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you still want musharaff back?

This was in response to afew cases where human rights commissions started peeing in their pants about Pakistani honor killings and rapes.

This was something a President of a country should never say, at least not to people who have already been victim to something as intense as a rape. Judging by our society these women are dis-owned by their own families and banned from living in the villages they've lived all their lives in. In which case some women were given Canadian visa's for restarting their lives in a more broad minded country. Where people would not look at the victims with disgust.

Musharraf is a very rude person, as many people including prominent journalists say after meeting him in person. This was not the first time he talked to his 'quam' like that. I still remember his statement to the Balochi people demanding jobs in state owned facilities opening up in Baluchistan. After initiating a military operation against the protestors he went over state television to say "Hum tumhe wahan say hit karein gay jahan say tumhe pata bhi nai chaley ga", talking to the rebellious Balochi quam. Soon Baloch Liberation Army was created.

And similarly referring to the Lal-Masjid operation, "Jo baat nai maney ga, woh marey ga".
Musharaff has a point, people will do anything to emigrate to canada, Uk and USA.
^^^or you are telling me that she asked the men to rape her so that she could go to canada?
When any american get raped she doesn't even wanna talk about it over and over again!!!!!! even though she can make money or in west!!! What happened to her was sad but it doesn't happen in Pakistan all the times! but Media made such a big deal out of it then her being so bold she didn't realize that In west people were actually thinking that " Pakistan is a country where women get raped by people if her brother has girlfriend" that was commonly thought amongst these people in west against Pakistan and she was the main reason to promote this so much........... I love Musharraf i salute him that how many fronts he is fighting for Pakistan even though some people of Pakistan hates him...... what a true soldier of Pakistan, God bless Musharraf
I admire Mukhtar Mai, she is truly a courageous woman who had shown great spirit and determination in the face of adversity.


Raheel, this is the lowest of lows I have ever seen, by one individual to defame another.

He referred this to Bara Mai or what ever her name is. She paraded herself in the west, getting awards, financial aid and dual nationality for portraying Pakistani men and the nation as some barbaric country.
Oh come on, stop making unsubstantial allegations against her, she is not anti-Pakistan as you are trying to portray. Below is her interview with BBC:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gang rape victim's police problems

"I wonder why? Maybe they feel had I gone to the US, I would have talked against Pakistan.

"Little do they know that had anyone dared say a word against my country I would have shut that person up there and then."
I admire Mukhtar Mai, she is truly a courageous woman who had shown great spirit and determination in the face of adversity.

Oh come on, stop making unsubstantial allegations against her, she is not anti-Pakistan as you are trying to portray. Below is her interview with BBC:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gang rape victim's police problems

"I wonder why? Maybe they feel had I gone to the US, I would have talked against Pakistan.

"Little do they know that had anyone dared say a word against my country I would have shut that person up there and then."

I would recommend you to read this interview. She was used for strategic gains.
I think question to be asked is that do we still want corrupt families and clans to rule us more?
P.Musharraf handled the Mukhtar mai case to the best what could have been expected from the head of the nation.
One person or bunch of person should never be allowed to hijack the entire nation.
P.Musharraf, gave us a country in much better, developed and stronger shape as compare to when he took over.
He developed education and information sector like never done before.
No present day leader of world equates him in stature, kowledge and leadership.
It is wrong to identify P.Musharaf as a leader of Pakistan alone, his vision is a guiding source for the entire nations of world.
This thread is utterly disrespectful towards our former leader who did ALOT for his country.
You should learn to respect the people that brought our country's values and it's strength back raheel.

well I am sorry but this is hypocracy, when you bash NS who has been an "ELECTED" prime minister "TWICE" than thats okay..and when someone else argue regarding mushraff bringing disrespect to the country...than he becomes disrespectful.

Lets finish it here....You cant justify what mushraff said to washington times....whether he meant it or not is another debate...

Secondly you can not justify his military take over either....

He was a dictator and will stay one in the books of history....
I think question to be asked is that do we still want corrupt families and clans to rule us more?
P.Musharraf handled the Mukhtar mai case to the best what could have been expected from the head of the nation.
One person or bunch of person should never be allowed to hijack the entire nation.
P.Musharraf, gave us a country in much better, developed and stronger shape as compare to when he took over.
He developed education and information sector like never done before.
No present day leader of world equates him in stature, kowledge and leadership.
It is wrong to identify P.Musharaf as a leader of Pakistan alone, his vision is a guiding source for the entire nations of world.

Exactly what musharaff did..hijacked the country...
We do not want corrupt families to rule us...but we dont dictators either! ..atleast majority of pakistanis...
Musharraf is the hero of the nation.

I requst the mods to ban this Raheel for using abusive words and attempting degrading this forum.

yes, ban everyone who does not think like you...very convenient!!!!

Raheel, the point is. I know you support Imran Khan.

I could dig up a lot of his dirt from the past and post it here but that would be derogatory on my part. I would rather substantiate my claims keeping civility in mind.
Raheel, the point is. I know you support Imran Khan.

I could dig up a lot of his dirt from the past and post it here but that would be derogatory on my part. I would rather substantiate my claims keeping civility in mind.

Sir, I do not support Imran Khan or any leader for that matter...but I support democracy!!!:pakistan:

well I am sorry but this is hypocracy, when you bash NS who has been an "ELECTED" prime minister "TWICE" than thats okay..and when someone else argue regarding mushraff bringing disrespect to the country...than he becomes disrespectful.

Lets finish it here....You cant justify what mushraff said to washington times....whether he meant it or not is another debate...

Secondly you can not justify his military take over either....

He was a dictator and will stay one in the books of history....

Nawaz Sharif is CORRUPT, which means our debate is over.
You must learn to respect the people that have lifted our nation from '98 to 07' with great effort to new heights.
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