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lol, itni kiya frustration bharri hui hay that foul mouthedness had to come out :-)
Lolzz bass like you can say paidaishi defect lolzzz bass gussa ajata hai ,i am a hot headed person.
But hey idont abuse everyone. See this is an online forum so how we are here isnt how we are in real lives. But having said that it still doesnt mean we should abuse, but i think sometimes we need to put some people ( indian trolls mostly and some pakistanis with convulted mindsets who love badmouthing pakistan or religion for no good reason) in their place plus sometimes i do lose my temper.
But ididnt abuse you , ya idid make a miffed post that i think you havent forgotten.

As of frustrations i think i have grown past frustrations phase in a sense few years back i had this thing but then i went through experiences that sort of purged my mind and unnecessary emotional garbage. So now when i lose it i know why i am getting angry its not that i am taking out anger over Issue B on Issue C or anger of Issue D on Issue E.

But then i err, i am a common human with sub par intelligence.
Life imprisonment:-(
I graduated from Military College of Signals but i didnt join PA.
Interesting. I was also associated with MCS for short interval of time. And I remember asking you that are you from MCS or not? Your replay was in node.
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