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India Emerges the Biggest Winner of the Ukraine War and Growing US-China Tensions

Do the Chinese people even want immigrants?

yes, his assertion makes no sense.

The only way the US will be less desirable is if all the countries on the planet suddenly invest in R&D for local white collar companies so their professionals have no reason to move overseas.

If he means less desirable for mainland Chinese then that is no big deal since having Chinese move here in droves is a relatively new phenomenon (last 20 years). But of course people in China think the modern world started in the year 2000 and everything before then was all steampunk mechanical. :rolleyes1:

I highly doubt he means China is going to start hiring foreigners as managers in their major companies.

No East Asians are allergic to immigrants.

That's for sure. Name all the foreigners who are in top positions at Chinese companies.
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yes, his assertion makes no sense.

The only way the US will be less desirable is if all the countries on the planet suddenly invest in R&D for local white collar companies so their professionals have no reason to move overseas.

If he means less desirable for mainland Chinese then that is no big deal since having Chinese move here in droves is a relatively new phenomenon (last 20 years).

I highly doubt he means China is going to start hiring foreigners as managers in their major companies.

That's for sure. Name all foreigners who are in top positions at Chinese companies.
China will invest more money in developing countries. Which will make these countries richer and capable of offering more jobs to local people. And by then they will buy more Chinese goods. The day when US loses printing money privilege, its exaggerated GDP will slump. Interal conflicts will soar
There is truth to this.

The USA will simply not sanction India for things that it would 100% other nations for. National interests trumps everything after all, and when you're a global power you make your problem everyone else's problem.

I think India knows it'll be used if it goes into the US's camp so its elected to use the US instead and milk as much as possible before the US gets realizes whats happening. US policy makers are deluding themselves if they think they'll be able to buy India like they were able to do with other nations like Pakistan.
India is being cajoled into a proxy war with China so US will not sour relationship with India even though India's foreign minister just said ":fu(k you" to the US.India is like an immoral whore running from one partner to another anyone who showers them with a gift or praise.
China will invest more money in developing countries. Which will make these countries richer and capable of offering more jobs to local people. And by then they will buy more Chinese goods. The day when US loses printing money privilege, its exaggerated GDP will slump. Interal conflicts will soar

Simply bringing money isn't going to put the white collar professional people who normally move to the US to work. You'll need to create successful $multi-million high tech companies in every country. Like Medical, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, software, etc.

The US isn't grabbing farmers or assembly-line people from around the world. It's grabbing scientists and other professionals.
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Indian diplomats are descendants of Chanakya. No one can match them in realpolitik.
Simply bringing money isn't going to put the white collar professional people who normally move to the US to work. You'll need to create successful $multi-million high tech companies in every country. Like Medical, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, software, etc.

The US isn't grabbing farmers or assembly-line people from around the world. It's grabbing scientists and other professionals.
De dallarization will cause domino falls in US. The dark side of immigrants will overtake bright side. All China should do is to repel dollar from international trades as much as possible.
Inducing some countries to become US' proxies has been Washington's tactic to maintain its world hegemony since the end of WWII
What makes you think that India would become a US proxy?

Are you suggesting that all the wisdom and strategic thinking exists only in US and Global Times aka Papa Xi?

India has clearly displayed that it can take independent policy decisions and hasn‘t allowed anyone to dictate anything. Any analyst suggesting anything else after seeing the events of the recent past is most likely parroting a narrative rather than being a neutral analyst.
What makes you think that India would become a US proxy?

Are you suggesting that all the wisdom and strategic thinking exists only in US and Global Times aka Papa Xi?

India has clearly displayed that it can take independent policy decisions and hasn‘t allowed anyone to dictate anything. Any analyst suggesting anything else after seeing the events of the recent past is most likely parroting a narrative rather than being a neutral analyst.

LOL what is your definition of Independent foriegn policy?

Becoming a slave of the West?
There'll be a cost to India for its foreign policy.
We are paying the cost in deals worth billions of dollars. Thank you for your concern.

Now only if you apply the same principle yourself & show Muricans the door instead of courting them? 👇
"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal" Henry Kissinger
@kankan326 bro

China will invest more money in developing countries.

How have Chinese investments worked out for Pakiland and Lanka?


Sometimes, they just say stuff

This is such a troll account
slave of the west? do you see your own stupidity while you type such comments?

Wake up and smell the coffee.

You have been forced to sign the foundational agreements on the dotted line.

You have been forced to buy equipment like P8, Apache, Chinook, M777 etc at gun point

You have been forced to cancel deals with Russia like FGFA, MTA, Choppers etc.

You pathetic Indians don't even realize that you have been a slave for almost a decade now.
India is being cajoled into a proxy war with China so US will not sour relationship with India even though India's foreign minister just said ":fu(k you" to the US.India is like an immoral whore running from one partner to another anyone who showers them with a gift or praise.

No, not in the manner you describe.

We want a healthy relationship with the USA and the West, but we don't want to join any camp, including the USA, because we also want to maintain a healthy relationship with Russia and other countries, including Iran and others.

We don't want to sour our relationship with Russia because of the USA or anyone else. Russia has been a proven, reliable partner of ours. The United States is a more beneficial partner in terms of trade and economy; we have also established people-to-people contact, and since India's purchasing power is strong, its labor and educated manpower force is strong. India benefits the United States as well.

Now, regarding China, it is truly regrettable that we fought in 1962 and China captured a portion of Jammu and Kashmir. It is now an unresolved issue that will never be resolved. But, thankfully, both countries are mature enough to deal with challenges much better and, aside from border challenges, maintain relationships much better than Pakistan. Pakistan is just stuck on the name "Kashmir," and they are not able to move forward. The masses will not accept any political compromises as a result of decades of political games about Kashmir in pakistan.

About our foreign policy, Below is best describe by our Minister
@kankan326 bro

China will invest more money in developing countries.

How have Chinese investments worked out for Pakiland and Lanka?

There are more than one hundred developing countries. China can not guarantee every country to be successful. BTW, India is not in China's aid list.
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