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Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

Not trying to belittle China, but propaganda on humanitarian assistance (what beijingwalker is doing) should be avoided.

AFP: US pledges $100 million in East Africa hunger aid

Numbers count: China: 1.9 Billion Shillings (= USD 19 million)

USA: USD 100 million

Thanks to both USA and China.

With the good harvests, I believe even India could offer 5 or 10 million USD worth of food aid.

$1 donated with a smile is better than $100 donated with a grudge.
this one single donation is bigger than
Numbers count: China: 1.9 Billion Shillings (= USD 19 million)
,dont know where you get that number.

China makes single largest grain donation to Africa: official
English.news.cn 2011-10-23 22:40:41

BEIJING, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- China has delivered food donations worth 443.2 million yuan (69.58 million U.S. dollars) to the Horn of Africa which is suffering from severe drought and famine, a Chinese official said Sunday.
China now Africa's largest trading partner

10:58, November 18, 2011

Beijing, Nov.18
--China has become Africa's largest trading partner, with bilateral trade growing 28 percent per year from 2001 to 2010, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said on Nov. 16.

China-Africa economic and trade relations have developed explosively in recent years, and their bilateral multi-level, multi-sector cooperation has been playing an irreplaceable role in the social and economic development of both sides.
I hope those african countries can appreciate what China has helped during their suffering time.

I hope they will not jump onto those western bandwagon so quickly later to bash China with just a little incentives from the west.
I hope those african countries can appreciate what China has helped during their suffering time.

I hope they will not jump onto those western bandwagon so quickly later to bash China with just a little incentives from the west.

western incentives will be weaker and weaker and China's clout will be bigger and bigger,that's the trend which has no turning back.
China now has tremendous wealth likes to share with many developing countries.
western incentives will be weaker and weaker and China's clout will be bigger and bigger,that's the trend which has no turning back.

Helping others to help themselves

More than half the money spent on helping poor countries comes from the EU and its member countries, making it the world's biggest aid donor.

But development policy is about more than just providing clean water and surfaced roads, important though these are. The EU also uses trade to drive development by opening its markets to exports from poor countries and encouraging them to trade more with each other.


Such a feel good thread you are having, i had to trash it with some facts that are based on reality and not fantasies of being most respected lol...

We have way fewer politics in those aid packages than those from the west.

BS, it is all tied to mining rights and buying of land to plant food, since China is an arid land.
Once feted as saviours in much of Africa, Chinese have come to be viewed with mixed feelings—especially in smaller countries where China's weight is felt all the more. To blame, in part, are poor business practices imported alongside goods and services. Chinese construction work can be slapdash and buildings erected by mainland firms have on occasion fallen apart. A hospital in Luanda, the capital of Angola, was opened with great fanfare but cracks appeared in the walls within a few months and it soon closed. The Chinese-built road from Lusaka, Zambia's capital, to Chirundu, 130km (81 miles) to the south-east, was quickly swept away by rains.

He still finds business is good, perhaps even better than last time. But African attitudes have changed. His partners say he is ripping them off. Chinese goods are held up as examples of shoddy work. Politics has crept into encounters. The word “colonial” is bandied about. Children jeer and their parents whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots.

Employees at times fare little better than the environment. At Chinese-run mines in Zambia's copper belt they must work for two years before they get safety helmets. Ventilation below ground is poor and deadly accidents occur almost daily. To avoid censure, Chinese managers bribe union bosses and take them on “study tours” to massage parlours in China. Obstructionist shop stewards are sacked and workers who assemble in groups are violently dispersed. When cases end up in court, witnesses are intimidated.

The Chinese in Africa: Trying to pull together | The Economist

Rest of the article is equally interesting :china:
If China is not doing great in Africa,how came we became the their biggest trading partner and why the west is worried so much and consistently slurs us with bad propaganda.
If China is not doing great in Africa,how came we became the their biggest trading partner and why the west is worried so much and consistently slurs us with bad propaganda.

China is doing great in Africa as mentioned two ways trade is more than 200 billion but china has been criticized for turning blind eye to issues in Africa ( like Zimbabwe regime and use of veto during Darfur massacre- this is pivot as west stunned by this ) while exploiting it of natural resource couple with bribing official and turning blind eye general issue of Africa among other things.

Chinese business do what it take to just make a quick buck .. hence the reactions is not what you seem..

Rest of it you can read in the link posted by Audio above

No different what the European did 100 + yrs ago , but nowadays more people know about it
Look at this white guy crying :lol:

Ye, im crying tears of laughter when i read a hospital Chinese built was constructed so poorly it had to be closed down in a few months.

If China is not doing great in Africa,how came we became the their biggest trading partner and why the west is worried so much and consistently slurs us with bad propaganda.


To put things into perspective for you....how can you say it is bad propaganda? You dont like truth be told?
Why is China not helping their deeper than ocean friend Pakistan when she need it more than African countries
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