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you still want musharaff back?

yes, ban everyone who does not think like you...very convenient!!!!


Than please, refrain from calling others with the title which apparently suits you most.

P.Musharraf is a HERO and son of Pakistan.

He has served the nation and state his entire life.

He delivered when N.Sharif asked for his help in organising the civil institutions, he delivered when he took over as CEO, he delivered when he was in war with india in 1965.
Remove every one who use the word Bastard for the person who is responsibale for the renissance of Pakistan.
So please, refrain from calling others with the title which apparently suits you most.
P.Musharraf is a HERO and son of Pakistan.

He has served the nation and state his entire life.

He delivered when N.Sharif asked for his help in organising the civil institutions, he delivered when he took over as CEO, he delivered when he was in war with india in 1965.

I cant debate with People who cannot tolerate anything against their views and start personal attacks....

Nawaz Sharif is CORRUPT, which means our debate is over.
You must learn to respect the people that have lifted our nation from '98 to 07' with great effort to new heights.

You are asking me to respect a person who didnt respect the constitution of the country....

I cant....

Yes our debate is over.....
We need him back ASAP! that is a no brainer he was good for the country good for the people and for our future simple point blank!

well I am sorry but this is hypocracy, when you bash NS who has been an "ELECTED" prime minister "TWICE" than thats okay..and when someone else argue regarding mushraff bringing disrespect to the country...than he becomes disrespectful.

Lets finish it here....You cant justify what mushraff said to washington times....whether he meant it or not is another debate...

Secondly you can not justify his military take over either....

He was a dictator and will stay one in the books of history....
Well let me be very clear here, People like you and most of Pakistan deserve no one but a dictator. NS being elected twice ok!!!!! what do you want him to stay in politics for life. This EX prime minister of us is noting but a stupid dumb, He has lost his head with the hair transplant :rofl: What so you are telling me that Nawaz sharif is clean like jews? Look buddy after firing our COAS he blocked the landing of airplane which had over 100 civilians as well along with our COAS of that time, So you are telling me that wasn't a crime? man this is what you call hypocracy, Nawaz know very better that Pakistan is not in good shape but for his personal gain he is using these judges drama to gain political ground!!! what a shame for a low life Sharif brothers. Knowing that it will put Pakistan on very worst curve!!! [MOD Edit] ................... [MOD Edit]People in Pakistan are never happy.... hahahah they wanted PPP now they are in power but now since PPP is in power its not good enough for them coz they are bored now they want ML-n after them they will want someon else. what a jok. Pakistan's law tells us a person as a prime minister can be only elected twice no third terms so nawaz is out of Question!!!! send this wanna be young back to Saudia he is better of there... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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You are asking me to respect a person who didnt respect the constitution of the country....

I cant....

Yes our debate is over.....

When did he violated the cotitution?
By saving the airplane ful of passengers he infect facilitated the constituion.
Holding iftikhar ch accountable was a constitunal exercise.
Imposing emergency is as much a constitutional right of President as much dissolving any assembly.

Don't u see, you are all about salogans. like jiyala.

i think above post of yours tells every thing about your sensiblity.
for his personal gain he is using these judges drama to gain political ground!!!
Moha, i wonder if now Zardari negotiate peace with Sharif and force a new verdict in favor of Sharif but than would Sharif accept it?
This would definately burry the movement of restoration of iftikhar ch.
I think Zardari is heading for the political murder of N.Sharif clan. Since it is also a matter of survival for Zardari clan because N.Sharif clan would revoke NRO (constitunally or unconstitutionaly) because they were left out.
We all know what does revoking NRO means!
Some times I think without NRO their true faces would have been kept hidden in camouflage.
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People you need to understand, who cares about DEMOCRACY or if Musharraf altered our constituation one way or another to be president, the fact of the matter is, DEMOCRACY won't do SH!T for us if we see that in 10 years, due to this system, India has gained so much on us, that we're a laughing stock and that they can push us around and threaten us whenever they like, yes then you can continue to be happy about democracy but secretly, you'll always be living like slaves under the mercy of your bigger neighbour simply because you had no discipline or brains to understand that Pakistan needs development and a no bullsh!t policy, just straight hard and honest work.
September 19, 2005 Good thing Musharraf is so moderate. Imagine what he would say if he were an "extremist."

"Report: Musharraf says rape easy way to Canada," from Reuters, with thanks to all who sent this in:

Raheel, I hope you are older than the picture on your avatar.

Are you a friend of Abid Sher ALi from Faisalabad? The reason I am asking is because Mr. A.S. Ali also use same kind of rational.

Please try to comprehend what Musharraf said before writing nonsense.

Pakistan or any country will never have a perfect leader, people choose the best among the present choices.

IMHO, Musharraf is the best available leader for Pakistan.

well I am sorry but this is hypocracy, when you bash NS who has been an "ELECTED" prime minister "TWICE" than thats okay..and when someone else argue regarding mushraff bringing disrespect to the country...than he becomes disrespectful.

No one has ever used the word bast*** or anyother such word for NS or any one else.
No one has ever used the word bast*** or anyother such word for NS or any one else.

trust me they have but

Anyway the point is that Musharraf is one man who has left the nation in a terrible position he can only come back if he were to come the democratic way though who would do that people of NWFP wha have had their lives ruined thanks to this gentleman or Baluchistan that was being threatened to be blown to outer space or Sindh that watched hopelessly as Robbers took advantage of the situation of Benazir's death or the people of Punjab where farmers lost all hope in having good yeilds ever again Musharraf wasn't all evil but please Musharraf is history he was used by USA and now spit out.
Poor Musharraf, he cannot produce higher yields for the farmers of Punjab -- like the Sharif bros and Ch. Iftikhar can.

Poor Musharraf who took over a state near default and doubled the size of it's documented economy - unlike the Sharif bros who enriched themselves and brought Pakistan to near bancrupcy.

Poor Musharraf who could not get a ego maniac klepto like Benazir to understand that she needs to keep her head down as there were Islamist crazies about looking to kill her --- unlike Benazir who did her own brother in on the streets of Clifton.

poor Musharraf who could not save the Sindhi peasants from their feudal landlords, like Benazir did??? ops, she was a feudal.

And poor Musharraf who challenged foreign financed baluch Sardars for hire who sought to blackmail the state into handing over to them the commonwealth of Pakistan.

And of course poor Musharraf, who challenged the Talib and Al-Qaida so beloved by the people of Pakhtunkhwa.

And lastly, poor Musharraf, who engaged a super power, to help Pakistan negotiate it's way out of financial and geo-political crisises.

Alas, poor Musharraf.

Come back Musharraf!
Well let me be very clear here, People like you and most of Pakistan deserve no one but a dictator. NS being elected twice ok!!!!! what do you want him to stay in politics for life. This EX prime minister of us is noting but a stupid dumb, He has lost his head with the hair transplant :rofl: What so you are telling me that Nawaz sharif is clean like jews? Look buddy after firing our COAS he blocked the landing of airplane which had over 100 civilians as well along with our COAS of that time, So you are telling me that wasn't a crime? man this is what you call hypocracy, Nawaz know very better that Pakistan is not in good shape but for his personal gain he is using these judges drama to gain political ground!!! what a shame for a low life Sharif brothers. Knowing that it will put Pakistan on very worst curve!!! [MOD Edit] ................... [MOD Edit]People in Pakistan are never happy.... hahahah they wanted PPP now they are in power but now since PPP is in power its not good enough for them coz they are bored now they want ML-n after them they will want someon else. what a jok. Pakistan's law tells us a person as a prime minister can be only elected twice no third terms so nawaz is out of Question!!!! send this wanna be young back to Saudia he is better of there... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Trust me..majority of pakistanis think same for musharaff...and it has been proven.....so whats the point???
When did he violated the cotitution?
By saving the airplane ful of passengers he infect facilitated the constituion.
Holding iftikhar ch accountable was a constitunal exercise.
Imposing emergency is as much a constitutional right of President as much dissolving any assembly.

Don't u see, you are all about salogans. like jiyala.

i think above post of yours tells every thing about your sensiblity.

That's his take on the story..nobody will ever know what happened actually...and you'll belive what mushraff said coz u r his fan....

For the sake of argument, if we suppose NS tried to hijack the plane....what musharaff did?..hijacked the nation? became president? sent people like justice wajihuddin home because they refused to give him legitimacy....

I have had enough of your nonsense and personal attacks....stop acting like a kid.
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