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Your thoughts on Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Saladin) ?

Somewhat overrated i think.
if i were to pick the greatest Muslim leader from crusade era then no doubt it would be BAIBARS. Baibar stood against everything mongols,sultans, crusaders u name it. salaundin had everything but baibar he had nothing!
Baibars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
anyhow i agree with al-hasni about khalid ibn al walid being number 1
then amr ibn al as #2
then sultan baibar # 3
- He was very mediocre military leader.
- His dynasty did not last for long and did not leave any traces.
- He did not even eliminate the Crusader kingdoms in Palestine. They were destroyed by Mamluks 100 years after his death.

He was a master tactician and is regarded as one of the 100 most imporant military leaders of the history... nough said...

I love how he speaks in the movie, or , how the actor who plays as him speaks. lol.

It makes me want to learn Arabic language. :lol:

He was a Kurd... our cousins...
- He was very mediocre military leader.
- His dynasty did not last for long and did not leave any traces.
- He did not even eliminate the Crusader kingdoms in Palestine. They were destroyed by Mamluks 100 years after his death.

During this time, were there any jewish principalities? I know that there were European crusaders, and apparent presence of Muslim leaders, but were there any Jewish generals ? Any Jewish armies during this time?

Good movie, I saw a battle scene where there were infantry archers dressed in Seljuk style, may be they wanted to show the detail that a big part of his army were Turks, even if thats not what they intended its still well thought, better then classic all turban&beard combination in orientalist movies.

On Saladin, well he was a skilled ruler, but he's indeed a bit overrated, mostly because he was operating in Holy Lands which had symbolic importance to both Muslims and Christians.

Edit: Found it

Thank you !!
and you would me amazed to know that he was also labelled by muslim extremist of that time as murtad and his army as murtad army because of his peace agreement with queen of georgia :) now u know what kind of BS we are facing in Pakistan

One sect in Islam dislike him profoundly even today because as per them, He murdered the fellow sect members in large numbers and didn't tolerated their presence
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One of the most overrated figures in history.

You are probably posting the crap here at PDF just because Salahdin spared your ancestors from retaliatory massacre in reply of the massacre Jews & Christians did against Muslims in Jerusalem. Had he not shown mercy, who know what would be the strength of jews today.

- He was very mediocre military leader.
- His dynasty did not last for long and did not leave any traces.
- He did not even eliminate the Crusader kingdoms in Palestine. They were destroyed by Mamluks 100 years after his death.

- He liberated the Jerusalem which was his mission, and he was successful in it.
- Richard the lion heart, couldn't retake it despite trying his arse out. Saladin retained control of Jerusalem till his death, so he was successful in that too.
- Yes Crusades continued after death of Salahdin, but that's that.
- He liberated the Jerusalem which was his mission, and he was successful in it.
- Richard the lion heart, couldn't retake it despite trying his arse out. Saladin retained control of Jerusalem till his death, so he was successful in that too.
- Yes Crusades continued after death of Salahdin, but that's that.
Then Jerusalem was lost again. Do you know who liberated it the second time? I bet u dont.

And plz spare of of personal attacks if u lack arguments.
Then Jerusalem was lost again. Do you know who liberated it the second time? I bet u dont.

And plz spare of of personal attacks if u lack arguments.

Aren't we talking about Saladin here?

bro,I'm giving you one advice.its good to watch movies on historical facts,in fact I've watched that same movie only yesterday,though I've watched it before countless times.but,never draw any lesson from movies.its better if you study on them,or even better,watch documentaries.

BBC has a great documentary on crusade.a collection of 4 episodes.watch it.you'll gain the insight.

about Saladin,he was an perfect example of an opertunist.he was nothing but a nephew of a powerful general,Asad al din Shirkuh,who actually appointed to aid Fatimid caliphate in Egypt by Nur Ud Din.Saladin was reluctant to go to Egypt,but went with his uncle.he had no fighting experience,rather a shy young man.but this trip changed everything.never known how,but he was appointed to a role of commander of the Zengid army.his job was to lure enemy out.he performed his job properly and won the battle.

from this,the power struggle of Egypt has begun.he somehow got the role of Vizier of Egypt,and killed his close competitors later.some says,the reason was to install a "Weak and Young" one in Egypt who will bend according to Nur ud din.it is unclear whether Nur Ud Din selected him or not,but the reason was clear and Al Adid selected him.

from here,with much up and down,he became sultan of Egypt after Nur Ud Din and Al Adid died and then he gained Damascus due to some miscalculation and misadventure done by Crusader Kingdom and thus,turned the worst dream of Crusaders true.see,Crusaders didn't really had much of a chance to win in First Crusades.its much of a series of luck that favored him.Crusader Kingdom also relied on factional fight in Muslim world to retain its existence.but their miscalculation gave birth to Saladin,the Champion of muslim world,who has the power to thwart Crusaders from this land.he recruited massive army,mainly due to his Sultanate in Egypt,as Arab World couldn't funded such a massive force and only Egypt could.he got Damascus,a permanent threat just next to Crusader Kingdom,and he allied with other kingdoms to thwart Crusaders.even though Crusaders won series of battles against him,they were finally crushed at Hatin.now,that too,was attributed to the miscalculation of Crusader force than his generalship.later,when King Richard arrived to fight his Crusade,its said that Saladin actually lost control over his army,and his brother tried to overthrow him.

now,I don't criticize his character or something,but these are the facts.but,Possibly its he who could only defeat the Crusaders,as even better leaders didn't knew how to use opertunity better than him.
You are probably posting the crap here at PDF just because Salahdin spared your ancestors from retaliatory massacre in reply of the massacre Jews & Christians did against Muslims in Jerusalem. Had he not shown mercy, who know what would be the strength of jews today.
wrong mate ,the Jews fought alongside the muslims in the first crusuade to defend Jerusalem and were massacred with them.

Then Jerusalem was lost again. Do you know who liberated it the second time? I bet u dont
He wasn't overrated , he is praised for his humane and noble character which was missing in most of the rulers of the middle ages.
He was a mediocre general though at times he did show great ability. More then that he was a smart politician and an able ruler who knew exactly how to overcome his enemies.
Ofcourse he couldn't finish off the crusuaders , to do that he'd have to conquer whole of Europe however during his time he rendered them useless.
The fall of his dynasty is a completely different topic in which alot of external factors were involved as well , how is he to blame for its collapse and inability of his later successors?
wrong mate ,the Jews fought alongside the muslims in the first crusuade to defend Jerusalem and were massacred with them.

And then fought with Christian against Saladin too.
And then fought with Christian against Saladin too.

in fact,the first massacre happened in First Crusade,the first blood was not of muslims,but Jews'.and that massacre was not conducted in Asia,it was in Europe.

Rhineland massacres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

plus,I'd not held such high regards for Saladin,for shown mercy or something.the fact is,Saladin asked for money for every person's free passage from Jerusalem.and it was provided,though Crusaders earned heavy discount by using persuasion.but Saladin too conducted massacre of captured Crusaders and Civilians,and that includes Christian,Jew as well as muslims.
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Crusaders even massacred other Christians as seen in their injustices committed on Byzantine citizens , who were Orthodox Christians.
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