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Young Black women attacking Asians in Philadelphia

Are you sure you're American? It is normal with the youngsters, the celebs wear it a lot and they copy the trends

LOL! I'm sorry I'm not black American and I'm not up on the latest gangsta music video fashions.

But why don't you read this:
"Take a walk through any Philadelphia neighbourhood, and I can almost guarantee that you will see evidence of Philadelphia’s black Muslim community. Perhaps you will see a group of women wearing full niqab, which is quite common, or Muslim street vendors, known informally as the “akhi’s with the oils,” selling perfumes on the streets of West Philadelphia.

Visitors are often surprised at the prominence of the black Muslim community in Philly. The unique nature of Philadelphia’s religious and cultural landscape became more apparent to me once I left for university and noticed that I could not find the same level of community amongst black Muslims that I’d had in my hometown. Many of my university friends had never met a black Muslim, and only knew of Muslims within the context of the Nation of Islam. I recall one girl in my maths class asking if I knew how to make bean pies*. I became frustrated with the assumptions that I was somehow affiliated with the Nation. To me, it felt like an insult because the Nation of Islam’s ideology is vastly different from Islam, and I felt eager to separate myself from the comparison.

My experiences growing up in a predominantly black, Sunni Muslim community led me to conduct research on the history of black Muslims in America. The more I learned, the more I realised how influential the early Nation of Islam movement was to the prevalence of Sunni Islam in the black community.
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I don't think you are right, but everyone is entitle to their opinion.
are you sure?

He claim the black are being paid to discriminate against the Asian......


The world biggest black shthole is USA.

Black could be very discipline and well behave. If you go Southern Egypt, the Blacks are VERY nice.

Islam has disciplined the blacks.
You do know that is extremely racist that you said that, right?

This is on par with the slavery.......
Yeah, i don't think it would be wise to get into a fight with them...unless you want to end up a pin cushion.

Um...they are wearing headscarfs...I think they are Nation of Islam members (which makes them 10 times more dangerous/angry)

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This happened in south Philly, during 2021 where Asian group are most hated in America, this could be any reason.

You are going to get your *** kick if you get into their hood, these people are most probably PBM gang (since they allied with NOI), which runs south Philly. They harass everyone in their hood that's not them.

Or this could just be some random black girl going after Asian thinking they brought COVID in. Those happened a lot during those time.
This happened in south Philly, during 2021 where Asian group are most hated in America, this could be any reason.

You are going to get your *** kick if you get into their hood, these people are most probably PBM gang (since they allied with NOI), which runs south Philly. They harass everyone in their hood that's not them.

Or this could just be some random black girl going after Asian thinking they brought COVID in. Those happened a lot during those time.

All I can say is this is just another reason why people have moved to the suburbs from cities in droves and why the median income of cities has plummeted to a point where they don't have the tax revenue to fix their 175 year old infrastructure and pay out all their social benefits.
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There is always tension between Asians and Blacks, although black people are generally aggressive/loud/Obnoxious but East Asians such as Japanese/Chinese/Koreans they also use racial slurs against the black people.
if you listen to the audio the girls accuse the Asians of pushing them off the train and throwing stogies (cigarettes) at their face. If true, them asians picked a fight with the wrong people and got what they deserved. But rather amusing our Chinese friends take the time to troll through twitter and youtube to find every little brawl across the US and post it on PDF.
are you sure?

He claim the black are being paid to discriminate against the Asian......

Why is that no one pay me to troll others ? I've seen videos of Asians hurling racial slurs and making jokes about black people, for some weird reasons they expect that those people won't react, I mean if I shout racists slurs at anyone some would just ignore me , some confront me and some might throw a punch, I am not saying that all East Asians are like that, and some Black people are loud and aggressive and looking for trouble but, its not always the case.

if you listen to the audio the girls accuse the Asians of pushing them off the train and throwing stogies (cigarettes) at their face. If true, them asians picked a fight with the wrong people and got what they deserved. But rather amusing our Chinese friends take the time to troll through twitter and youtube to find every little brawl across the US and post it on PDF.
Posting videos thats fine, but if they post context and also share videos where you can hear racial slurs being thrown at blacks than its balance, but this was a troll thread so I don't expect any better.
Why is that no one pay me to troll others ? I've seen videos of Asians hurling racial slurs and making jokes about black people, for some weird reasons they expect that those people won't react, I mean if I shout racists slurs at anyone some would just ignore me , some confront me and some might throw a punch, I am not saying that all East Asians are like that, and some Black people are loud and aggressive and looking for trouble but, its not always the case.

Posting videos thats fine, but if they post context and also share videos where you can hear racial slurs being thrown at blacks than its balance, but this was a troll thread so I don't expect any better.
You were born in a wrong country mate.
so much for the usual "the US needs to get rid of guns" mantra.
In order to completely get rid of guns, the US will have to become a police state. This can never happen because this is the polar opposite of what the US claims to be. If a gun ban happens in the US, criminals will always be able to obtain guns illegally, only ordinary civilians won't be able to get them. Having the land of cartels on the other side of the border doesn't help either.
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