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Young Black women attacking Asians in Philadelphia

Who said I was talking about you?

These days Blacks get very little slurs on their face by average Joe. No one dares offend them.

Blacks get the least verbal offend in US. Chinese get the most.

They got shot and killed by police.
These days Blacks get very little slurs on their face by average Joe. No one dares offend them.

Blacks get the least verbal offend in US. Chinese get the most.

They got shot and killed by police.
I don't think you are right, but everyone is entitle to their opinion.
Imagine a Pakistani women getting beaten up like that

There's no way a group of 5-6 Pakistani men would just sit there and watch, like east Asian culture is cool and all, it's awesome but this would be considered unacceptable in any other culture

Forget Pakistani even the Indians would do something, just makes me sad
I would throw few punches at them before getting hit in counter attack.

But I can't speak on behalf of the cowards on this forum.
I can hear some black guy's voice too in the background. We don't know how many of them were there, but it is a shame that no one stood up to them. Sometimes you got to give back shit, even if you are going to get beaten up.
Bro they really getting bullied by black girls :rofl: :rofl:

Grow a pair Asian men, this is just pathetic

I am not saying beat her up or something but atleast stand up, be firm, send a message instead of cowardly sitting back, looking down,getting bitch slapped

Its not about hate, its about superiority complex. They think they can do this with asians. The day asians started doing crazy things with them will be the day these people will stay away from them.

I thought Asians were smarter than to ride a subway in Philly… lmfao

Philly is a shithole and is the only place in the US where the government literally bombed it.

Imagine a Pakistani women getting beaten up like that

There's no way a group of 5-6 Pakistani men would just sit there and watch, like east Asian culture is cool and all, it's awesome but this would be considered unacceptable in any other culture

Forget Pakistani even the Indians would do something, just makes me sad
Look, what you are doing is blaming the victims here. Those black girls are the unacceptable ones assaulting people. Also, you never know if one of them is carrying.
I foresee terrible future for USA Chinese. When US and Japan fought, media merely reported US Japanese live in intern camp (as if they were comfortable).

In reality the prison camp rape the Japanese women massively, and conscript young Japanese man into US army to fight.

A lot of Japanese women were sullied (most keep quiet)

USA is a fking evil country.

Look, what you are doing is blaming the victims here. Those black girls are the unacceptable ones assaulting people. Also, you never know if one of them is carrying.
You do have a point there. Sometimes you got to weigh your options. Most of these thugs have nothing to lose, probably already have criminal records, and push comes to shove, they may stab you or shoot you. How much honour is worth risking injury or even death over low lives.

When I was younger, I would get into road rage, or respond to one if the situation got bad. Now much older and married, I sometimes avoid these kinds of characters on the road, even when I know I could physically overpower them. When I am in Delhi, our notorious capital, I avoid these types altogether, as it is quite likely they might be armed. It will be worse, if you survive, but they shoot your wife or parent. It is just not worth it. But there is always the itch that they need to be punished. One way is telling yourself that their lives are already miserable, and that is their punishment.
I would throw few punches at them before getting hit in counter attack.

But I can't speak on behalf of the cowards on this forum.
There's this scam going on right now where they will provoke you to hit them. When you do they will fake serious injuries and sue you for around $300k.
There's this scam going on right now where they will provoke you to hit them. When you do they will fake serious injuries and sue you for around $300k.
Who is going to sue a broke person. No lawyer will take the case. Rich people are smart enough not to hit first.
Imagine a Pakistani women getting beaten up like that

There's no way a group of 5-6 Pakistani men would just sit there and watch, like east Asian culture is cool and all, it's awesome but this would be considered unacceptable in any other culture

Forget Pakistani even the Indians would do something, just makes me sad

Pakistani men sit back and watch their own women and children get drone bombed by others.
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