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Young Black women attacking Asians in Philadelphia

Who is going to sue a broke person. No lawyer will take the case. Rich people are smart enough not to hit first.
they are violent people. when they see you aren't going to hit first, they will just beat you up and move on to find the next victim. there's really no good way to handle it. all you can do is avoid riding public transportation and stay clear of dangerous parts of the city
That's the "black culture" there. "Hood" mentality and "we demand or y'all racists". Growing up with "gangsta" music and attitude and many of them thinking it's ok to steal and rob others. Asians on the other hand,are mostly peaceful and rarely cause trouble.
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A couple of points.

This is Philadelphia.

It’s a sh$thole.

Secondly, American blacks can be extremely racist against East and South Asians.

I’ve been at the receiving end on the basketball court in college. And I absolutely loved beating them and see the rage when they expected us (desis) to lose.

I’ve also seen young black folk abuse East Asian women verbally fairly commonly like for example mocking their accents etc.

Also, it’s ironic this fool with the hijab is behaving in this manner.

But I’ve also come across really nice and good blacks as well.

So I would chalk this up to lack of education and ghetto mentality more than race.

Also in this particular case jealously.

The girl getting beat down was cute and had nice hair.

The attackers were likely jealous.
america is a demographic hell hole waiting to blow up in the 2040s when american whites become minorities for the first time. Its going to be post apocalyptic scenario for the US very soon
Its good to see tbh and here is why

US has no identity or unity, only white people identify as americans and they will become minority in the 2040s and become insignificant minorities there after

The blacks like to gang bang, do drugs and kill/rape. Not their fault, they got their history/culture replaced with slavery and their brains beaten out by whites. so if they be made into animals might as well act like one and go apesh1t.
The latinos like to do drugs and gang bang and be jealous of whites
the asians just want to be left alone to do their own thing

No one other than whites care about the identity, history and unity of the US. Every other race is out for blood and hoping to carve out their own territory once the white man becomes minorities. Perfect conditions for an upcoming sh1tstorm especially with the growing debt and increasing poverty.
i can imagine in future post acopalytic usa where blacks will tie up white women rape them and scream at them for being white and blame them for apocalypse. then in the end rob them and their car only to crash into a tree.
i can imagine in future post acopalytic usa where blacks will tie up white women rape them and scream at them for being white and blame them for apocalypse. then in the end rob them and their car only to crash into a tree.
Their thought process has no logical coherence, they are constant perpetual victims in their mind and whatever they do is justified.
East Asians are picked on quite frequently this way. I’ve seen them randomly targeted for no reason in videos.
Whatever happened this is just over the top and brutal.

Yes exactly, many blacks in Canada are super racist to any muslims who come into their zones, for adapting pro-Jesus & anti muslim view points in your face. They make a BIG DEAL out of them being pro-Jesus & you being other side being the enemy.

They end turning up more rude than whites in the end of the day. B'coz they feel they're rejected from whites & other nationalities collectively so need to take their anger on others.

Sounds weird that’s not seen in the US and definitely not the UK. Conversion rates are high. You also have West African Muslims migrating in large numbers and they don’t play around and don’t take kindly to any rude behaviour to their faith.
Their thought process has no logical coherence, they are constant perpetual victims in their mind and whatever they do is justified.
we have some of them here but they are ruthless quick feisty bas trds especially the half breeds. they always seem hungry its like they dont get fed. the half breeds submit to white authority quick. problem with blacks is they are will submit to whites and be *** kiss friendly but with asians including south asians they are aggressive i think they see us as challenge or competition. dont get me wrong some are intelligent the older generation is wise and can manipulate you.
they are violent people. when they see you aren't going to hit first, they will just beat you up and move on to find the next victim. there's really no good way to handle it. all you can do is avoid riding public transportation and stay clear of dangerous parts of the city
Or grow some balls and work on your physical conditioning. They only attack you when they see weakness and fear in you. American society people understand strength. Asian society people understand humility.
A couple of points.

This is Philadelphia.

It’s a sh$thole.

Secondly, American blacks can be extremely racist against East and South Asians.

I’ve been at the receiving end on the basketball court in college. And I absolutely loved beating them and see the rage when they expected us (desis) to lose.

I’ve also seen young black folk abuse East Asian women verbally fairly commonly like for example mocking their accents etc.

Also, it’s ironic this fool with the hijab is behaving in this manner.

But I’ve also come across really nice and good blacks as well.

So I would chalk this up to lack of education and ghetto mentality more than race.

Also in this particular case jealously.

The girl getting beat down was cute and had nice hair.

The attackers were likely jealous.
I echo all of this.

Weird thing about Black Americans, some of the best and worst people I've met in my life were Black. There is a huge difference between the ghetto trash and good Black people.

And the Asian guys in the video were fucking embarrassing. I am pretty sure they are fobs from maybe Southern China or something, they are raised in a very sheltered non-confrontational environment and they don't know how to react when plunged into the jungle that is Philly. So they basically froze in shock.
Nigg*rs are the same everywhere from the US to Canada to South Africa.
Are you referring to these?

Screenshot_2018-12-25 South Africa Black South Africans Unleash Campaign of Savagery and Preda...png
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