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Young Black women attacking Asians in Philadelphia

LOL! I'm sorry I'm not black American and I'm not up on the latest gangsta music video fashions.

But why don't you read this:
"Take a walk through any Philadelphia neighbourhood, and I can almost guarantee that you will see evidence of Philadelphia’s black Muslim community. Perhaps you will see a group of women wearing full niqab, which is quite common, or Muslim street vendors, known informally as the “akhi’s with the oils,” selling perfumes on the streets of West Philadelphia.

Visitors are often surprised at the prominence of the black Muslim community in Philly. The unique nature of Philadelphia’s religious and cultural landscape became more apparent to me once I left for university and noticed that I could not find the same level of community amongst black Muslims that I’d had in my hometown. Many of my university friends had never met a black Muslim, and only knew of Muslims within the context of the Nation of Islam. I recall one girl in my maths class asking if I knew how to make bean pies*. I became frustrated with the assumptions that I was somehow affiliated with the Nation. To me, it felt like an insult because the Nation of Islam’s ideology is vastly different from Islam, and I felt eager to separate myself from the comparison.

My experiences growing up in a predominantly black, Sunni Muslim community led me to conduct research on the history of black Muslims in America. The more I learned, the more I realised how influential the early Nation of Islam movement was to the prevalence of Sunni Islam in the black community.

The Philadelphia community is the spiritual home of African American Muslim community. They are all now traditional Islam and go back to West Africa (Muslim majority) to connect with their roots.





if you listen to the audio the girls accuse the Asians of pushing them off the train and throwing stogies (cigarettes) at their face. If true, them asians picked a fight with the wrong people and got what they deserved. But rather amusing our Chinese friends take the time to troll through twitter and youtube to find every little brawl across the US and post it on PDF.
You really think a couple of timid Chinese girls was pushing a gang of aggressive black girls off the train platform and throwing cigarette butts at them? Lol ok dude.

Stop that, there have been many successful Asians educated in the US. You only notice the ones lately because Asians have been flooding the US for the last 20 years...and I mean flooding...as in 30 years ago it was RARE to see Asians walking the streets of the US.

When I was in college in the late 1980's I only remember 2 Chinese people in the whole time I was there. No Pakistani's, Indians, Vietnamese, etc.

A very noticeable amount of South Americans (hotties too 😀) Even South American professors.
Maybe not in the northeast but there has always been a lot of Asians on the west coast even back in the 80s. My family was here and my uncles and aunts went to college in the 80s.
You really think a couple of timid Chinese girls was pushing a gang of aggressive black girls off the train platform and throwing cigarette butts at them? Lol ok dude.

its not what I think..it's what the girls said while pummeling the group of Asian men and women.
Yes because making up shit to justify being a total POS just never happens

I wasn't there to know what really happened and neither were you. It's your racist bias that's led you to believe those black girls are guilty of unprovoked violence.
Maybe not in the northeast but there has always been a lot of Asians on the west coast even back in the 80s. My family was here and my uncles and aunts went to college in the 80s.

So I just called up a friend of mine who graduated from Boston University in 1990 and asked him about the demographics. Boston of course being a college town this may have a better cross section of reality.

He said probably
19% New York Jews
3% very wealthy Arab/Israelis
1% East Asian
1% other (maybe a handful of Indians at best he said)
the rest non-jewish white

no mention of a black percentage so i assume they must be in the "other" category

So I did not go to a college in Boston but this is the demographics I saw

15% South Americans (mostly very wealthy)
1% other (very few Asians and blacks)
the rest white

Now I don't know what he meant by "New York Jews" but maybe they stood out with yarmulkes or something which I don't remember seeing in my college.

They are aggressive in general. They just argue with anyone but they see East Asian as an easy target.

Plus the liberals will always defend their actions using some stupid logic.

Blacks are most cowardly people historically and still today. A single white family owns more than 50 black slaves and those 50 are scared of one white men and his wife and kept getting abused for their entire life. They are only aggressive when they are 250% sure they won't get beat up so they only target minorities, just to make them feel superior to "someone, something" in something as they cannot compete economically.
You do have a point there. Sometimes you got to weigh your options. Most of these thugs have nothing to lose, probably already have criminal records, and push comes to shove, they may stab you or shoot you. How much honour is worth risking injury or even death over low lives.

When I was younger, I would get into road rage, or respond to one if the situation got bad. Now much older and married, I sometimes avoid these kinds of characters on the road, even when I know I could physically overpower them. When I am in Delhi, our notorious capital, I avoid these types altogether, as it is quite likely they might be armed. It will be worse, if you survive, but they shoot your wife or parent. It is just not worth it. But there is always the itch that they need to be punished. One way is telling yourself that their lives are already miserable, and that is their punishment.

Get a gun.
I wasn't there to know what really happened and neither were you. It's your racist bias that's led you to believe those black girls are guilty of unprovoked violence.
I wasn’t born yesterday. Look at the video.

Don’t ever be a detective, just sayin

So I just called up a friend of mine who graduated from Boston University in 1990 and asked him about the demographics. Boston of course being a college town this may have a better cross section of reality.

He said probably
19% New York Jews
3% very wealthy Arab/Israelis
1% East Asian
1% other (maybe a handful of Indians at best he said)
the rest non-jewish white

no mention of a black percentage so i assume they must be in the "other" category

So I did not go to a college in Boston but this is the demographics I saw

15% South Americans (mostly very wealthy)
1% other (very few Asians and blacks)
the rest white

Now I don't know what he meant by "New York Jews" but maybe they stood out with yarmulkes or something which I don't remember seeing in my college.

Well the Northeast has one of the smallest populations of East Asians historically so it’s not surprising. There were tons of Asians on the west coast even in the 80s. It’s not surprising as that has been the traditional gateway for Asian immigration.
i can imagine in future post acopalytic usa where blacks will tie up white women rape them and scream at them for being white and blame them for apocalypse. then in the end rob them and their car only to crash into a tree.
Crash into a tree lmao.

i can imagine in future post acopalytic usa where blacks will tie up white women rape them and scream at them for being white and blame them for apocalypse. then in the end rob them and their car only to crash into a tree.
Crash into a tree lmao.
I wasn’t born yesterday. Look at the video.

Don’t ever be a detective, just sayin

I did, but you're here to peddle your own twisted narrative of angelic Chinese tormented by a demon race. I know enough about this world to know that there is more than one side to every story. I know enough black and Chinese people to know there aren't any angels among us.
I did, but you're here to peddle your own twisted narrative of angelic Chinese tormented by a demon race. I know enough about this world to know that there is more than one side to every story. I know enough black and Chinese people to know there aren't any angels among us.
I’m not here to peddle anything. I never said all Chinese are angelic, that is ridiculous. I’m referring to this specific incident, it doesn’t take a genius to understand the dynamics here and who are the aggressors.
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