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you still want musharaff back?


Beware, you are talking about majority of pakistanis.

Yes, If his supporters are in majority....He should get back..but if not...than he better rest in his farm house....
Well i totally believe in Muslim way and that way is dictatorship now before you come to me with anything just come with a proof rather then words. We want a dictator on this country for good 20 years who will be sincere to this country and who will clean all the mess. It could be anyone but from Army because they have signed up their lifes for this country unlike political personalities who just grab money and run to UK or Saudia..... After Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) we had four kalifas who were not chosen by people but by Prophet they led the muslim world towards success. All the kalifas after them were dictators in todays wordings so we need dictator not a political BS. because this nation is full of clowns who will sell this country for their fav people in power
It wasnt personal attack by any means...I just said that i thought you are 15 yr old kid...if you are offended, I am sorry.....
You are funny well i am sure people who will read your posts will think the same what i thought or think. You can act this way by saying oh i didn't mean this way or that way etc.... i just don't wanna get into it. thanks if you can answer my question which i asked like 6-7 post ago that will be great
Well i totally believe in Muslim way and that way is dictatorship now before you come to me with anything just come with a proof rather then words. We want a dictator on this country for good 20 years who will be sincere to this country and who will clean all the mess. It could be anyone but from Army because they have signed up their lifes for this country unlike political personalities who just grab money and run to UK or Saudia..... After Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) we had four kalifas who were not chosen by people but by Prophet they led the muslim world towards success. All the kalifas after them were dictators in todays wordings so we need dictator not a political BS. because this nation is full of clowns who will sell this country for their fav people in power

Musharaff's party lost the elections miserably..isnt it proof enough for you?

If you want every thing according to islamic way of life..than I am sorry u'll have to quit supporting musharaff..because he was more of a secular person...
You are funny well i am sure people who will read your posts will think the same what i thought or think. You can act this way by saying oh i didn't mean this way or that way etc.... i just don't wanna get into it. thanks if you can answer my question which i asked like 6-7 post ago that will be great

It is you who is continously changing your stance...first you thought musharaff was legitimate, than you wanted dictatorship..and now you want every thing according to islamic law...

try and have some sleep..
how many young women get raped everyday not in Pakistan but across the globe?

is rape a unique phenomena to Pakistan?

does every rape victim out there get a free ticket and star treatment like the few we have witnessed in the past?

recently a guy was raped by three women in Karachi, why doesn't gets the same treatment as Muktara Mai, is he less of a human being than that woman?
Raheel i asked you a simple question a while ago that if nawaz zardari musharraf zia and yayaa to be trial then who will lead Pakistan? nawaz kids or his wife? Bhutto family or zardari's kids? who will lead the country? Give us a favor! put your thoughts together tell us how this should be done? god man enough with hiding behind the bushes!! gezz
It is you who is continously changing your stance...first you thought musharaff was legitimate, than you wanted dictatorship..and now you want every thing according to islamic law...

try and have some sleep..
Raheel stop putting words in my mouth, All i said that Pakistan needs that and i guess its a best way by having a dictator for Pakistan WHO IS TRUE TO PAKISTAN AND CARE FOR PAKISTAN. same as we had all the kalifas they were true to their agenda, which was the entire muslim world so they had to concentrate on Islam. Now time has changed and we live in a country not in kalafat of world!
Raheel i asked you a simple question a while ago that if nawaz zardari musharraf zia and yayaa to be trial then who will lead Pakistan? nawaz kids or his wife? Bhutto family or zardari's kids? who will lead the country? Give us a favor! put your thoughts together tell us how this should be done? god man enough with hiding behind the bushes!! gezz

Dude, we have alot of other good leaders, i can name few....makhdoom javed hashmi, mahmud khan aurakhzai, imran khan etc etcs....I know they are not well known but they can do a much better job.

It is you who is hiding behind the bushes..I asked you a simple question...you want every thing according to islamic law...and musharaff isnt rite person for this coz he is secular...now who do you support?
Raheel stop putting words in my mouth, All i said that Pakistan needs that and i guess its a best way by having a dictator for Pakistan WHO IS TRUE TO PAKISTAN AND CARE FOR PAKISTAN. same as we had all the kalifas they were true to their agenda, which was the entire muslim world so they had to concentrate on Islam. Now time has changed and we live in a country not in kalafat of world!

Alrite mate, you want dictatorship and I want democracy...so its your word against mine.....no one can solve it...so lets put an end to it.....

Its already been more than 2 hrs and I have got some other jobs to do....

Nice meeting you.
Dude, we have alot of other good leaders, i can name few....makhdoom javed hashmi, mahmud khan aurakhzai, imran khan etc etcs....I know they are not well known but they can do a much better job.

It is you who is hiding behind the bushes..I asked you a simple question...you want every thing according to islamic law...and musharaff isnt rite person for this coz he is secular...now who do you support?
I never mentioned that i want every thing according to islamic law all i said i guess we pakistani deserve a dictator since we are more like the arabs of that time who could not be controlled by anyone but a dictator BUT dictator should be honest and true to his nation. in that reference i said we should go by islamic way of having a dictator not a democratic leader since half of us are happy with him and half are not!!!!! i am not nor i was hiding behind bushes :what:
A army person at such post -can be not so imntelligent or anything else but he Its very unlikely that he dont love his country.
I think Musharraf loved his country and and his crime was he broke some law for his love to his country. Bad it may sound but pakistan need a leader like Musharraf with or without democratic situation.To bring stability. Mr jardari is trying really hard but this times are too tough for him.
Musharraf had a great hold on whole system which was running in pakistan. and for people who think he was ruler- Brothers he quit on his own, no body really pushed him away it was his wish to quit.
Just wondering, would you support General Deepak Kapoor if he took power in a military coup?
Oh please...as if its hard to brainwash the "majority" of people in a country hijacked by feudal lords.

Yes its not hard to brainwash majority...but its more easier to brainwash the minority...dont you think so?
Yes its not hard to brainwash majority...but its more easier to brainwash the minority...dont you think so?

A minority is a minority because its not brainwashed. Its Pakistan, if you've forgot
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