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Yogi Adityanath To Be New Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister

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The thing is, he is saying something I know to be a fact. Most Hindus absolutely loath Muslims. They want us all dead and buried. In a way its refreshing to hear a Hindu openly say it rather than run around in circles like reatrded chicken. The reason why this guy has got his point across clear and concise is that he is being honest. Hindus want to lay waste to everything Muslim all the way to Istanbul.

Well the thing is those Muslism who opposed Pakistan are now getting a rude awakening about how it is living under fundamentalist hindus rule (aka Hindu Talibans).

Their forefathers made this choice, now unfortunately they have to bear with consequences.

But it is good that world is seeing the real face of fanatic India where a person openly advocating r@ping of dead minority women is elected as a CM.
well we knew this a decade ago, since the gujrat violence india was turning into a hindu terrorist nation.
look a modi the US rejected him a visa for near enough 12 years because everyone in the west knew he was a terrorist leader.

don't get scared of hindus bro, we carved out 2 countries out of hindustan in 1947 we can do that again if we wanted.

Bro, we wont have to do it. If this the attitude of most Hindus these days, then it will occur by default. Nothing to fear but fear itself. This guy is telling us that Hindus want a mass culling of Muslims. Any surprise that Modi appointed that Muslim hating filthy Yogi with such fanfare? These guys will push Muslims to revolt. It will be a bloodbath, and I used those exact words a few days ago on this very thread. It will be interesting to see how Turks and all the oher Muslims between India and Turkey feel about the coming Hindu revenge invasion. LOL! This guy is threatening Turkey as well! LOL
Oh no no, Pakistanis Indian Muslim's and fattu Hindu seculars will get all the love.we have no issues with pathans or afghans.

Okay. You said the Muslim world will feel the reverbrations of your revenge all the way to Turkey. Why Turkey and which other countries are on your hit list? Dont backtrack now. You mentioned Istanbul. That is in Turkey. What is your beef with Turks bwana?
You are the one talking like a girl now,my post is very clear.I said the impact will be felt in istanbul,that is if they care about you guys or those thinking of a civil war in India

Yes, but how will the impact be felt in Istanbul? And dont get personal with me. Keep it civil.
When was the last time we saw Indians talking so much about Sindh's chief minister, or KPK's chief minister :lol:

You defend a rapist. What does that make you or do you have no shame left inside you whatsoever. You dont talk about our CM because in Pakistan we dont elect mass murderers and rapists to public office. You Indian Hindus have no shame left do you?

Most sikhs who fought the Afghans were vegetarians,meat does nothing to you.I want to know why it is always about pathans in the pak army,punjabis don't have any testosterone?

I assume it will bother erdogan,if it doesn't much better.

Nope, that's not what you meant. You are backtracking.
Of course not. My worry is not for us. It is India's Muslims. They are surrounded and unarmed and these people will try and destroy them. If I was an Indian Muslim I would be seriously thinking about collective defence. Pakistan needs to give Indian Muslims the means to agitate for a separate State.

nah stop back tracking like a typical scared indian. why did you get scared bro

you said culling muslims so the number go back to 700AD. don't forget that because we won't

See, now he is lying. LOL! They cant stay honest for too long!
My point is very clear about what we will do of Muslim's try to riot in India.period.you can assume whatever you want.

Three paragraph reply to one of mine? Haha,looks like I indeed proved my point.
go eat some more sabzi you RSS warrior you have done enough of your own baasti for today. I'm still laughing at how you were trying to portray yourself as some sort of hindu extremists ready to murder muslims in india. i was sitting there laughing my head off imagine what i would do if you said to my face, i would laugh in your face
My point is very clear about what we will do of Muslim's try to riot in India.period.you can assume whatever you want.

That's not what you said. You said all Hindus hate Muslims and that you want to cull the Muslim population back to pre-700AD levels and that Istanbul will feel the impact of what you do with Muslims in India. Dont backtrack. For a moment I thought you were the big bad Hindu warrior with a spine! LOL! What happened? Stand by your convictions.
Of course not. My worry is not for us. It is India's Muslims. They are surrounded and unarmed and these people will try and destroy them. If I was an Indian Muslim I would be seriously thinking about collective defence. Pakistan needs to give Indian Muslims the means to agitate for a separate State.

See, now he is lying. LOL! They cant stay honest for too long!

bro he probably works in call centre in PUNE talking calls all day hating life so he's come up with the RSS warrior wet dreams to satisfy himself.

imagine being scared of vegetarian lol
bro he probably works in call centre in PUNE talking calls all day hating life so he's come up with the RSS warrior wet dreams to satisfy himself.

imagine being scared of vegetarian lol

Too hard to imagine.
well we knew this a decade ago, since the gujrat violence india was turning into a hindu terrorist nation.
look a modi the US rejected him a visa for near enough 12 years because everyone in the west knew he was a terrorist leader.

don't get scared of hindus bro, we carved out 2 countries out of hindustan in 1947 we can do that again if we wanted.

@The Eagle where is the action...these guys flooding threads trolling, Insulting, derailing thread like this...
hahahah typical indian showing how scared they are.

they know pathans will rip them apart to shreds so they are oh we don't have any problems with them.

news flash buddy pathans = muslim and you vegertian hindus are child play to them. they won't just kill you they will destroy your future generations.
hindu auqaat is drinking cow piss we pakistanis and the country you are visiting laugh at you imbeciles.

you are a hindu bro you aren't even a real man you don't eat meat. you can't show us anything except your small hearts

you don't know what its like to be brave, no indians does
Bro, we wont have to do it. If this the attitude of most Hindus these days, then it will occur by default. Nothing to fear but fear itself. This guy is telling us that Hindus want a mass culling of Muslims. Any surprise that Modi appointed that Muslim hating filthy Yogi with such fanfare? These guys will push Muslims to revolt. It will be a bloodbath, and I used those exact words a few days ago on this very thread. It will be interesting to see how Turks and all the oher Muslims between India and Turkey feel about the coming Hindu revenge invasion. LOL! This guy is threatening Turkey as well! LOL

@waz @WebMaster
@waz @WebMaster

@The Eagle look at his guys post.. apart abuses these guy doing nothing..even though i reported them, no action taken... just for pointing some of these posts you deleted my post and issued warning.. what a biased view is this.. don't you think these guy using thread to abuse

A baseless claim and not a plausible way to complain by making accusations. However, as you have reported then it is necessary to wait.
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