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Young Black women attacking Asians in Philadelphia

I’m not here to peddle anything. I never said all Chinese are angelic, that is ridiculous. I’m referring to this specific incident, it doesn’t take a genius to understand the dynamics here and who are the aggressors.

lol, you know everything that happened and led to those girls loosing their $hit based on a 30 second beat down video. You aren't even willing to consider something may have triggered their aggression in the first place? You condemn these women just because they happen to be colored.
lol, you know everything that happened and led to those girls loosing their $hit based on a 30 second beat down video. You aren't even willing to consider something may have triggered their aggression in the first place? You condemn these women just because they happen to be colored.
Based on your logic, next time I see a man beating the shit out of a woman in a dark alley, I’ll instinctively think “there are both bad men and bad women in the world, we can’t draw conclusions here.”

Yeah bud, sure there might be a 1% chance that a group of timid Chinese fobs roamed around a dangerous ghetto in Philly and picked a fight with a gang of aggressive black girls but I wouldn’t put my money on it. But keep going with your hypothetical scenarios though, Sherlock.
The hatred being spewed out on Fox News and CNN against the Chinese is taking effect. Before it was the Muslims who were targeted now it's yellow fever the media is suffering from. US media seem to go from hate to hate and the gullible fools swallow it all up and the hatred is spreading:-

we can’t draw conclusions here
yes you can't since you don't have all the facts. But then, in your case you don't care about facts when people of color are involved.
I used to disregard stereotypes, like for example Sheikhs are stingy. That is until I actually met a sheikh. Similarly you can take these people out of jungle but you can't take jungle out of these people. USA is looking more n more like Africa. You country really is fk'd when Biggie and Tupac represent the high poetic culture of your big booty society.
You do have a point there. Sometimes you got to weigh your options. Most of these thugs have nothing to lose, probably already have criminal records, and push comes to shove, they may stab you or shoot you. How much honour is worth risking injury or even death over low lives.

When I was younger, I would get into road rage, or respond to one if the situation got bad. Now much older and married, I sometimes avoid these kinds of characters on the road, even when I know I could physically overpower them. When I am in Delhi, our notorious capital, I avoid these types altogether, as it is quite likely they might be armed. It will be worse, if you survive, but they shoot your wife or parent. It is just not worth it. But there is always the itch that they need to be punished. One way is telling yourself that their lives are already miserable, and that is their punishment.
Sheesh I didn't know parts of India had gun culture?
yes you can't since you don't have all the facts. But then, in your case you don't care about facts when people of color are involved.
That’s quite an assumption as you don’t know anything about me. But of course, you’re making those assumptions based on my race. I bet if the video depicted Chinese people attacking black people viciously, you wouldn’t hesitate to make quick judgments on who to castigate blame on.

I don’t expect you to answer anything honestly though.
That’s quite an assumption as you don’t know anything about me. But of course, you’re making those assumptions based on my race. I bet if the video depicted Chinese people attacking black people viciously, you wouldn’t hesitate to make quick judgments on who to castigate blame on.

I don’t expect you to answer anything honestly though.
Weird thing about Black Americans, some of the best and worst people I've met in my life were Black. There is a huge difference between the ghetto trash and good Black people.

Some of the worst people you've met are black, your words not mine. I've never associated race or ghetto upbringing with good or bad, most people that surround me don't but it is a common theme here on PDF. The most affectionate and generous people I've met are among the most underprivileged people on the planet and I've been to some really poor countries Argentina, Syria, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Angola, Ethiopia and Nigeria and so on.
Some of the worst people you've met are black, your words not mine. I've never associated race or ghetto upbringing with good or bad, most people that surround me don't but it is a common theme here on PDF. The most affectionate and generous people I've met are among the most underprivileged people on the planet and I've been to some really poor countries Argentina, Syria, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Angola, Ethiopia and Nigeria and so on.
You forgot the other part, I also said some of the BEST people I’ve met are Black.

I don’t know what the hell is your problem. Literally everyone here can understand what is going on in that video but you are coming at me specifically. Why? Is it because I’m of Chinese descent? You are making a lot of assumptions about me that are bullshit. The irony in your attempt to paint me as biased, you’re just exposing your own racial biases at work.
Here’s a question I’ve pondered over. When the SHTF in America and the whites, blacks and Mexicans are slugging it out with light and heavy weapons, which side will Pakistanis go with?

Everyone will have to chose a side. Which side should we join?
I used to disregard stereotypes, like for example Sheikhs are stingy. That is until I actually met a sheikh. Similarly you can take these people out of jungle but you can't take jungle out of these people. USA is looking more n more like Africa. You country really is fk'd when Biggie and Tupac represent the high poetic culture of your big booty society.
It's true but also politically incorrect, and the liberals and racist brigade will cancel you, they even try to fudge numbers and make up excuses.

But on the topic of stereotypes, there was a study done on them and they generally do tend to have a space in reality. I will try to link it
You should have born in Russia or China, we don't pay people for Free Speech in the US......

(I know you were born in Pakistan, just saying)
If i was born in China or Russia I'd be in jail, I have a very bad issue of criticizing ill's of society and country... Maybe now I am in the right country lol
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