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Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her


When will you post the other half of the survey?

Also, my stories included words from the president of Africa's most developed nation...hardly an opinion that you can discard as some shopkeeper not being happy with cheap China made goods.
But im guessing you will try anything now, as you have already started with personal attacks.

do you know you are just talking about some individual stories and I m talking the opinions of the general public??they are not on the same level,you are doing the nitpicking and I m just telling you what most Africans think about China.
what do you mean the other half,I gave you link and open and find whatever you want in it.here we are talking about Africa,don't drag countries like Japan in.

Saw no link in your posts...just a quote without a link. A quote that had the same thing written twice over.
I never mentioned Japan. You must have me confused with someone else whose opinion you are trying to shape.

#edit: i see a link now

four.rdaili.com ?-?-web?-?

What the fuck is this?

Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010. Among the countries surveyed both in 2010 and 2011, an average of 44 per cent say that China has a positive influence in the world, compared to 40 per cent in 2010. The proportion of people holding the opposite view remained steady (38%).

Despite this overall improvement, the spread by country is split (as was the case in 2010): 13 countries hold positive views, 13 hold negative views, and one is divided.

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%). In Latin America, views of China are also generally very positive, with majorities in Chile (61%), Peru (57%), and Brazil (55%) having positive views of China's influence.


Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010. Among the countries surveyed both in 2010 and 2011, an average of 44 per cent say that China has a positive influence in the world, compared to 40 per cent in 2010. The proportion of people holding the opposite view remained steady (38%).

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%). In Latin America, views of China are also generally very positive, with majorities in Chile (61%), Peru (57%), and Brazil (55%) having positive views of China's influence.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...a-food-aid-but-learn-her-3.html#ixzz2JMoaa0Ip

link with same thing written twice over.

is it a personal attack that you claimed I launched on you?

Every job as long as it is not stealing is honorable...you should not be ashamed.
When you learn to talk about China not only in superlatives, when you stop hiding stuff, when you in general become more honest, then you will not be known by that name.
Try this and find it out where China is most popular in this world.

BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries


Every job as long as it is not stealing is honorable...you should not be ashamed.

Ok,it seems like your ethnics telling you that smearing and slurring people with false accusation is prefectly.ok,I got it.
Try this and find it out where China is most popular in this world.

BBC Poll: Attitudes towards Countries


Views of China have deteriorated sharply over the last year, but a plurality continues to view China positively in the world. Among the 20 countries polled both years, the number rating China mainly positively has dropped from 13 countries in 2004 to eight today, while those rating it negatively have risen from three countries to seven. On average, positive ratings of China have dropped 9 points

From the text box beside the chart you showed.

,it seems like your ethnics telling you that smearing and slurring people with false accusation is prefectly.ok,I got it.

Above should prove that it is not baseless smearing and false accusations and that you indeed withhold the whole truth and only expose the best bits.
We can all do that, buddy, problem is noone worth his weight in salt will believe it.
positive rate dropped mainly in Europe and Canada,of course they do,in recent years we beat in many sector and the west feels the heat.it's quite normal and I expect more dropping in the future,and I told you we are talking about Africa in this thread and let's not drag in other countries.that truth in Africa is clearly stated in the article.please be reasonable.
Positive views are particularly widespread in Africa—especially Senegal (73% positive), Nigeria (68%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (59%), Kenya (59%) and Tanzania (53%)
positive rate dropped mainly in Europe and Canada,of course they do,in recent years we beat in many sector and the west feels the heat.it's quite normal and I expect more dropping in the future,

Yes, indeed, everyone loves people with no respect for intellectual property, that deceive to gain knowledge, fake audit books and so on. But i'm sure that has nothing to do with the drop in ratings. Where i live a Chinese restaurant owner was caught red handed transporting rotten sea food for his restaurant in his (non-refrigerated) van.

Just a small example of how your people fail....and this is no smearing, it's just facts.

I told you we are talking about Africa in this thread and let's not drag in other countries.that truth in Africa is clearly stated in the article.please be reasonable.

When will you post the other half of the first report you quoted?

From the hand that feeds you.....

Lu Youqing continued to give some more explanation regarding the abovementioned. The ambassador said that Chinese businesspeople like to seek small economic gains through unfair means, which only damages their reputation. The fake shabby goods these people sell have greatly affected their image – and not for the better. As a result, locals often associate Chinese products with poor quality. In addition, those businesspeople might from time to time engage in illegal activities such as tax evasion. Meanwhile, the ignorance and disrespect they often show towards religion make the religious locals think less of them.

Zhu Jinfeng expressed the same concerns, noting that some illegal activities and poor quality commodities have left the Chinese with a bad reputation. He also said that bereft of any in-depth understanding of the local market, some Chinese companies spend lavishly, only with the aim to raise local food and housing prices.

Bad rep for Chinese communities in Africa - China.org.cn

<so, thus far i gave you words from your own government, from president of SA, while you have given me poll that was made on the base of 1000 people asked.
What has more weight? Be reasonable......:partay:
China is doing great in Africa as mentioned two ways trade is more than 200 billion but china has been criticized for turning blind eye to issues in Africa

Criticized by whom? by the Western press? Big ******* deal. For all of their "freedom", the Western press does the bid of their countries' governments. They cheer for the "interventions" their governments launch, no matter how unpopular they turn out to be among the populations of the countries being invaded. At this point China is focused on nurturing its economy; it isn't prepared yet to become the world's police. But even when it is, if it wants to strengthen its soft power, it'd do well to avoid behaving like the West has done thus far.

The Africans are thankful:

while exploiting it of natural resource

Everyone does that, as Africa hardly has anything else to offer. But of course, when the West does it, it's called 'investment'; when China, it's 'exploitation'.
it seems that I have to post it again,the Africans general public opinions about China,and this thread is talking about China's role in Africa,dont try to hijack this thread with irrlevant trash talk.

Positive views are particularly widespread in Africa&#8212;especially Senegal (73% positive), Nigeria (68%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (59%), Kenya (59%) and Tanzania (53%)


We are helping Africa

When they are in trouble, they are not required to fill out forms before our aid reaches them. We built their trans-naiton railways during the Mao's era. As regard to trade, they have the option of not entering into contracts with us. But for these humanitarian aid, no contracts are signed.

Just one word RESPECT
Good job china
when China offers money and builds roads,schools,railways,hospitals,factories,the west calling us colonizing Africa,when the west sending troops to kill,mecenaries to kidnap Africans and sold them into slavery,they term that as civilizing the local people...see what the west did to Africa over the years and how much damage they inflicted to the continent,and see what China did in just 10 years.all those huge projects that benefit the local people,we did them in just 10 years.

CNN report:
China has certainly been contributing to Africa&#8217;s economic growth, both in terms of trade and with building infrastructure. All over the continent, it has built roads, railways, ports, airports, and more, filling a critical gap that western donors have been shy to provide and unblocking major bottlenecks to growth.

The rehabilitated 840-mile Benguela railway line, for example, now connects Angola&#8217;s Atlantic coast with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. And Chinese-financed roads have cut journey times from Ethiopia&#8217;s hinterland to the strategic port of Djibouti, facilitating livestock exports.

the west goes to Africa with guns and whips,we go there with money and engineering techology,we changed many lives for good in Africa in a short span of time,the western dominion over Africa is a history of blood and death.
it seems that I have to post it again,the Africans general public opinions about China,and this thread is talking about China's role in Africa,dont try to hijack this thread with irrlevant trash talk.

lol, you're so weak.....hahahahahaha, where is the other half of the report? This thing which you quoted is not the same report.

Positive views are particularly widespread in Africa&#8212;especially Senegal (73% positive), Nigeria (68%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (59%), Kenya (59%) and Tanzania (53%)

The report which you peddle now.

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%). In Latin America, views of China are also generally very positive, with majorities in Chile (61%), Peru (57%), and Brazil (55%) having positive views of China's influence.

The report which you peddled earlier, that is missing the negative views half. Note how the % change in the case of Nigeria and Kenya. And you believe in polls as something noone can dispute.


when China offers money and builds roads,schools,railways,hospitals,factories,the west calling us colonizing Africa,when the west sending troops to kill,mecenaries to kidnap Africans and sold them into slavery,they term that as civilizing the local people...see what the west did to Africa over the years and how much damage they inflicted to the continent,and see what China did in just 10 years.all those huge projects that benefit the local people,we did them in just 10 years.

needs size 4, or size 5 even for maximum ranting effect! :lol:

Keep building infrastructure, make sure bridges hold more then 70 tons, so tanks can roll over them without fear of collapse. Thanks.
lol,it's evident that you went nuts when seeing other PDF users threw their support to China and sneered at western propaganda.see,people have their mind.they have their own judgement to tell right or wrong,so,stop ranting,see what other people say about this thread.
Criticized by whom? by the Western press? Big ******* deal. For all of their "freedom", the Western press do the bid of their countries' governments. They cheer for the "interventions" their those governments launch, no matter how unpopular they turn out to be among the populations of those countries. At this China is focused at nurturing its economy; it isn't prepared yet to become the world's police. But even when it is, if it wants to strengthen its soft power, it'd do well to avoid behaving like the West has done thus far.

The Africans are thankful:

Everyone does that, as Africa hardly has anything else to offer. But of course, when the West does it, it's called 'investment'; when China, it's 'exploitation'.

before you jump up and down like yo-yo and start swearing, know the facts !!

I cleared mentioned why china was criticized , the western govt didn't criticize china on the "African whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots" or having to work for 2 yrs before you get safety gear as mention in the article by Audio.

it was criticized for supplying arms and using veto against sanction that lead to Darfur massacre where more than half a million died. it also vetoed in favor of president of Sudan for crimes against humanity coz of its oil investment in Sudan

China found itself on the wrong side of history and with the creation of south Sudan( where most of the oil is ), its people will remember that.

All isn't bad about china , neither is everything a fairy tale !
One thing I find is that Western media will report negative story of Chinese in Africa. Every single article from AP to the Economist fits the white man's narrative.

If you actually read what real African read from African media, they tells a different stories. What Africans thinks from a no name African media or website speaks more volumes than what a white man writes in the office of their Western media outlet.

Don't show articles about Chinese in Africa from the Western media and expect it to be neutral.
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