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you still want musharaff back?

ardari worse than Musharraf: Nawaz

Thursday, March 05, 2009

By Muhammad Anis

ISLAMABAD: Former Prime Minister and PML-N Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that President Asif Ali Zardari is bent upon destroying the country and “he is committing misdeeds worse than Pervez Musharraf” .

Nawaz Sharif said this while addressing a conference, held in connection with mobilisation and preparations for the lawyers’ long march here on Wednesday. He said the generals, who violated and desecrated Constitution, should be ashamed of their acts and they should be beaten on their heads with sticks. “The whole country has been made hostage by judges and generals having vested interests,” Nawaz added.

The national conference on long march, attended by top leadership of political parties, lawyers community and members of civil society, adopted a resolution to continue sit-in in Islamabad till restoration of November 02, 2007.

Besides Nawaz Sharif, the conference was attended by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, Jamiat Ahle Hadith chief Allama Sajid Mir, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan and other leaders of lawyers community, regional political parties, traders community and representatives of civil society.

Makhdoom Javed Hashmi, Ahsan Iqbal, Liaquat Baloch, Dr Farid Paracha, Khawaja Saad Rafique, Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Anjum Aqeel Khan and Mian Muhammad Aslam also attended the conference.

The resolution said that the government had left lawyers community and political workers with no option but to resort to non-violent and peaceful long march. “The people should participate in long march and Dharna till the restoration of the judiciary,” it added.

The resolution while terming independent judiciary essential to bring the country out of crises, condemned imposition of governor’s rule in the Punjab, saying, it was an attempt to subvert long march and it also resulted in tragic incident of armed attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore.

Addressing the conference, Nawaz Sharif said President Asif Ali Zardari would have to pay heavy price if he does not restore the November 02, 2007 judiciary. Nawaz Sharif maintained that his party would not have lost the Punjab government and he along with Shahbaz Sharif would not have been disqualified had he compromised on issue of restoration of judiciary and illegal additional marks given to Farah Hameed Dogar.

Nawaz Sharif disclosed that only one and a half months back President Zardari in the presence of a federal minister sought cooperation in extension of tenure of Abdul Hameed Dogar and in return he offered a give-and-take deal. Moreover, Nawaz Sharif said Abdul Hameed Dogar also attempted to reach a deal with him on issue of his daughter’s additional marks. “The PML-N could not have suffered had we not taken stand on the restoration of judiciary,” he added.

Nawaz said Asif Zardari would suffer defeat in the Punjab as the PML-N only a day before proved its majority in the Punjab Assembly having support of 207 MPAs.He termed the decision of PML-N to take part in 2008 general elections correct saying had they not contested elections the PPP government could have given indemnity to Pervez Musharraf through the Parliament.

Nawaz Sharif said that the defining moment has come and now the whole nation should rise to the occasion to get rid of PCO judges. JI Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad, PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan also spoke on the occasion.

And i think whole pakistan know how good is Mr. Nawaz compared to Mr Musharraf
ardari worse than Musharraf: Nawaz

Thursday, March 05, 2009

By Muhammad Anis

ISLAMABAD: Former Prime Minister and PML-N Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has said that President Asif Ali Zardari is bent upon destroying the country and “he is committing misdeeds worse than Pervez Musharraf” .

Nawaz Sharif said this while addressing a conference, held in connection with mobilisation and preparations for the lawyers’ long march here on Wednesday. He said the generals, who violated and desecrated Constitution, should be ashamed of their acts and they should be beaten on their heads with sticks. “The whole country has been made hostage by judges and generals having vested interests,” Nawaz added.

The national conference on long march, attended by top leadership of political parties, lawyers community and members of civil society, adopted a resolution to continue sit-in in Islamabad till restoration of November 02, 2007.

Besides Nawaz Sharif, the conference was attended by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, Jamiat Ahle Hadith chief Allama Sajid Mir, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan and other leaders of lawyers community, regional political parties, traders community and representatives of civil society.

Makhdoom Javed Hashmi, Ahsan Iqbal, Liaquat Baloch, Dr Farid Paracha, Khawaja Saad Rafique, Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Anjum Aqeel Khan and Mian Muhammad Aslam also attended the conference.

The resolution said that the government had left lawyers community and political workers with no option but to resort to non-violent and peaceful long march. “The people should participate in long march and Dharna till the restoration of the judiciary,” it added.

The resolution while terming independent judiciary essential to bring the country out of crises, condemned imposition of governor’s rule in the Punjab, saying, it was an attempt to subvert long march and it also resulted in tragic incident of armed attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore.

Addressing the conference, Nawaz Sharif said President Asif Ali Zardari would have to pay heavy price if he does not restore the November 02, 2007 judiciary. Nawaz Sharif maintained that his party would not have lost the Punjab government and he along with Shahbaz Sharif would not have been disqualified had he compromised on issue of restoration of judiciary and illegal additional marks given to Farah Hameed Dogar.

Nawaz Sharif disclosed that only one and a half months back President Zardari in the presence of a federal minister sought cooperation in extension of tenure of Abdul Hameed Dogar and in return he offered a give-and-take deal. Moreover, Nawaz Sharif said Abdul Hameed Dogar also attempted to reach a deal with him on issue of his daughter’s additional marks. “The PML-N could not have suffered had we not taken stand on the restoration of judiciary,” he added.

Nawaz said Asif Zardari would suffer defeat in the Punjab as the PML-N only a day before proved its majority in the Punjab Assembly having support of 207 MPAs.He termed the decision of PML-N to take part in 2008 general elections correct saying had they not contested elections the PPP government could have given indemnity to Pervez Musharraf through the Parliament.

Nawaz Sharif said that the defining moment has come and now the whole nation should rise to the occasion to get rid of PCO judges. JI Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmad, PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan also spoke on the occasion.

And i think whole pakistan know how good is Mr. Nawaz compared to Mr Musharraf
Can you please explain to me why are you so obsessed with Musharraf and what form of government we should have?
Anyone's better than Zardari.

Musharaf, Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan...anyone of these guys would make a better President than Zardari.
zardari is biggest threat to pakistan he'll destroy it from the inside
Can you please explain to me why are you so obsessed with Musharraf and what form of government we should have?

rabzon bro,

Pakistan should have a democratically elected president, But right now the chaos that exist in pakistan. Need to be solved first. I know Mr Musharraf don't guarantee a stable pakistan but at least there is a glimps of it.
He is one person who can hold all three powerful office in his hands.

That's why i think a democratically elected musharff govt will be a good solution for pakistan. He is a military man he think from his heart and loves his country. He will not fall as low as a normal civil person can for money. :cheers:
^Sometimes an unprincipled businessman who can forge a consensus between disparate groups can be better than a principled man who could alienate those who don\'t agree with his principles.

Musharraf\'s defeat in the last elections sealed his fate, and I don\'t think ordinary Pakistanis would want him back.
Sir, in these part of world politics is unpredictable more than anyplace else. I can tell you even if Musharraf goes out with 1% of vote in his favor. I wont be shocked if he comes back with 90% majority next time.
Here in India Pakistan - politician don't win the election on their greatness but rather- Incompetency of opposition.
Sir, in these part of world politics is unpredictable more than anyplace else. I can tell you even if Musharraf goes out with 1% of vote in his favor. I wont be shocked if he comes back with 90% majority next time.
Here in India Pakistan - politician don\\'t win the election on their greatness but rather- Incompetency of opposition.

:lol: Very true sir. People might have changed their minds after seeing 6 months of Zardari.

However, I believe that inspite of all the problems, Zardari is the best man for Pakistan. He has unfortunately inherited a perfect storm - a rising tide of extremism, and a global economic crisis.
One could handle either of these things, but to have a financial crunch during wartime is really unfortunate.

Perhaps a Pakistani Attaturk could generate a following/ideology which would inspire Pakistan to fight the extremists, but as of now, I do not see how the Pakistanis will motivate themselves to overcome this problem.

Ethnic nationalism cannot be an option because Pakistan is mult-ethnic. Religion cannot be an option because the people you are fighting are from the same religion, and claim to be fighting for your religion rather than against your religion.

This is why it is said, that the most dangerous demons are the demons within.
I have a great deal of respect for musharaff, he had the courage to say it like it is....

Are Muslims today backward? - 01-14-2009


Was the former president of Pakistan General Pervez Musharaff, right when he said: "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race"

Out of the said 1000,000,000+ population, Muslims have only been able to produce nine Nobel laureates. (Eight, considering the beards declared Dr. Abdus Salam an apostate)

Leave out the silly Peace prizes and literature and you barely have 3 Muslims. Three?

Yes, you can literally count them on your fingers.

There's no running away from the fact that the so-called 'Muslim world' is inept, impoverished, and lagging behind on all fronts of human achievement.

They are easily the biggest waste of human capital. The biggest failure to apply any intellect. The most bitter enemies of reason.

In short, the "Muslim World" is the biggest failure in this century in achieving ANYTHING credible. Common sense indicates it. Statistics prove it. There's no room for doubt here.

This humiliating failure is precisely what the Islamists try so hard to hide with their meaningless rants and quest for a 'jihad' against an imaginary global conspiracy involving every 'infidel' on Earth.

They dream of a day when the world is "ruled" by an imaginary pan-world Islamic 'caliphate' that will somehow be magically established by a fantastic 'Islamic revolution' which will dethrone the "west" once and for all. (Yes. Mildly entertaining stuff)

Today, the Islamist answer to any question is "Jews! Americans! Western Propaganda!" .

They are blind to reason, incapable of debate, unopen to discussion or any criticism. They prefer to simply 'silence' all dissent, because they know very well that they cannot answer some very serious questions. It's much easier to declare everyone who questions them as 'apostate'.

Their followers are brainwashed with the simple proclamation of Islam's "supremacy" over the 'West'.

They flood the internet with websites proclaiming this unsubstantiated claim. But the fact remains that every last pixel on their monitor is the result of a 'western' innovation.

The AK-47 that Osama proudly displays is a 'Western' invention. The chemical formula of RDX that they use in their bombs is the culmination of 'Western' research.

Today the Qur'an is printed in printing presses designed in the west, and can be found online using Search Engines algorithms written in the "the West".

The fabrics that Hamas terrorists wear on their forehead were formulated in "the west" and the shirts on their backs were made in textile factories, with machines invented in "the West".

The Satellite phones they use for communication is again a 'western' technology, implemented by satellites that 'the west' launched into space, in rockets designed and built by 'the west', using advanced Computers made by 'the west'.

The Arab world hailed the testing of the "Islamic Bomb" when Pakistan acquired Nuclear weapons, but even the most basic Nuclear Fission reaction and reactor had first been experimented in laboratories in 'the West'.

The world's best Universities, the Best Hospitals, the biggest companies, largest factories.. all are in 'the west'.

While the youth in the Muslim countries are unable to string alphabets together thanks to their antiquated 'madrassa education', 'the west' has advanced in leaps and bounds.

In a span of two hundred years, they have gone from inventing the Steam Engine to putting a "Western" man on the moon to building space stations. They've gone from establishing telegraph posts to inventing the Internet.

WE have failed

Are Muslims today backward? - LI Islamic Forum
You are just off the topic and why i don't know. Please to all readers don't quote on my this post beside you buddy. One answer i will give it to you is that the most of the assen were created by Muslim world of the past and the west started on that and end up here so not a big deal.. What they have is given by the previous inventors and they were muslims!!! now in future when Muslims will take the charge they will get it from Westerns so what a a big deal. Rest whatever you said is true muslim world is lagging big time but we should realize that we are up against way to many odds!
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