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you have taken oath from musharraf: qadri

CJ my humble view made a huge mistake, demonstrating the assumption that he is not independent but politicized by various parties. The whole of Pakistan can clearly foresee that the on-coming elections will be rigged and will not be fair. So instead of addressing the problem, he was predominately focused on asking TUQ the dual nationality issue. He has been in power for 5 years yet no concrete steps have been taken to apprehend any criminals who have looted the nation. All talk but no action, goes with the Chinese quote that people with no brain have no cure. Maybe we should ask for a independent enquiry to the corruption his son is implicated in..because of obviously he seems to be too bias.
Jews and Christians took allegiance to Muslim Rulers when Muslims were ruling the Lands.

I don't know much about TUQ topi drama, but you people cannot question the loyalty of Pakistanis living and literally Raising Pakistan.
Kindly note, its a criminal offence to pass loose comments against the honorable judges of the Supreme Court. Keep your critique civil.
Where is prove that Cheif justice Iftikhar chaudry took aoth from Musharaf ??
Any picture??? Is it true ?
legal struggle for valid required changes in the system are the need and should be appreciated when done in civilised/legal manner. Commenting on the court judgement if the outcome is not what you desired is considered court of contempt and punishable by law.

CJ asked a valid question about his motive of showing up in the country after many years of silent absence especially in the backdrop of such "revolutionary" destruction and chaos created by western agents throughout the muslim world these days.

& all the others who,want good practices in ECP, to stop muk-muka mafia win again?lol
Where is prove that Cheif justice Iftikhar chaudry took aoth from Musharaf ??
Any picture??? Is it true ?

Obviously, that's how a Chief Justice is appointed - you MUST take an oath to the constitution of Pakistan and it is read out by the President who at that time was Musharraf.

Qadri have shown the mirror to MR Respectable Chief Justice sahib, CJ cud easily have declined the petition but instead he accepted it just to insult Qadri infront of media and people of pakistan, he shud have realized earlier that qadri is not gilani he is a scholar who travels to 93 countries and now u can see the end result, no one dare to ask from CJ that what happened to arsalan iftikhar case ? why there is no follow up on decisions that has been given by SC on various cases in last few years ? why Raja rental and others not arrested ? No media anchor have guts to ask these questions on media from CJ cuz might is always right.
well someone should ask TUQ that he and his allies the MQM supported MUSHARRAF too and his rally had FULL MUSHARRAF SUPPORT!!! what about that qadri jee??

and Musharraf was and is a PAKISTANI NATIONAL till this date!!!! he has NOT TAKEN OATH UNDER THE QUEEN!
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