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Your advice for Pakistan's post war reconstruction?

CD you understand that currency reserves are not liquid :)

Of course. I'm simply using it as a way of demonstrating the scale.

Money is typically diverted to the CIC (China Investment Corporation) branch of the Chinese currency reserves, for investment in "real assets" across the world.

Of course, we can't divert all of it into the CIC, but what we can divert is already so much that our investment is running out of places to go.

Hence our massive outwards investment in recent years, even offering to finance a third of India's infrastructure plan over the next decade. If there is an opportunity, our money will find it.
Of course. I'm simply using it as a way of demonstrating the scale.

Money is typically diverted to the CIC (China Investment Corporation) branch of the Chinese currency reserves, for investment in "real assets" across the world.

Of course, we can't divert all of it into the CIC, but what we can divert is already so much that our investment is running out of places to go.

Hence our massive outwards investment in recent years, even offering to finance a third of India's infrastructure plan over the next decade. If there is an opportunity, our money will find it.

Fair enough :)

One thing to note (if I remember correctly), is that the CIC has less funds available than Japan's GIPF. Which is why India has been pursuing Japanese investment so heavily.

Pakistan needs to be pragmatic in it's foreign relations and make sure their good relations with China is not a zero-sum game and they maintain historic relations with Japan.
We need realign our interests with China and Russia and move away from the West. Our relation with India is of course quite tricky, so I won't get into that. Nothing good has come out of our historical alliance with the West. If Russia can balance trade with us just as China does with India, we're in for some good profits.

And more importantly, we need to assert more influence over Arab countries rather be on the receiving end there.

"No Country was ever ruined by Trade"!!

Russia has Germany (and most of Europe) by the balls because of their reliance on Russian gas. So think again!
Pakistan needs to be pragmatic in it's foreign relations and make sure their good relations with China is not a zero-sum game and they maintain historic relations with Japan.

China has never considered trade with Japan a zero-sum game, in fact China itself is Japan's largest trading partner.

So it would be mighty hypocritical for us to complain about other nations doing business with Japan, when we ourselves are their largest trading partner.
If Pakistan creates a stable climate, there would be no shortage of investment. China is already investing $20-35 billion. We can build on it by bringing investors fom GCC, EU, Japan, Korea and US.

Literacy rate among youth is now almost 75%, the highest in history and growing. We ought to develop our energy, mineral and education sector on war footings.

As of now, the first priority remains to return peace to the country so the economic development could return.
China has never considered trade with Japan a zero-sum game, in fact China itself is Japan's largest trading partner.

So it would be mighty hypocritical for us to complain about other nations doing business with Japan, when we ourselves are their largest trading partner.

Hehe, the best nations are pragmatic hypocrites, I wouldn't complain.
If Pakistan creates a stable climate, there would be no shortage of investment. China is already investing $20-35 billion. We can build on it by bringing investors fom GCC, EU, Japan, Korea and US.

Literacy rate among youth is now almost 75%, the highest in history and growing. We ought to develop our energy, mineral and education sector on war footings.

As of now, the first priority remains to return peace to the country so the economic development could return.

Does Pakistan have to wait for a US departure to start trying for a stable environment as you contended in the opening post?
Pakistan will not be in peace unless we surrender our Nuclear weapons to UN or USA , mark my words ...
but in order to take out Pakistan from this 14 yeas war mess i would suggest few things ,

1. Ban All religious organizations and Madarsaas and those who are under Govt , keep an strict watch over them .
2. send all Afghani's , Tajik and Uzbik back to their Countries ,
3. Create industrialize zones not just in Karachi but other cities so we dont have to rely on one city .
4. Make more cantonment in effected areas of Fata ..
5. hang all the terrorist on D-Chowk
6. Start a proper investigation on money which is swiss banks , and let those bastards Nawaz and Zardari to pay for what they did , dont spare any bhutto or Hussain ,or khan ...
7. make news laws about having licensed or un licensed arms .
8. make new provinces and divided administration.
9 . complete projects like kala bhag dam and pak-iran gas pipeline
10. Stop Fcuking with Pakistan on the name of Democracy , Islam or Nationalism or secularism ..
My advice: Contact Yellen the printing queen.

She'll print a couple schbillion here and there.
Both Germany and Japan entered the post war economic boom because USA provided the economic support needed to do that. Who is going to provide the billions upon billions of dollars for Pakistan to achieve the same development? I suppose the lesson to be learnt is to pursue better policies that make for international donors and friends who can provide the necessary economic support.

First ever troll on this thread purposely.
Due to the immense ideological differences between our two nations, the PA will never allow Pakistan to open up its trade and investment to India. The PA cannot bear to see any economic advantage accruing to India by opening up trade with it.

As long as the PA holds the reins of foreign policy in Pakistan, as it has been doing since its inception, nothing will change.

Likewise India can't stand the thought of Pakistani products capturing Indian markets. Case-in-point: Cement.

The cement exports to India have been on a constant decline ever since the two countries opened their borders for liberal bilateral trade but restriction besides tariff turned down the cement export to India for the last six months, ARY News reported.

According to All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA) the exports to India have so witnessed the decrease of 3.25 per cent during the last six months. The export to India remained only 202000 tons for the last six months.

The decline is not due to lack of cement demand in India but because of non-tariff barriers by our neighbor, APCMA sources said.

According to spokesman the overall exports for the first six months of the current fiscal year remained declined by 1.8 per cent to 4.15 million tons, compared to 4.22 million tons in the same period of the previous year. Furthermore, besides India the cement exports have shown positive progress for the month of December 2013 in which the export volumes raised to 625,000 tons compared to 580,000 tons during December 2012, a significant growth of 7.8 per cent.

Non-tariff barriers continues decline in cement exports to India | ARY NEWS
First ever troll on this thread purposely.

Not at all.

USA pumped huge amounts of money into both Germany and Japan after WW2 to jump start the present day economic miracles you see today, that the OP wants to emulate in Pakistan. Where is such a source for Pakistan if this model is to be repeated?
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