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you still want musharaff back?

Hello, You have to live with it regardless..You people voted for this PPP for 5 years now you can't say that PML-N should be given a chance.It does not matter how bad PPP is you have to live with it and How exactly is CJ Iftikhar any better then Dogar..This is the same guy who took PCO Oath under a Dictator you know?You keep giving "democracy" a chance ... and there will a time when there will be no Pakistan (Bhutto showed that so awesomly when he denied Mujib Ur Rehman his rights as the DEMOCRATIC leader under a Democracy and destoryed the political link between the two parts of nation. Remember his line ... "..whoever goes to the NA, I will break his legs...", the NA which was in majority on the Bangladesh side)Live with it. This is DEMOCRACY .. you voted, you made a choice. Now live with it! Aglay 5 saal baad make the RIGHT decision.

Sir, I am not saying that NS or SS should be made prmeier, nor I am saying that PML N should take over...I just meant that judiciary should have done a fair decision and tried them in neutral courts...but thats another debate offcourse....If PP is not doing well...than let them do what they want and we'll see them outta here in next elections.... we'll have to wait for 4 yrs now....no other choice we have..but I am strictly against another military coup...

btw i love this man..KAYANI:pakistan:
ok i have one question that compare to PPP and ML-N who do you support or do you think that musharraf was best for Pakistan if he was elected and never a dictator? so if Musharraf comes back with political way then you have no Problem??????

Yess, If musharaff comes back through a political process, I have no problems with that...but before that..he needs to be tried in the court for the allegations that he has...same goes for PML N and PP leadership.:pakistan:
When did I say that this was a good ammendment? and Trust me...all the mess which pakistan is suffering these days is because there was no I. Judiciary since the beginning.

If people of pakistan want to see these people their PM..twice, thrice or more than that..than who are we to disagree..isnt it what democracy teaches?
Well i believe it was the best ammendement by Musharraf!! If this ammendment is not undo i see Pakistan going towards the success so this way people like me and you will have chance to lead this country for once unlike PPP bhutto and zardari finally sharif family!!! Man i am sick of them aren't you tell me the trust???
Yess, If musharaff comes back through a political process, I have no problems with that...but before that..he needs to be tried in the court for the allegations that he has...same goes for PML N and PP leadership.:pakistan:
Ok good so you want everyone to be tried in courts and who will lead this country just wondering!!! :what:
Well i believe it was the best ammendement by Musharraf!! If this ammendment is not undo i see Pakistan going towards the success so this way people like me and you will have chance to lead this country for once unlike PPP bhutto and zardari finally sharif family!!! Man i am sick of them aren't you tell me the trust???

People like me and you will never get the chance to lead this country unless we have a proper judicial system, that is according to the contitution..
Ok good so you want everyone to be tried in courts and who will lead this country just wondering!!! :what:

Yes I want every one to be tried in court who has allegations against him/her...Be it NS, Mush, Zardari or Imran khan and some generals too..like zia and yahya...:pakistan:
Yes I want every one to be tried in court who has allegations against him/her...Be it NS, Mush, Zardari or Imran khan and some generals too..like zia and yahya...:pakistan:
who will lead this country while all this will happen
I think he wanted to criticize certain NGOs who are making money and spreading bad name of Pakistan. We need to be careful spreading such news. Remember Bollywood was interested in making movie on assassination of Benazir Bhutto so why were they so interested in all this? Simply just to portray Pakistan as vogue nation and some NGOs are also working on the same agenda
I think he wanted to criticize certain NGOs who are making money and spreading bad name of Pakistan. We need to be careful spreading such news. Remember Bollywood was interested in making movie on assassination of Benazir Bhutto so why were they so interested in all this? Simply just to portray Pakistan as vogue nation and some NGOs are also working on the same agenda

Sir maybe you are rite, he didnt mean that...but my point is that he should have chosed his words carefully!:pakistan:

He has done alot of bad to the reputation of pakistani people with this statement....
...I just meant that judiciary should have done a fair decision and tried them in neutral courts

You don't like the decision? Would it be fair to assume?

And of course you have decided that the court is biased? And your reason for concluding this? Since you do not support NS or PML-N, would be, what??

You make much of the constitution, as if Gibrael had brought it -- it is a tool to structure the business of governance. It does not bother you that the same cosntitution declared millions non-muslims, and yet somehow Musharraf is to be blamed for bringing order. You will recall that the ammendments Musharraf propsed were accepted by majlis.

Democracy is not mob rule -- and democracy does not mean you or I will be or can be premier or president, or at least ought not mean it - democracy merely means representative government --- should criminals also have "right" constitutional, become premier and president??? Next you will be telling us that bakers should have "constitutional right" to perform surgery, after all, we are all equal, right?

You don't like the decision? Would it be fair to assume?

And of course you have decided that the court is biased? And your reason for concluding this? Since you do not support NS or PML-N, would be, what??

You make much of the constitution, as if Gibrael had brought it -- it is a tool to structure the business of governance. It does not bother you that the same cosntitution declared millions non-muslims, and yet somehow Musharraf is to be blamed for bringing order. You will recall that the ammendments Musharraf propsed were accepted by majlis.

Democracy is not mob rule -- and democracy does not mean you or I will be or can be premier or president, or at least ought not mean it - democracy merely means representative government --- should criminals also have "right" constitutional, become premier and president??? Next you will be telling us that bakers should have "constitutional right" to perform surgery, after all, we are all equal, right?

Its not my decision sir, its the decision of people of pakistan....you can see how CJ IFTIKHAR has been recieved in the cities and galli muhallas of pakistan...and if you want to see more...be there at the long march!:enjoy:
A army person at such post -can be not so imntelligent or anything else but he Its very unlikely that he dont love his country.
I think Musharraf loved his country and and his crime was he broke some law for his love to his country. Bad it may sound but pakistan need a leader like Musharraf with or without democratic situation.To bring stability. Mr jardari is trying really hard but this times are too tough for him.
Musharraf had a great hold on whole system which was running in pakistan. and for people who think he was ruler- Brothers he quit on his own, no body really pushed him away it was his wish to quit.
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