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You know you grew up in Pakistan in the 90's when

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Sir Jee My name is Rambo Rambo ... John Rambo .... Cockroach Killer

Waoo, i didn't noticed this thread around.

90's the lost decade for Pakistan but it was golden decade for me.

Islamabad used to be clean and beautiful, Lahore used to be greener and not to mention less traffic and same roads.

Pakistani Music used to rock... while Indian Music used to suck.

Every day - every hour - rain or storm --- there is always room to play buntayyyyyyy------:bunny:

If you have never used this then you have NO idea how much fun you missed out on. I feel for you---

If you have never used this then you have NO idea how much fun you missed out on. I feel for you---

Amazing Parts of early child hood...

1) Pink Panther
2) Swan Cats
3) pop the sealer
4) Thunder Cats ets

Now Shooter

You know you grew up in Pakistan in the 90's when:

Bitey pal ki yaad dila di aapne ..... More or less my story as well , living on this side of border... Except we did not have the music bands legacy like yours.

Anyways ... heart felt thanks. Each line made me nod my head, brought back fond memories.
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