pakistan protests you can open a new thread or use the existing dedicated thread.

What happened Mr habibullah-mullah got his tiny ego fractured?
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Of course defender against the Muslims!
Of the killer stone pelting vs the bullets!

First tell me why did they get violent? Because initial news reports claimed protest in Kashmir...the violent word just came in when 1 was killed stones vs bullets (that too not rubber bullets)!

My original say which all of you missed thanks to @Contrarian derailing it to be Islam vs India was: Rubber bullets were built for this kind of issues...why not use them? Or tear gas or fire in the air? Soo many options none utilized?

Why are you twisting things up to prove that you are right? ppl were throwing rocks at security forces and non-lethal weapons were being used until it turned more violent. That's when someone used a lethal weapon.

what you saying is protest turned violent after the guy was shot. and about your comment on "killer stone pelting vs the bullets" ....what do you suggest? give forces stones to throw back?

Those are security forces...if you throw rocks like this in US, cops would put 100 bullets and get away with it because he did it to defend himself.
Sad to know you dont think Pakistan is democracy....you dint answer my simple question.
Anyway you guys have been fighting,do you guys even know the poor kid was not even the part of protest and he was killed by a stray bullet.this kid studies in 9 th standard and the protests where voilent from the begining as the protesters wher angry about the previous protest where few of them where injured...for this protest they where voilent from the begining.
@Contrarian @majesticpankaj @DesiGuy You still blaming the kid now?

@chhota bheem thanks for clearing thart up! So a stray bullet hit him and he is blamed for being on the wrong side? Born as a Kashmiri so no matter how he died it was his blame according to @Contrarian

@chhota bheem my question was simple...when police are discharged to the site of a protest they are supposed to bring rubber bullets...mind you those hurt like hell! So they were angry coz of the previous protest...I am shocked none of your warrior countrymates said this! Thank you for your honesty and no I did not know any of which you revealed! Thanks!

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